CS214 Project III


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1 Summary
We will extend the ww program from Project II to support recursive directory traversal and multithreading. You are encouraged to re-use or improve your word-wrapping code from Project II. (If you
are working with a different partner, you may combine ideas from both partner’s implementations.)
The word-wrapping requirements for this project are unchanged from Project II. The new
features, to be added in this project, are:
Part I (40 points) Recursive directory traversal. When the first argument to ww is -r, ww will
wrap all files in the specified directory and its descendent directories, recursively.
Part II (35 points) Concurrent wrapping. When the first argument to ww is -rN, where N is a
positive integer, ww will wrap all files in the specified directory and descendent directories, using N
threads for wrapping.
Part III (25 points) Concurrent wrapping with concurrent directory traversal. When the first
argument to ww is -rM,N, where M and N are positive integers, ww will wrap all files in the specified
directory and its descendent directories using M threads to read directory files and N threads to
wrap regular files.
While it is not required, it would be reasonable to use a common implementation for all three
parts, such that -r is treated as -r1,1 and -rN is treated as -r1,N.
Example A directory foo contains a file bar and a subdirectory baz, which contains a file quux.
This command:
$ ./ww -r1,2 20 foo
will create files foo/wrap.bar and foo/baz/wrap.quux, each wrapped to 20 columns. The argument
-r1,2 tells ww to use 1 thread for reading directories and 2 threads for wrapping files.
2 Recursive directory traversal
Using opendir() and readdir(), we can easily obtain a list of all files in a particular directory. One
could imagine making this recursive by making your code recursive: when reading some directory A,
you encounter a subdirectory B, handle it and its descendents in a recursive call, and then continue
reading directory A. Unfortunately, there is a limit to how many files and directories a processes can
have open at once, which would limit the depth of the directory subtree our program could handle.
Instead, ww will use a work queue. Each time a subdirectory is found, its path will be added
to the directory work queue. Once the directory is finished (and closed), the directory traversal
function will obtain the next path from the work queue, and begin reading its entries. Thus, the
number of directories open at a time is fixed, regardless of the depth of the directory tree.
Note As with Project II, our directory traversal will ignore all files whose names begin with a
period or the string “wrap.”. (This neatly avoids any infinite recursion caused by the special . and
.. directories.)
For the record, the easiest way to determine if a string foo begins with a period is the test
foo[0] == ’.’. There are several easy ways to check the prefix of a string, including strncmp()
(note the ‘n’).
3 Multithreaded word wrap
The main thread will start one or more work threads that will perform the actual word-wrapping
tasks. Again, we will use a work queue to distribute the load. Each time the directory traversal
system encounters a regular file, it adds that file’s path to the file work queue. Each wrapping
thread will repeatedly obtain a file path from the file work queue and wrap that file’s output to the
corresponding output file.
If the work file queue is empty, and the directory traversal is complete, the file thread should
Note Each file thread is a loop that will handle multiple files. We do not start a new thread for
each file.
The use of a single work queue tends to balance the amount of work done by each thread. If a
thread is working on a particularly long file, other threads will automatically obtain new files and
redistribute the work load.
4 Multithreaded directory traversal
Extending directory traversal to multiple threads is conceptually simple. Each threads reads a
directory path from the directory work queue and procedes to open and read the directory, adding
the new files it finds to the file or directory work queues, as appropriate. If there are N directory
threads, there will be at most N directories open concurrently in the process.
The directory threads should not stop until (1) the directory queue is empty and (2) no directory
thread is currently reading a directory. When both conditions are met, all directory threads should
Starts Starts
Figure 1: Organization of ww
5 Synchronized data structures
For the file work queue, you may use a bounded or unbounded synchronized queue, although a
bounded queue is preferable. (A bounded queue will automatically slow down the directory threads
if they are moving too quickly for the wrapping threads to handle.
For the directory work queue, you must use an unbounded queue.
You will also want to track
• whether any wrapping thread has encountered an error condition (unreadable input file, unable
to create output file, word longer than line width) so that the process can return the correct
exit code
• how many directory threads are currently active, so that the directory threads can terminate
once their work is complete
• whether the directory threads have finished, so that the wrapping threads can terminate once
their work is complete
Some of this information can be attached to an existing synchronized data structure.
Figure 1 shows the relationship of the main thread to various queues and worker threads.
6 Path handling
The working directory is process-wide, so you will not be able to use chdir() to open files in a
different directory. Thus, you will need to construct paths by concatenating file names separated by
slashes. You should use malloc() to allocate these paths, as the number of paths as well as their
length will not be known in advance.
It may be tempting to use strcat() to copy one string to the end of another, but that is not
necessary when the length of the first string is known—which it must be, in order for you to use
malloc(). Consider this code:
char *path, *file;

int plen = strlen(path);
int flen = strlen(file);
char *newpath = malloc(plen + flen + 2);
memcpy(newpath, path, plen);
newpath[plen] = ’/’;
memcpy(newpath + plen + 1, file, flen + 1);
Don’t simply copy this code! Read through it and try to determine why it was written this way.
Why use memcpy() instead of strcat() or strcpy()? Why save the lengths of the strings instead
of calling strlen() repeatedly?
7 Development
To aid in development, you will want to break your code into smaller portions that can be tested
individually. It is much easier to confirm that a synchronized queue, for example, has been correctly
implemented by building a custom test harness for it. If each unit has been written correctly, your
team should be able to assemble them into a complete working project.
Figure 2 shows one way to think of the various parts of ww. While some units naturally incorporate
others (for example, the file worker incorporates the word wrap function and communicates with the
file queue), it is still feasible to test each portion in isolation as well as testing the complete program.
You will encounter unexpected synchronization problems in your development, so make sure you
are able to find and correct them earlier rather than later. Divide responsibilities among your units
in a reasonable way and make their interfaces clear and comprehensible.
main() argv
Primary Work Code
User Interface
Figure 2: Organization of ww