CSc 352: Assignment 3


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The purpose of this assignment is to do more work with strings and arrays, and perhaps
experiment with using pointers. You should use scanf to read in the strings. We’ve seen
examples in class on how to do that.

General Requirements

1. Your C code should adhere to the coding standards for this class as listed in the
Documents section on the Resources tab for Piazza.

2. Your programs should indicate if they executed without any problems via their exit
status, i.e., the value returned by the program when it terminates:
Execution Exit Status
Normal, no problems 0
Error or problem encountered 1

3. Under bash you can check the exit status of a command or program cmd by typing the
command “echo $?” immediately after the execution of cmd. A program can exit with
status n by executing “exit(n)” anywhere in the program, or by having main() execute
the statement “return(n)”.

4. Remember your code will be graded on lectura using a grading script. You should test
your code on lectura using the diff command to compare your output to that of the
example executable.

5. To get full points your code should compile without warnings or errors when the -Wall
flag is set in gcc

6. Anytime you input a string you must protect against a buffer overflow. Review slides 82
– 87 of the basic_C deck. For this assignment what that means is you should never have a
statement like scanf(“%s”, str) but instead use something like
scanf(“%16s”, str) where the number (in this case 16) is one less than the size of
the char array str. (In this case str would be declared by: char str[17]; )


Example executables of the programs will be made available. You should copy and run these
programs on lectura to test your program’s output and to answer questions you might have about
how the program is supposed to operate. Our class has a home directory on lectura which is:

You all have access to this directory. The example programs will always be in the appropriate
assignments/assg#/prob# subdirectory of this directory. They will have the same name as the
assigned program with “ex” added to the start and the capitalization changed to maintain
camelback. So, for example, if the assigned program is theBigProgram, then the example
executable will be named exTheBigProgram. You should use the appropriate UNIX
commands to copy these executables to your own directory.

Your programs will be graded by a script. This will include a timeout for all test cases. There
must be a timeout or programs that don’t terminate will cause the grading script to never finish.
This time out will never be less than 10 times the time it takes the example executable to
complete with that test input and will usually be much longer than that. If your program takes an
exceedingly long time to complete compared to the example code, you may want to think about
how to clean up your implementation.

You will be required to include a Makefile with each program. Running the command:
make progName
should create the executable file progName, where progName is the program name listed for the
problem. The gcc command in your Makefile must include the -Wall flag. Other than that, the
command may have any flags you desire

Submission Instructions

Your solutions are to be turned in on the host Since the assignment will
be graded by a script, it is important you have the directory structure and the names of the files
exact. Remember that UNIX is case sensitive, so make sure the capitalization is also correct. For
all our assignments the directory structure should be as follows: The root directory will be named
assg#, where # is the number of the current assignment. Inside that directory should be a
subdirectory for each problem. These directories will be named prob# where # is the number of
the problem within the assignment. Inside these directories should be any files required by the
problem descriptions. For this assignment the directory structure should look like:
To submit your solutions, go to the directory containing your assg3 directory and use the
following command:
turnin cs352f18-assg3 assg3


prob1 splitString
This problem is designed to give you experience manipulating a string. I would encourage you to
try to use pointers, but you can use indexes into an array if you prefer. Because of what I want
you to learn with this program, there are several restrictions on what you can do. Please take note
of the Restrictions section. If you violate these restrictions, you will not receive credit for
this program.

You will write a program in a source file called splitString.c and a Makefile which creates an
executable called splitString that reads in a sequence of strings using scanf() and looks for the
dash character, ‘-‘, which it uses as a separator. It then prints the portions of the string separated
by dashes on separate lines. For example, if the input is:
then the program would output:

Your program should use scanf() to read the strings until EOF is reached. (i.e. until no more
strings may be read in)
Error conditions: There are no error conditions for this program.
Special cases: Dashes at the start and end of the string should be removed. Likewise, multiple
consecutive dashes should be treated as a single dash. Thus if the string input is:
then the input should be:
with no blank lines.

Assumptions: You may assume no string is longer than 255 characters.
1. I want you to get practice manipulating strings on your own, so for this program only
you may NOT use any functions from the string.h library. Do not include this
library in this program.

