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Problem 1
Write a Matlab program to demonstrate the effect of the following 2D transformations: translation,
Euclidian, similarity, affine and projective. Transform three different polygons: equilateral triangle, square
and hexagon. Choose the polygon vertices as well as a single transformation matrix for each of the
transformations (total of 5 matrices).
1. Plot each input object and its 5 transformed versions. Clearly label axes and give each plot a
meaningful title.
2. Comment on what characteristics of the shape have been preserved by each of the
3. Print out transformation matrices.
4. Print out in homogeneous & Cartesian coordinates vertices for each input object and each of the
transformed objects.
Please do not use any built-in functions except ones necessary for plotting and vector and matrix algebraic
operations. Submission should include a zipped file with homework report as a PDF file and Matlab code
as one or more .m files.