1. Overview
In this assignment you will implement a singly-linked linear list of words to implement a cross referencing utility. The words will be keys, and each will contain a
queue of line numbers. The queue will also be implemented as a linear linked list.
Your queue operations must run in O(1 ) time, but your map (dictionary) operations
will run in O(n) time instead of the usually-expected O(log2 n) time. Thus, if your
entire program scans n words in a file, it will run at speed O(n
) instead of
O(n log2 n) time.
2. Program specification
The program is specified in the form of a Unix man(1) page.
jxref — cross referencing and word count utility
jxref [filename …]
Each file is read in sequence and words are extracted from the file. At the end
of each file,atable is printed, sorted in lexicographic order with each word followed by a count of the number of times it occurs and a list of the numbers of
the lines where it occurs. Cross reference output is written to stdout (System.
out) and error messages are written to stderr (System.err).
Operands consist of the names of files to be read in sequence. If no filenames
are specified, stdin is read. If filenames are specified, each file is read in turn.
If a filename is specified as a single minus sign (-) stdin is read at that point.
In order to read a file whose name really is a minus sign, it should be specified
on the command line as ‘‘./-’’.
0 All input files were read successfully.
1 Error(s) occurred and message(s) was printed to stderr.
3. Implementation sequence
Follow an implementation sequence by developing your code a little at a time. The
code/ subdirectory contains starter code.
(a) Study the behavior of the program pxref.perl, which is a reference implementation of your program written in the Perl programming language. Delete references to that file from your Makefile and do not submit the Perl program.
You need not understand Perl, but note how short the program is.
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(b) A partial main program in Java has been provided for you in,
which just reads in words from files and prints out those words. You need to
add in the data structures. In your program you are prohibited from using
anything from the package java.util except for those packages explicitly
listed in the syllabus.
(c) Implement your program in phases, not all at once :
(i) Study the code provided, and add code to it to insert each word into the
listmap, ensuring that duplicates are not entered. Then add code to
print the output in the required manner. Ignore line numbers.
(ii) Add code to create an intqueue whenever a new word is found, and increment the count, but do not record line numbers. Adjust the printing to
print counts as well as words.
(iii) Complete the program by appending line numbers to each queue.
(d) The main function iterates over each filename given in the argument vector
and uses stdin when required. For scanning the file, it creates a pattern
which describes a word and then matches each word in sequence. It also keeps
track of line numbers. These parts are as follows :
(i) “\\w+([-’.:/]\\w+)*” is a pattern which matches any word character
([a-zA-Z_0-9]), allowing any one of the characters in the set [-’.:/] in
the middle. Just use it. Regular expressions will be explained in detail
in CMPS-104A.
(ii) wordpat.matcher (line) creates a pattern matcher for the line.
(iii) match.find() checks to see if there is an unscanned word left in the line.
(iv) returns it if there is.
(e) The function main is finished and iterates over each of the filenames given on
the command line. The function xref_file has stub code which just prints out
the words as they are found. It also prints out the line numbers. This function must be changed to conform to the program specifications. Leave in the
debugging code until your program is finished. Then delete it.
(f) The function listmap.insert currently does nothing. Put code in this function
to insert a new key in ascending lexicographic order as sorted by compareTo.
Ignore the class intqueue for now. The insertion proceeds in two phases :
(i) Searches down the list using a previous and current pointer, as was done
in class to locate the insertion point. Quit the loop either at the end of
the list or when the insertion point is found.
(ii) If the word (key) is not already in the list, allocate a new node and insert
it in the correct position. If it is in the list, do nothing.
(g) The Iterator over the listmap is already written for you. If your insertion
code work, the foreach loop at the end of xref_file will print out the words in
lexicographic order. If not, put debug statements in listmap.insert to find out
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(h) The class intqueue is partially written for you. It has its Iterator, but instead
of actually inserting a line number into the queue, it merely increments a
count. Modify listmap.insert to call queue.insert to increment the word
(i) This will allow you to modify the printing loop so that it prints a list of words
followed by their count. Verify that your program now works like pxref.perl,
except that only words and counts are printed.
(j) Now work on intqueue to finish the insert operation. The implementation is a
singly linked list of integers with a pointer to the front of the list and the rear
of the list.. Both operations must run in O(1 ) time. Every insertion should
increment the count and every deletion should decrement the count.
(k) Now go back to xref_file and cause the words, counts, and line numbers all to
be printed, as does the Perl program. Use the Iterator-style for-loop.
(l) If that works, delete the debug code and check your code agains pxref.perl.
Does your program produce identical output for valid filenames ? Almost identical error messages for invalid filenames ? Correct use of stdout and stderr ?
Correct exit status codes ?
(i) Error messages from pxref.perl are printed in correct Unix format, e.g. :
pxref.perl: foobar: No such file or directory
(ii) The Ja va version prints out the name of the jar file, as obtained from
class auxlib, and also just uses the format returned by getMessage(), e.g. :
jxref: foobar (No such file or directory)
4. Interfaces
This program uses three interfaces in an attempt to keep the various classes from
needing to know anything about their internal structure :
(a) Interface Iterable
(i) Iterator
type T.
(b) Interface Iterator
collection in a sequential manner.
(i) boolean haxNext() — Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
(ii) E next() — Returns the next element in the iteration.
(c) Interface Map.Entry
the exact structure of the node containing the elements.
(i) K getKey() — Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
(ii) V getValue() — Returns the value corresponding to this entry.
A NoSuchElementException is thrown for those operations that we don’t want to
bother to implement.
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5. Makefile
Graders will compile your code using make, so you need a working Makefile.
(a) The Makefile should have the following targets :
all : the first target, which is also the default. Builds the clases from the
sources and puts them all, including inner classes in the jar.
ci : which checks in all source files into the RCS subdirectory.
clean : which deletes all generated files except for the jar jxref.
spotless : which depends on clean and also deletes the jar.
submit : which submits all required code. Do not submit the Perl program.
Delete it from the list of sources before submitting anything. Also
delete the lis target.
(b) Make sure your Makefile can compile all of the Java code and put all classes
into a jar. Submit all Java source files, the Makefile and the README and verify
the submit as you were told to do in Lab 1. The graders will be using unix.ic. exclusively, when doing the grading.
6. What to submit
Submit all necessary Java source files and the Makefile. Verify your submit. If
you submit the wrong version or there are missing files, you will lose many points.
Read the pair programming description. You may choose a partner or work alone.
If you work with a partner, submit a README and a PARTNER file as specified in that