solved:Computer Systems Project 4


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Write a C/C++ program that performs the tasks described below.

If there is just 1 command-line argument and it is
you should simply print
hello world
and then exit(0).

The program should fork one process. Have the new process execve the
program named /usr/bin/shuf. Use dup2 (or dup) with a pipe to establish a way
for the original process to capture stdout from shuf. (You do NOT need to
pass stdin to shuf.) The program will accept command-line arguments that it
passes along to shuf via execve. Any valid command-line shuf args may be used
during testing. Sample executions are given below.

Be sure to have this:


as the first executable line in *BOTH* processes, which means you will
need to do it in at least one of the processes after the fork.

Sample runs are provided below.

The original process should capture stdout from shuf and then print EACH line
prefixed by N: where N is replaced by an integer indicating the number of
the line of output, beginning with 1.
For correctness, it is important that EACH line have the prefix.

Suppose that TEMPIN contains these lines:
nashville tennessee
chicago illinois
miami florida

If the program is run as:
then, depending on the order of the shuffle, it might print:
1: chicago illinois
2: miami florida
3: nashville tennessee

If run this way:
./p4 -e chicago illinois nashville tennessee miami florida
then, depending on the order of the shuffle, it might print:
1: chicago
2: florida
3: tennessee
4: illinois
5: nashville
6: miami

Another sample run:
./p4 -i 100-105


TURNIN info:
You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the
required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).
Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir named p4dir:
tar cvf p4.tar ./p4dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir
After un-tarring your project, I will cd to the dir containing
it and type:
rm -rf p4
rm -f *.o
It should build an executable named p4 as described above.

The project must:
– be a tar file
– un-tar into the correct set of files (above)
– build an executable named p4
– run correctly with the -hw command-line arg, printing: hello world
else it will NOT be graded further.