CS151B/EE116C – Homework #3


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Reading Assignment:
• Readings from #2 — Chapter 2: pp. 96-106; Appendix B: pp. B72-B74; Ch 5, 3rd Ed: pp. 318 – 330,
331 – 339.
• Chapter 1: pp. 28-40, 46-48 (performance)
• Chapter 4: pp. 272-288 (pipelining)
• Preparation for next week: Chapter 4: pp. 288-313
(1) Consider the single cycle MIPS implementation with the datapath shown in Figure 4.17 (page 265) in
the book and the control logic implemented based on the truth table in Figure 4.22 (page 269).
Your task is to modify this implementation to add support for the jal (jump and link) instruction,
which is part of the MIPS ISA. This instruction is described on page A-63 in the book.
A) Show any required modifications to the datapath. You can show the modifications on a copy of
Figure 4.17 (available on the class web page, Useful Figures).
Also explain the modifications in words, to make sure your modifications are clear.
In addition, if you need to modify any of the datapath building blocks, draw the implementation
of the modified building blocks and explain the modifications in full detail.
B) Are any new control signals required? If so, list them with an explanation and identify them on
the datapath diagram.
C) Show any necessary changes to the control logic by presenting a modified version of the control
truth table in Figure 4.22 (available on the class web page, Useful Figures). For any entries that
you add, mark all ‘‘don’t cares’’ with an X.
(2) Write a recursive procedure in MIPS assembly language to compute the following function:
recf (n) =

recf (n/4 + 1) + recf (n/2 − 1)
if n = 0
if n = 1
if n > 1
Note that divides by powers of 2 can be implemented using shifts.
The argument n is in register $a0 and the result recf (n) should be returned in register $v0.
Your implementation should follow the definition above inastraightforward way: for n > 1, your
code should recursively call recf (n/4 + 1) as well as recf (n/2 − 1). Within this constraint, make
your code as efficient as possible. The code must follow the standard MIPS calling conventions.
(3) Consider the single cycle MIPS implementation with the datapath shown in Figure 4.17 (page 265) in
the book and the control logic implemented based on the truth table in Figure 4.22 (page 269). The
implementation of the ALU in the datapath is shown in Figure B.5.12, page B-36.
Assume that in the original implementation of the ALU, the time (latency) to perform an AND
operation is exactly the same as the time to perform an OR operation. Due to a change in the
implementation, the time for the ALU to perform an OR operation is doubled. We would like to
predict how this change will affect the time it will take the processor to execute a program that
includes many AND instructions and many OR instructions. The comparison is for the same
program executing on the original implementation and the new implementation.
YT Spring 2018
A) Is it possible that the change in the ALU will result in a change in program execution time? Your
answer must be yes or no.
B) Explain in detail your answer to Part A.
C) Is it likely that the change in the ALU will result in a change in program execution time? Your
answer must be yes or no.
D) Explain in detail your answer to Part C.
(4) Consider the multicycle MIPS implementation shown in the 3rd Edition of the book, Figure 5.28
(page 323) and Figure 5.37 (page 338). Due to a hardware fault (malfunction), there is a short circuit
between the RegWrite and ALUSrcA signals. As a result, whenever the control unit asserts (sets to 1)
one of these signals, the other one is asserted as well. Hence, these signals are 0 only when the
control unit sets both to 0.
Explain in full detail what will be the consequences of this change when the processor executes
programs — how will it change the behavior of the processor as observed by a
user/programmer who does not know and does not care how the processor is implemented
internally? Be sure to clearly identify each and every consequence of this fault in as much detail as
(5) Consider the multicycle implementation shown in the 3rd Edition of the book, Figure 5.28 (page
323) and Figure 5.37 (page 338).
Your task is to modify this implementation so that it supports a new instruction, swdbl (store word
double). The new instruction has exactly the same format as the MIPS sw instruction but with a
different opcode:
101100 Rs Rt Address
The swdbl instruction stores the contents of two registers to memory. The register whose number is
in the Rt field of the instruction is stored to the first word in memory and the next consecutive register
(i.e., register Rt+1) is stored to the next consecutive word in memory. The address into which the first
register is stored is computed using the contents of the Rs register and the immediate field in the same
way as the effective address is computed for the sw instruction. If the Rt field contains the value 31,
the result of the swdbl instruction are undefined. Hence, you can assume that with swdbl the Rt
field is never 31.
Thus, for example, swdbl $5,20($10) stores register $5 into the address computed by
adding register $10 to the value 20 and stores register $6 to the next word in memory.
You cannot modify the internal implementation of any of the datapath modules (building
Your first priority is not to slow down any of the existing instructions. Your second priority is to
minimize the execution time of the new swdbl instruction. Your third priority is to minimize the
changes to the datapath. Your fourth priority is to minimize the changes to the control. Note that you
cannot speed up any of the building blocks used to construct the implementation in Figure 5.28.
Furthermore, all the existing functionality must be maintained.
Note: if you need to add any new building blocks to the datapath or the control, it is your
responsibility to make sure that it is completely clear exactly how each wire is connected to the
new building block. If the new building block is not a copy of an already existing building block, you
YT Spring 2018
must draw the implementation of the new building block. (You do not have to show the
implementation of standard MUXes). Make sure that your drawings are not messy.
A) Explain the basic idea of your modifications in 2-4 clear sentences.
B) Show the necessary modifications to the datapath by showing them on a copy of Figure 5.28
(from 3rd Ed, available on the class web page).
Note: if you need to add any new datapath building blocks, show the implementation of the new
building blocks in detail and explain their function.
C) Are any new control signals required? If so, list them with an explanation and identify them on
the datapath diagram.
D) Modify the control unit state diagram (Figure 5.37 from 3rd Ed) to reflect the added support for
the swdbl instruction.
E) With your implementation, how many cycles does it take to execute the new instruction?
Practice problems: You do not need to hand in a solution to the problems below.
(6) Write a procedure, bfind, in MIPS assembly language. The procedure should takeasingle argument that is
a pointer to a null-terminated string in register $a0. The bfind procedure should locate the first b character
in the string and return its address in register $v0. If there are no b’s in the string, then bfind should return
a pointer to the null character at the end of the string. For example, if the argument to bfind points to the string
‘‘imbibe,’ ’ then the return value will be a pointer to the third character of the string.
Note that each character of the string is stored in one byte and consecutive characters are stored in consecutive
bytes in memory.
(7) Ackerman’s function is defined by:
A(m, n) =

