CSCI2100C : Assignment 4 Part 2


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Q1. [38 marks] Consider the directed graph 𝐺1 as shown in Figure 1. Answer the
following questions.
𝑣1 𝑣2
𝑣3 𝑣4
Figure 1. Directed graph for Q1
– (i). [4 marks] Calculate the out-degree of𝑣3 and the in-degree of𝑣8. (Refer to CSCI2100CLecture22 Page 11)
– (ii). [8 marks] For 𝐺1, show both its adjacency list representation and its adjacency
matrix representation. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture22 Pages 17-20)
– (iii). [10 marks] Traverse 𝐺1 using breadth-first search with 𝑣1 as the source, assuming that the out-neighbors of a node are visited in ascending order of ID. Show the
process and the content of the queue 𝑄 step by step. You may use 0 to denote the
color to be white, 1 to denote the color to be gray, and 2 to denote the color to be
black. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture22 Pages 24-28)
– (iv). [8 marks] According to the results of Part (iii), show the contents of minlength
array and prev array respectively. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture22 Pages 34-35)
– (v). [4 marks] Show how to get the minimum length path from the source 𝑣1 to 𝑣4
using the minlength array and prev array. Justify your answer.
– (vi). [4 marks] Draw the BFS tree. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture22 Page 36)
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disciplinary authorities for further action, in addition to failing the course.
β–  Q2. [26 marks] A directed graph 𝐺2 is shown in Figure 2. Assume that we use depthfirst search (DFS) to check if 𝐺2 is a DAG and the permutation of nodes to do DFS on
𝐺2 is (𝑣2, 𝑣3, 𝑣4, 𝑣5, 𝑣6, 𝑣1, 𝑣7). During a DFS traversal, assume that the out-neighbors of
a node are visited in ascending order of ID. Answer the following questions.
Figure 2. Directed Graph 𝐺2 for Q2
– (i). [7 marks] Show the first discovery time and finish time of each node. (Refer to
CSCI2100C-Lecture24 Pages 5-6)
– (ii). [4 marks] Draw the DFS trees. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture24 Page 7)
– (iii). [11 marks] Classify edges according to the interval of each node derived from
Part (i). You should explicitly output the type of each edge. Justify your answer. (Refer
to CSCI2100C-Lecture24 Page 8)
– (iv). [4 marks] Show why𝐺2 is (or is not) a DAG using the results in Part (iii). Justify
your answer. (Refer to CSCI2100C-Lecture24 Page 11)