2. Let’s pretend you’re space limited so your program may only include one char array of
size 256. Your program must NOT declare any other arrays. Thus you must accomplish
your task by manipulating the array that contains the input. For a hint of how to do this,
review question 3 on quiz 2.

prob2: cipher
Write a C program, in a file cipher.c, and a Makefile that creates an executable called cipher
that implements a very simple substitution cipher, a described below, on strings it reads in. (This
program can be seen as a generalization of the rot-13 cipher in that that it admits rotation by
amounts other than just 13.)

 Program behavior: Your program will read in, from stdin, a decimal integer N (which
may be positive, zero, or negative) followed by zero or more alphanumeric strings (see
the C library function isalnum()). Each alphanumeric string will be rotated by the
amount N and the result S printed to stdout using the statement
printf(“%s\n”, S);

Rotations should be done as follows:
o Only letters are rotated; digits remain unchanged.
o Rotation preserves case: rotating an upper-case letter produces an upper-case
letter, and similarly with lower-case letters.
o The result of rotating a letter can be specified by arranging all the upper-case
letters in a clockwise circle, as shown here, and analogously for lower-case

A positive value of N means that letters are rotated clockwise by N positions in
this circle, e.g., if N = 3 then A becomes D, c becomes f, Y becomes B, etc. A
negative value of N means that letters are rotated counter-clockwise by N
positions in this circle, e.g., if N = –2 then A becomes Y, c becomes a, Y becomes
W, etc. If N = 0, no rotation takes place.

Notice that the magnitude of N may be larger than 26. In this case, you just “go
around the circle” as many times as necessary. Thus, the behavior for N = 30 is
the same as that for N = 4.

 Input format: The first item read from stdin is an integer value (the value may be
positive, zero, or negative). The upper and lower bounds on the possible values of this
value are determined by the largest and smallest values that can be taken on by a signed

This is followed by a sequence of zero or more alphanumeric strings. You may assume
that each such string is at most 64 characters long.
 Error conditions: It is an error the first input to the program is not a number. In this
case, your program should give an error message and exit with exit code 1.
It is an error for any of the remaining input strings to contain any non-alphanumeric
characters. In this case, your program should give an appropriate error message, ignore
the offending string (and so not produce any output), and continue processing any
remaining input. If such an error occurs, the exit code for the program when it eventually
exits should be 1.

 Example:
Suppose that the input is
2 abC42 8xZ5e w
The output should be
Suppose that the input is
-2 abC42 8xZ5e w
The output should be
prob3: vowels
Write a program, in a file vowels.c and a Makefile that creates an executable vowels that behaves
as specified below.

 Definitions:

o For the purposes of this assignment, a word is any sequence of upper- and lowercase letters. For example, uncle and clever are words, but abc$!^def and cl3v3r
are not. This definition implies that a word can be read in using scanf(“%s”
…), but requires additional checking to ensure that it is in fact a valid word.
o Vowels are the characters: a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, U
o The vowels in a word are said to occur in order in a word w if and only if the
following holds: for any two vowels v1 and v2 occurring in w, if v1 comes before
v2 in the English alphabet, then every position in which v1 occurs in w comes
before every position in which v2 occurs.

 Behavior: Your program should repeatedly read in words from the input until no more
words can be read in. For each word read in, your program should determine whether or
not the vowels that occur in that word occur in order. Note that this does not require all of
the vowels to occur in a word; however, those vowels that do occur in the word should
occur in order. Your program should print out the value 1 on stdout if the word contains
the vowels in order, and 0 if not, as described under “Output” below.

You should not distinguish between upper and lower case letters for this problem. Thus,
the word abstEmiOus should be considered to have the vowels in order. The simplest
way to deal with this is to convert all of the letters in the input word to the same case,
either upper or lower, before processing it further: see the library functions toupper()
and tolower().

If an input string is not a word according to the definition above, your program should
give an appropriate error message, discard that string, and continue processing.
Your program’s exit status should be 0 if no errors were encountered during processing, 1
if any error was encountered.

 Output: For each word, the value val indicating whether or not it contains vowels in
order should be printed using the statement
printf(“%d\n”, val)
 Assumptions: You may assume that each input word is at most 64 characters long.
 Error cases: Input string contains one or more non-letter characters.
 Example: Given the input
The output generated should be