n + 1
A(m − 1, 1)
A(m − 1, A(m, n − 1))
if m = 0
if m > 0, n = 0
if m > 0, n > 0
Write a recursive procedure in MIPS assembly language to compute A(m,n). Your code must follow the
standard MIPS calling conventions.
The argument m is in register $a0, the argument n is in register $a1, and the result A(m, n) should be returned
in register $v0.
(8) Consider the multicycle MIPS implementation shown in the 3rd Edition of the book, Figure 5.28 (page 323)
and Figure 5.37 (page 338). Due to a hardware fault (malfunction), there is a short circuit between the
RegWrite signal and the most-significant bit of the ALUSrcB signal. As a result, whenever the control unit
asserts (sets to 1) one of these signals, the other one is asserted as well. Hence, these signals are 0 only when
the control unit sets both to 0.
Explain in full detail what will be the consequences of this change when the processor executes programs —
how will it change the behavior of the processor as observed byauser/programmer who does not know
and does not care how the processor is implemented internally? Be sure to clearly identify each and every
consequence of this fault in as much detail as possible.
(9) Repeat Problem 5 above, but the new instruction to be added is lui (load upper immediate), described on
page 112 in the class textbook.
(10) This problem is similar to Problem 5 above except that we wish to add support for four-operand arithmetic
instructions such as add3, which adds three numbers together instead of two:
add3 $t5,$t6,$t7,$t8 # $t5 = $t6 + $t7 + $t8
Assume that the instruction set is modified by introducing a new instruction format similar to the R-format
except that bits [0-4] are used to specify the additional register (we still use rs, rt, and rd) and of course a new
opcode is used. Your solution should not rely on adding additional read ports to the register file, nor should a
new ALU be used.
YT Spring 2018
(11) On page A-57 there is a description of the li pseudoinstruction. Your task is to implement the functionality
of li in a regular machine instruction on the multicycle MIPS. Since the immediate operand can be any
32-bit value, the instruction occupies two words. The first word contains the opcode and destination register
number. The second word contains the immediate operand.
Pick a reasonable encoding for this instruction and repeat Problem 5 for li instead of swpc.
(12) Consider the multicycle implementation shown in Figure 5.28 (page 323, 3rd Ed).
Your task is to modify this implementation to implement a procedure call mechanism. This mechanism will
not be the one defined as part of the MIPS ISA. Instead, it will be based on using the stack. Register 29 will
be used as the stack pointer. The stack grows down and uses the ‘‘last full’’ convention.
The semantics of the jal instruction will be changed. The new jal will push the return address on the stack
instead of saving it in register 31. The encoding of the jal instruction remains the same.
Your first priority is to maximize the performance of the new jal instruction without slowing down any of the
existing instructions. Your second priority is to minimize the changes to the datapath and control. You cannot
speed up any of the building blocks used to construct the implementation in Figure 5.28. All the existing
functionality must be maintained.
A) Show the necessary modifications to the datapath. If modifications are required, show the entire modified
datapath (Figure 5.28 modified as necessary). If you need to modify any of the datapath building blocks,
draw the modified building blocks and explain the modifications.
B) Are any new control signals required? If so, list them with an explanation and identify them on the
datapath diagram.
C) Modify the control unit state diagram (Figure 5.37) to reflect the added support for the new jal
D) In order for this mechanism to be useful, is it necessary to implement a new return instruction? If so,
explain why. If not, show how to implement a return from a procedure without a special new instruction.
(13) Consider the multicycle MIPS implementation described in chapter 5, 3rd Ed. The propagation delays for the
major components in the datapath are as follows:
Component Delay
ALU 3ns
Memory 5ns
Register File 6ns
All other delays are negligible.
What is the maximum possible clock frequency (in Hz) of the system clock. Explain your answer.
YT Spring 2018