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Task 1: Graph Building [5 marks]
You were given a map of the region. Create a Graph (preferably with adjacent lists) that
represents all the places of the region. To help us calculate, we shall assign a number to
each of the places on the map:
Places Designated Number Connected Places
Pallet Town (Starting Point) 1 2
Cerulean City 2 3, 4, 5
Celadon City 3 4,7,11
Lavender Town 4
Viridian City 5 6, 7
Cinnabar Island 6 7, 8
Fuchsia City 7 11
Safari Zone 8 9, 10
Team Rocket’s Lair 9 10
Indigo Plateau 10 11
Pewter City 11 12
Victory Road (Destination) 12
Sample Inputs:
1 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 4
3 7
3 11
5 6
5 7
6 7
6 8
7 11
8 9
8 10
9 10
10 11
11 12
[Here in the first row, 12 means the number
of places. In the second row, 17 means the
total number of connections. The third row
indicates that 1 and 2 are connected. The
same rule applies for the rest of the rows.
Assume that the first place is the Starting
point and the last place is the destination]
1 2
2 3 4 5
3 4 7 11
5 6 7
6 7 8
7 11
8 9 10
9 10
10 11
11 12
[Here in the first row, 12 means the number of
places. In the second row, 1 is connected to
2. In the third row, 2 is connected to 3, 4, and
5. The same rule applies for the rest of the
rows. Assume that the first place is the
Starting point and the last place is the
Create a graph using the above values!
Task 2: Breadth-First Search (BFS) [5 marks]
Since you are a genius and you have an idea of the BFS algorithm, you can calculate
the least number of cities you need to visit to get to your destination, Victory Road.
Implement a BFS algorithm to determine the places you need to visit to get to the
victory road!
Sample Pseudocode for the BFS implementation: (You are allowed to try different
approaches with same or less time complexity, but the outputs must match)
visited =[0]*noOfPlacesOrNodes , queue =[]
BFS (visited, graph, node, endPoint)
Do visited[int(node)-1] 1
Do queue append(node)
While queue not empty
Do m pop()
Print m // [into output text file]
If m= endPoint break
For each neighbour of m in graph
If visited[int(neighbour)-1] = 0
Do visited[int(neighbour)-1] 1
Do queue append(neighbour)
Read data from input.txt and create a graph
BFS(visited, graph, ‘1’, ‘12’)
Sample Inputs:
Same as Task 1
Sample Output:
Places: 1 2 3 4 5 7 11 6 12
Task 3: Depth-First Search (DFS) [5 Marks]
Now, imagine your rival, Gary, who was also sent to the Pokémon world, wants to
become Pokémon master before you. He is planning to get to Victory Road using the
DFS algorithm. Implement a DFS algorithm to determine the places he needs to visit to
get to the victory road!
Sample Pseudocode for the DFS implementation: (You are allowed to try different
approaches with same or less time complexity, but the outputs must match)
visited =[0]*noOfPlacesOrNodes
printed = [] #this will store the graph traversing sequence
DFS_VISIT (graph, node)
Do visited[int(node)-1] 1
For each node in in graph[node]
If node not visited
DFS_VISIT (graph, node)
#This part is needed if the graph is disconnected.
DFS (graph, endPoint)
For each node in graph
If node not visited
DFS_VISIT (graph, node)
Print “printed” list in a loop till you get the end point
Read data from input.txt and create a graph
DFS(graph, ‘12’)
Sample Inputs:
Same as Task 1
Sample Output:
Places: 1 2 3 4 7 11 12
Task 4
Dalai Lama is visiting Maldives, the land of a thousand islands. There are a total of N islands in
Maldives numbered from 1 to N. All pairs of islands are connected to each other by bidirectional
bridges running over water.
Given Dalai Lama’s health condition, crossing these bridges requires a lot of effort. He is
standing at Island #1 and wants to reach the Island #N, where he will attend a ceremony where
leaders of all countries are gathered to celebrate his life and achievements. Find the minimum
number of bridges that Dalai Lama shall have to cross, if he takes the optimal route.
First line contains T. T test cases follow.
First line of each test case contains two space-separated integers N, M.
Each of the next M lines contains two space-separated integers X and Y, denoting that there is a
bridge between Island X and Island Y.
Print the answer to each test case in a new line.
1 ≤ T ≤ 10
1 ≤ N ≤ 104
1 ≤ M ≤ 105
1 ≤ X, Y ≤ N
Sample Input:
2 #– there are 2 graphs in the test case (text file)
3 2 #– 3 indicates that the first graph contains 3 vertices. 2 indicates the number of
1 2 # – there is a connection between vertex 1 and 2
2 3 #– there is a connection between vertex 2 and 3
4 4 #- 4 indicates that the second graph contains 4 vertices. 4 indicates the number
of edges/connections
1 2 #– there is a connection between vertex 1 and 2
2 3 #– there is a connection between vertex 2 and 3
3 4 #– there is a connection between vertex 3 and 4
4 2 #– there is a connection between vertex 4 and 2
Sample Output:
Task 5: Comparison [5 Marks]
Now, calculate the time-complexity of the BFS (Task 2) and DFS (Task 3) algorithms
you used (both for matrix and adjacency list). Also show who gets to the victory road
first and why.
Not mandatory task (But Try it for Yourself): (No marks)
1. Can you print the places’ names instead of the designated numbers as output?
2. The given BFS code will not work for disconnected graphs. Can you modify this
bfs code so that it can work for disconnected graphs as well?
3. Can you detect the cycle using dfs?
If you don’t know these, try to find it out. Take help from STs and faculties .
Remember that: a bit more learning will never hurt.