CSCI 1100 — Computer Science 1 Homework 6 Files and Sets


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Problem: Villains and stories
You are given a file called DrWhoVillains.tsv. It is a TAB separated file containing villains in a
science fiction show called Dr. Who. The show is actually known for its extremely low budget and
silly creature effects. Look at the picture of a Dalek (one of the main villains) above to see this for
yourself. Each line of this file is a different villain, containing the following information (separated
by TABs):
1. Villain: name of the villain (e.g. Dalek)
2. Year first: the first year this villain was introduced
3. Year last: the last year this villain was shown
4. Doc. no.: the list of doctor ids with this villain, seperated by commas
5. Doctor actor: the list of actors for each doctor above
6. Episodes: number of episodes featuring this villain
7. Stories, total: number of stories featuring this villain, each story may
span many episodes
8. Motivation (invasion earth, kill humans, etc): the description of the main
motivation of this villain
9. Story titles: the titles of the stories that the villain was involved with,
a list of strings separated by commas.
Your program must do the following:
• Read through the file to find the villain names and the (set of) stories for each villain. Be
careful, the file is manually created and may have repeated names, extra spaces before after
names, etc. You must use sets to find unique stories.
• Find the top 10 most popular villains: those with top 10 highest number of stories listed in
the file and display them to the user, numbered 1 to 10, in the decreasing order of popularity.
Then, ask the user for a number.
• If the user enters -1, the program exits.
• If the user enters something other than a number between 1 to 10, or -1, the program displays
the top 10 list again and asks for another input.
• If the user enters a valid option, numbered between 1 to 10, then you find the corresponding
villain and display the following:
– The number of stories with this villain
– The names of all other villains that were in a story with this chosen villain, in alphabetical
– The names of all story lines that featured only this villain, and no other villain. If none,
you should display there is no such story line.
Once you are done displaying this, you will print again the top 10 and ask for the next input,
until user enters -1.
One thing you want to do is to display the names of matching villains and stories in a reasonable
looking paragraph. You do not have to match the output in the submission server exactly. You
should however try to break the output into multiple lines of similar (but not necessarily identical)
length. We will not take points off for breaking lines mid-word.
There are many ways to do this. For example, what we did in the last homework is one way. My
solution involves a module called textwrap which wraps text into a list of multiple lines. Try the
following to see if you can figure out how to use this module.
>>> import textwrap
>>> x = ‘+’*200
>>> textwrap.wrap(x,40)
Deliverables – Final Check
Here is a summary of all the requirements for this homework. Double check this before you submit:
• Your program must use sets, that will also help you quite a lot.
• Submit a single file called that assumes the existence of a text file called DrWhoVillains.tsv.
• The main loop of the program should be able to handle incorrect entry, repeated calls to
display the top 10 villains, and exit when -1 entered.
• Print all input that you read immediately.
• The outputs containing multiple items like villains or stories should be a reasonable looking
paragraph, wrapping long lines into multiple lines. But the output does not have to be a
perfect match for the submission server. Lines do not have to be the same length.
• Your program should print the villain names and story names in alphabetical order.
• Your program should have the required structure.
Expected output
Below you can see the expected functioning of this program with the file we gave you (note: we
might change the file in the homework submission server):
1. Daleks
2. Cybermen
3. Master (the)
4. Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor
5. Sontarans
6. Ice Warriors (inc benevolent appearences)
7. Davros
8. Silurians (exc Sea Devils)
9. Kovarian, Madame
10. Cyber-leader
Please enter a number between 1 and 10, or -1 to end
Enter a villain ==> stop
1. Daleks
2. Cybermen
3. Master (the)
4. Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor
5. Sontarans
6. Ice Warriors (inc benevolent appearences)
7. Davros
8. Silurians (exc Sea Devils)
9. Kovarian, Madame
10. Cyber-leader
Please enter a number between 1 and 10, or -1 to end
Enter a villain ==> 5
Sontarans in 9 stories, with the following other villains:
Alliance – onscreen – Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans & Autons, (cameos
Silurians, Sycorax, Judoon, Hoix, Roboforms, microcameos Blowfish,
Uvodni, Weevils), Atraxi, Borusa, Chessene of the Franzine Grig,
Cybermen, Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor, Daleks,
Dastari, Joinson, Gray, Steve, Harris, Private Carl, Headless Monks,
Irongron, Kovarian, Madame, Manton, Colonel, Martha Jones- Clone,
Master (the), Naismith, Joshua, Rassilon, Rattigan, Luke, Red
Carnivorous Maw, Shockeye of the Quawncing Grig, Silurians (exc Sea
Devils), Staal, Stike, Vardan, Varl, Varla
The stories that only features Sontarans are:
The Sontaran Experiment
1. Daleks
2. Cybermen
3. Master (the)
4. Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor
5. Sontarans
6. Ice Warriors (inc benevolent appearences)
7. Davros
8. Silurians (exc Sea Devils)
9. Kovarian, Madame
10. Cyber-leader
Please enter a number between 1 and 10, or -1 to end
Enter a villain ==> 7
Davros in 6 stories, with the following other villains:
Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor, Daleks, Lytton,
Commander Gustav, Movellans, Nyder, Sharrel
There are no stories with only this villain
1. Daleks
2. Cybermen
3. Master (the)
4. Dalek Supreme (Supreme Dalek), inc Progenitor
5. Sontarans
6. Ice Warriors (inc benevolent appearences)
7. Davros
8. Silurians (exc Sea Devils)
9. Kovarian, Madame
10. Cyber-leader
Please enter a number between 1 and 10, or -1 to end
Enter a villain ==> -1