DSCC465 Int. to Statistical Machine Learning Problem Set – 3


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In this homework, you have three questions. The first question is worth 20 points. The remaining
two questions are each worth 40 points.
1) Read the following highly-cited article by Fearon and Laitin (2003):
Answer the following:
a. What is the paper about? (Please write a paragraph – max. 250 words)
b. How many observations do authors have in their dataset? What does each
observation represent? (=What is the unit of analysis?)
c. What is the identification strategy of the authors? (=What are the different
regression equations they are running?) Please write down in form of equations
and explain. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
d. What do the coefficient values listed in Table 1 represent? (theoretically speaking)
e. Which independent variables have positive coefficients? Which independent
variables have negative coefficients? Which ones are statistically significant?
f. Thinking about the range of your independent variables, which variables do you
think have a greater impact on the dependent variable(s)?
Spring 2022: Int. to Statistical Machine Learning University of Rochester
2) Build a two-class logistic regression model from scratch. You will need to work on the
a. Implement the sigmoid function from scratch and call it sigmoid_f
b. Implement the hypothesis function from scratch and call it classifier_f
c. Implement the entropy function as your cost function and call it
d. Implement gradient descent for logistic regression and call it gradient_f
e. Combining the functionalities of what you have coded above, create an optimizer
function and call it optimizer_f. Note: You should find out the input and
output to the functions above by reviewing the class notes and the textbook; in
other words, this will be part of the challenge! If needed, use 265 as your random
Let’s test your code on a dataset. Load the Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset provided
by sklearn: https://scikitlearn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.datasets.load_breast_cancer.html#sklearn
Now, do the following:
a. Set the target column as your Y variable.
b. Set all other numeric variables (excluding index) as your X matrix.
c. Apply 0-1 normalization on both the X matrix and Y vector.
d. Run logistic regression by using the code you have written (no need to do
train/test split). Set the maximum number of iterations to 10,000.
e. Report the final equation you have obtained for logistic regression.
f. Also indicate which coefficients are positively associated and which
coefficients are negatively associated with the target variable. Rank them
from positive to negative. Interpret the results.
3) Implement the three following cross-validation algorithms from scratch:
a. Leave-one-out cross-validation
b. K-fold cross-validation
c. Train-test split cross-validation
Test your results on the California Housing Dataset:
Now, do the following:
a. Implement the cross-validation algorithms from scratch.
Spring 2022: Int. to Statistical Machine Learning University of Rochester
b. Choose the following features from the dataset as your X matrix: MedInc,
HouseAge, AveRooms, AveBedrms, Population, AveOccup, Latitude, Longitude
c. Choose the following feature from the dataset as your Y matrix: MedHouseVal
d. Apply 0 – 1 normalization on X and Y.
e. Apply the cross-validation algorithms that you implemented to train your model.
(For splitting your data always use 265 as your random number or seed value).
Note: You cannot use the pre-packaged algorithms for splitting the data. To split
the data please do the following:
a. Install the random package written for Python
b. Set (the initial) random.seed() to 265
c. Create a list of integers that will function as your index numbers:
d. Pick one integer for Train-Test Split CV from the list your created in c) to
split 70% of your data as training set and the remaining 30% as the test set.
e. For the K-fold CV, set k = 5. Please divide the dataset into 5 quasi-equal
portions starting from index 0.
f. For LOOCV, start the training by randomly picking a feature vector
associated with an index in your dataset (Reminder: random seed is 265)
– you will need to run the model on every point.
f. Using scikit’s sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression, predict
the house prices by using all of the data in your X matrix. Compare different
techniques of CV. Which CV provides the lowest MSE? Why? Interpret the results.