1. Overview
This lab will introduce you to header (.h) files, also known as #include files, which are C’s equivalent
of interfaces, and implementation files (.c) which are C’s equivalent of implementation files. C has
no keyword private, but its equivalent is to put hidden information only in implementation files.
In this program you will use separate compilation to implement a simple queue of lines in C.
2. Subdirectory intx
Sample code has been provided. First, study the trivial intx application which shows how to do separate compilation using header files and implementation files. Inspect the following files :
intx.h The interface to the intx ADT showing the constructor, destructor, accessors, and mutators. In Java these would be the public functions.
intx.c The implemention of the ADT, showing the private functions and fields. Note that the
struct fields are thus hidden from the client.
main.c Shows how to create and access an ADT. The application itself is trivial.
Makefile Builds each object (.o) file and then links them into an executable image. Note how it creates dependencies by editing itself.
3. Subdirectory queue
Provides a simple queueing application, where each line of the input is read into a queue. The queue
is then printed and the program stops. The idea of a stub is introduced. Incomplete code is just represented by a print statement which must eventually be replaced by actual code. The following command will tell you where all of the stub calls are : grep STUB *.[hc]
You must implement new_queue, insert_queue, remove_queue. your implementation must be done via
the several files, whose object modules are linked together into a single executable. Remove any
complaints valgrind may have about memory access or memory leaks. Run checksource.
4. What to Submit
The Makefile and all source code, but no object files or executable binaries. Doabuild in your own
directory to verify that it works. Look in the submit volume to verify that there are no missing files.
If you do pair programming, also follow the instructions in /afs/