CS 144 Advanced C++ Programming Assignment #11


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Assignment 11. STL Vector, List, and Map
Points: 100
STL Vector, List, and Map
This assignment will give you practice with the built-in Standard Template Library (STL)
vector, linked list, and map (hash table) by comparing their performances. Your program
will read a text file and build three concordances, one with a sorted vector, one a sorted
linked list, and one with a map.
A concordance is an alphabetical list of words from a document and their frequencies.
Your input data will be a text file of the U.S. constitution and its amendments:
This file is already uploaded to CodeCheck.
Your program should read each word of the text. If the word is not already in the
concordances, enter the word with an initial count of 1 into both the vector, list, and map
versions. If the word already exists in the concordance, increment the word’s count by
one in each concordance. The words in the concordance must be unique, and, of
course, both versions must end up with the same words and counts. Word comparisons
should not be case-sensitive. Do not include numbers or punctuation marks.
Your program should keep track of how much time it takes to enter all the words into
each concordance. For each word, compute the elapsed time only of the operation of
either entering a new word into the concordance or incrementing the count of an existing
word. Do not include the time to read the word from the input text file. Compare the total
insertion times for the vector vs. the list vs. the map. The timings should be in
microseconds (µsec).
After building the three concordances, your program should compare the total time it
takes to do 10,000 random word searches in each one. Since the vector-based
concordance will be sorted, use a binary search.
Other operations
Your program should use a list of words, both in and not in the concordance, to make
(untimed) spot checks of the completed concordances to make sure they all agree on
the frequency counts of those words.
Iterate over the completed vector, list, and the map versions of the concordance in
parallel to ensure that they contain the same data (words and counts) in the same order.
Note that the elements of an STL map are always sorted by their keys.
Sample output
Your output should be similar to the example. Since there are timings, CodeCheck will
not compare your output. Ignore the score 0. However, you should visually check that
your word frequencies match the CodeCheck results.
What to submit
Submit the signed zip file into Canvas: Assignment #11. STL Vector, List, and Map.
Also submit a text file containing your program’s output.
You can submit as many times as necessary to get satisfactory results, and the number
of submissions will not affect your score. When you’re done with your program, click the
“Download” link at the very bottom of the Report screen to download the signed zip file
of your solution.
Criteria Max points
Statistics (should be the same as the sample output)
• Total words
• Distinct words (vector, list, and map sizes)
• 10
• 10
Word insertions
• Vector timing
• List timing
• Map timing
• 10
• 10
• 10
• Spot checks (same frequency counts as the sample output)
• Matching vector, list, and map concordances
• 10
• 10
Word searches
• Vector timing (with binary search)
• List timing
• Map timing
• 10
• 10
• 10
Timed insertions
Lines: 865
Characters: 43,976
Words: 7,541
Vector size: 1,138
List size: 1,138
Map size: 1,138
Vector total insertion time: 19,157 usec
List total insertion time: 480,094 usec
Map total insertion time: 11,888 usec
Spot checks of word counts
amendment: vector: 35 list: 35 map: 35
article: vector: 28 list: 28 map: 28
ballot: vector: 5 list: 5 map: 5
citizens: vector: 18 list: 18 map: 18
congress: vector: 60 list: 60 map: 60
constitution: vector: 25 list: 25 map: 25
democracy: vector: 0 list: 0 map: 0 !!!
electors: vector: 16 list: 16 map: 16
government: vector: 8 list: 8 map: 8
law: vector: 39 list: 39 map: 39
legislature: vector: 13 list: 13 map: 13
people: vector: 9 list: 9 map: 9
president: vector:121 list:121 map:121
representatives: vector: 29 list: 29 map: 29
right: vector: 14 list: 14 map: 14
trust: vector: 4 list: 4 map: 4
united: vector: 85 list: 85 map: 85
vice: vector: 36 list: 36 map: 36
vote: vector: 16 list: 16 map: 16
Checking concordance versions
All match!
Timed searches (10,000 searches)
Vector total search time: 13,210 usec
List total search time: 493,060 usec
Map total search time: 11,514 usec
Academic integrity
You may study together and discuss the assignments, but what you turn in must be
your individual work. Assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism using
Moss (http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/). Copying another student’s
program or sharing your program is a violation of academic integrity. Moss is
not fooled by renaming variables, reformatting source code, or re-ordering functions.
Violators of academic integrity will suffer severe sanctions, including academic
probation. Students who are on academic probation are not eligible for work as
instructional assistants in the university or for internships at local companies.