Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II


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The Memory Card Game
You are going to write a game that you might already have played before.
Here are the rules:
• There are 2 players and they take turns to play.
• During a player’s turn, the player picks 2 cards. If the values of the cards are the same (ignoring
the suits), the player wins those cards and gains an extra turn (this continues until the values
don’t match). Otherwise, it is the other player’s turn.
• Continue taking turns until all cards are won. Then whoever has the most cards wins. Note that
it is possible to have a tie (both players win 26 cards).
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
Page 2 of 8 © Victor Cheung, 2021
Part 1: gameObjects.h & gameObjects.c (submit gameObjects.c only)
These files implement functions that manages the entities of the game.
Here are the functions to be implemented (read the .h file for full details on how each should behave):
void initializeDeck(Deck* theDeck, char* brandName);
void shuffleDeck(Deck* theDeck);
void printDeck(const Deck* theDeck, bool faceUp);
void initializePlayer(Player* thePlayer, char* theName);
void clearPlayer(Player* thePlayer);
In particular, the Deck struct is the same as defined in the previous assignments and the Player struct
represents the players in the game.
You’ll notice that some of the functions are actually part of Assignment 3. However, you need to pay
attention to how the functions are implemented here in this assignment:
• shuffleDeck – to allow us to quickly mark your submission, along with the only srand(0) call in
main, this function must use the same Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm as illustrated by John Leehey
in To verify that you have
implemented it correctly, refer to the sequences of cards after the first few calls of shuffleDeck
showed at the end of this document.
• printDeck – this function will not print the brand but to allow the players to indicate which card
they want to pick, it instead prints the row (0-3) & column (a-m) indexes. It also takes an extra
bool parameter to either print all the cards face up or down. In addition, when a card is won, its
value becomes ‘0’, which is used by this function to skip printing the card. Refer to the sample
outputs in this document for details. Again, the symbols might not print properly in computers
other than a CSIL workstation.
Only include the function definition(s) in your answer and name the source file containing it as
gameObjects.c. Use the definitions of the structs and enum in various .h files for your answer.
Part 2: card_LList.h & card_LList.c (submit card_LList.c only)
These files implement a linked list structure where each node stores the address of a card from the Deck.
Here are the functions to be implemented (read the .h file for full details on how each should behave):
Card_LList* createCard_LList();
void clearCard_LList(Card_LList* theList);
bool isEmptyCard_LList(Card_LList* theList);
void insertFrontCard_LList(Card_LList* theList, Card* theCard);
void insertEndCard_LList(Card_LList* theList, Card* theCard);
Card* removeFrontCard_LList(Card_LList* theList);
Card* removeEndCard_LList(Card_LList* theList);
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
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The figure below illustrates how the linked list is used to store the cards won by a player:
As the number of card addresses to be stored is unknown prior to the program, malloc is used to create
nodes during the game. If malloc fails, the program terminates by calling the function: exit(0).
Only include the function definition(s) in your answer and name the source file containing it as card_LList.c.
Use the definitions of the structs and enum in various .h files for your answer.
Part 3: gameFunctions.h & gameFunctions.c (submit gameFunctions.c only)
These functions implement the core functionalities to make the game work.
Here are the functions to be implemented (read the .h file for full details on how each should behave):
void addCardToPlayer(Player* thePlayer, Card* theCard);
bool checkPlayerInput(Deck* theDeck, Player* thePlayer, char row, char col);
bool checkForMatch(Deck* theDeck, Player* thePlayer, char r1, char c1, char r2, char c2);
bool checkForWinner(const Deck* theDeck);
Some of these functions will print a message to the player if an error occurs, including:
• Player picks a card with invalid indexes (out of bound)
• Player picks a card that is already won
• Player picks the same card in their round
Only include the function definition(s) in your answer and name the source file containing it as
gameFunctions.c. Use the definitions of the structs and enum in various .h files for your answer.
Part 4: main.c (submit main.c)
This file is the main driver of the game program.
It begins with a definition of a function called “clear”, which allows the game to “cheat” by printing the
shuffled deck and then pushing the print out of the display area (still accessible by scrolling up). This may
or may not work outside of a CSIL workstation. Do not modify this function.
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
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Next is the main function, which implements the logic of the game. The first part in the function is written
so that you can use the variables to complete the function. You can add other variables if you want to.
The do-while-loop is where each round should work and at the end of the loop the function
checkForWinner will determine who has won (if no one wins the loop repeats). This game will not repeat
once there is a winner. Follow the steps in the comments to complete it.
The figure above shows how the logic of the game is related to the steps in the main function.
Modify the main function as needed and keep the file name as main.c. Use the definitions of the structs
and enum in various .h files for your answer.
Coding Style [4 marks]
Your program should be correctly indented, have clear variable names and enough white space and
comments to make it easy to read. Named constants should be used where appropriate. Each line of code
should not exceed 80 characters. White space should be used in a consistent manner.
To help you to get into the habit of good coding style, we will read your code and marks will be deducted
if your code is not styled properly.
