COMS W1004 Programming Project 3


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Problem 1 (30 points)**
Programming Project P6.5 in *Big Java*. In this problem you are asked to adjust the level of play of the computer player randomly. In addition to this you must also allow the level of play to be specified manually when the game is instantiated. To do this you must *overload* the Game class constructor.

I have provided templates for the following files:

* ``: This is the test class. *Do not modify it*.
* ``: This class should be completed by you.
* ``: This class should be completed by you.
* ``: This class should be completed by you.

**Problem 2 (30 points)**
Programming Project P8.7 in *Big Java*.

This time I have provided a single template only, ``. Your code *must* work with the ZipTest class I have provided.

**What to hand in:**
In addition to the source files for your programs include a single text file named readMe.txt with an explanation of what you did for each programming problem. That is, write in plain English, instructions for using your software, explanations for how and why you chose to design your code the way you did. The readMe.txt file is also an opportunity for you to get partial credit when certain requirements of the assignment are not met.

### Submitting your assignment
Please develop your programs on Codio but submit all of your work on Canvas. You must export source code files from Codio, then together with your readMe.txt file compress the files into a single zip file and submit it on Canvas. The compressed file you submit should be named [your UNI] so for example my submission would be called

### A word about Grading:
Each programming question on assignment will be graded as follows:

* 30% if it compiles
* 30% if it runs properly (expected output for given input, etc.)
* 20% for style (formatting of code, variable names, comments, etc. Use the style guide posted on Coursworks!)
* 20% for design (efficiency, class orginaization, method length, etc…)

Please make sure your programs at least compile before you submit them! There will be no partial credit for a program that “almost” compiles.