solved:Computer Systems Project 3


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Write a C program that performs the tasks described below.

The program should expect 3 cmd-line args:
nbytes – number of bytes from the file to mmap into memory
nthreads – number of threads to create to solve the problem

For example:
./p3 file1 100000000 4
The program will mmap 100,000,000 bytes of file1 into memory and
use 4 threads to examine the bytes.

Note that the program will NOT read the file.
Instead it will simply mmap nbytes of the file into memory.

The main will not participate in the computation, but will create
the specified number of threads, and wait for them to complete the
computation, and the main will then print the answer.
At most 8 threads will be specified to be created.

Use long int instead of simple int because there may be more
than 4 GB of data. This implies that you may also want to use
atol instead of atoi.

Use -Ofast as in p1 because performance matters.
In addition to good single-thread performance, the program should
also get reasonable speed-up with multiple threads.

Each file will contain a long string of letters like DNA, i.e. a,c,g,t
The program should determine how many 20-character substrings
contain more than 11 a’s.

For example, in this short string, there are 2 20-character matches:


The program should print one line of output:

TOTAL MATCHES n # where n is replaced by the correct number


TURNIN info:
You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the
required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).
Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir:
tar cvf p3.tar ./p3dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir
After un-tarring the project, I will cd to the dir containing it and type:
rm -rf p3
rm -f *.o
It should build an executable named p3.

The submitted file must:
– be a tar file
– un-tar into the *correct* set of files (above)
– build an executable named p3
else it will NOT be graded further.