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
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Using the Makefile and Other Supplied Files
The Makefile provided in this assignment is used by a command in the CSIL machines called “make” to
quickly compile your code. It is especially useful if you have multiple source files. To use it, type the
following command in the prompt (make sure you are in the directory with all the files of this assignment):
$ make game
The example above illustrates how the game is compiled into an executable called “game” when using
the Makefile. You can then run the executable by typing “./game” to test your code. If you make changes
to your code, use the make command again. In this assignment, “make”, “make all” will do the same thing.
There is no particular order of parts in which you need to implement. It is not uncommon to implement a
few functions in one part and work on another, then get back to this part to modify or complete the rest.
The header files are there to make the compilation work and inform you about the functions you need to
implement. Pay attention to the comments there but do not modify them, and do not submit them.
Submit only the files indicated for each part by compressing them into a zip file (do not put them into a
folder and zip them) and upload it to Canvas by 11:59p Apr 14. Name the zip file in this format:
For example,
Assignment late penalty: 10% per calendar day (each 0 to 24 hour period past due), max 2 days late.
Academic Honesty
It is expected that within this course, the highest standards of academic integrity will be maintained, in
keeping with SFU’s Policy S10.01, “Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct.” In this class,
collaboration is encouraged for in-class exercises and the team components of the assignments, as well
as task preparation for group discussions. However, individual work should be completed by the person
who submits it. Any work that is independent work of the submitter should be clearly cited to make its
source clear. All referenced work in reports and presentations must be appropriately cited, to include
websites, as well as figures and graphs in presentations. If there are any questions whatsoever, feel free
to contact the course instructor about any possible grey areas.
Some examples of unacceptable behavior:
• Handing in assignments/exercises that are not 100% your own work (in design, implementation,
wording, etc.), without a clear/visible citation of the source.
• Using another student’s work as a template or reference for completing your own work.
• Using any unpermitted resources during an exam.
• Looking at, or attempting to look at, another student’s answer during an exam.
• Submitting work that has been submitted before, for any course at any institution.
All instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely and according to SFU policy. This means
that Student Services will be notified, and they will record the dishonesty in the student’s file. Students
are strongly encouraged to review SFU’s Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct (S10.01) available
online at:
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
Page 6 of 8 © Victor Cheung, 2021
Sample output after each of the first 3 consecutive shuffles
Refer to the ordering of the cards to verify that you have implemented the shuffle function correctly. We
will use different numbers of shuffles to test your code to prevent hard-coding. Ignore the brand name.
Sample outputs of the game
Try your best to reproduce the messages and format of the output. Refer to the demo video (available
shortly, stay tuned to the announcement in the class).
Figure 1: the game begins with all cards printed face down (if scrolled up you’ll see all cards printed face
up once), then asks the player to pick the first card (name of the player is Player 1).
Figure 2: the player inputs a digit, a space, a letter, and presses enter (you can assume the format is always
correct, but the input can be invalid, see examples below). If valid, the game asks for the second card.
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
Page 7 of 8 © Victor Cheung, 2021
Figure 3: if both inputs are valid, the game shows the 2 picked cards, then displays the result (in this case,
the 2 cards do not match). The game continues by printing all cards printed face down again and asking
the other player to pick the first card (name of the other player is Player 2).
Figure 4: Player 2 has picked 2 cards that match (these cards will be added to Player 2’s winPile in the
code). Since Player 2 has found a match, it will still be Player 2’s turn. Note that this time when the game
prints all the cards, the cards won by Player 2 will not be printed.
Figure 5: Here Player 2 inputs a number of invalid choices, including a card that is already won and indexes
that are invalid (out of bound). The game will display the corresponding error message and continue to
ask Player 2 for a valid input.
Assignment 4 CMPT 125 Intro. To Computing Science & Programming II Spring 2021
Page 8 of 8 © Victor Cheung, 2021
Figure 6: Here Player 2 picks the same card twice. Since those are valid index the game will proceed to
check if the picked cards are a match. But it should detect that those are actually the same card and print
the corresponding error message. As Player 2 does not find a match it’s now Player 1’s turn.
Figure 7: Eventually all the cards will be won. When this happens, the game will announce the number of
cards won by the 2 players. Whoever has more cards wins the game (it’s also possible for a tie, if that’s
the case, the last line will be replaced by: It’s a tie!).
To help you to test your code quickly, there is a file called firstShuffle_Seq.txt in the supporting zip file.
This file contains all the inputs needed to reach the end of the game as shown in Figure 7. To use it, make
sure you have correctly implemented the shuffleDeck function so it produces the exact ordering. Then call
it once and use the stream redirection tool that you learned in CMPT 127 to stream the content of the file
into the standard input of the game:
$ ./game < firstShuffle_Seq.txt If you want you can rearrange the content in this file to let the other player win or create a tie. We will use our own version to test your code so you don’t have to submit this file. Since the input is now streamed from a file, you will not see them in the stdout and thus the prompts from the game will be grouped together. This is normal.