CS2223: Algorithms Assignment 3


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Q1: 🐱🐈😺, HashTables, and Machine Learning
(100 pts)
You are to assume the role of a Data Scientist in the not-too-distant future. You work for a small,
independent production company that wants to put on a show of the Broadway classic Cats.
However, a large media conglomerate, Snidey, has bought the rights to the underlying poems
that inspired the musical. Worse, due to advances in copyright law, you learn that Snidey plans
to litigate and charge over any “unique” words in their corpus. The more unique the word is
throughout the corpus, the more it will cost your production company to use it.
Your job is to mine this corpus of poems, and to build a rudimentary search engine that will allow
the writers and business minds of your production company to explore the data and find words
that need replacing. If successful, you plan to sell this software to other production companies.
Task Set 1 (Building):
1) Implement the LinearProbingHashST from Sedgewick.
2) Read in a series of plain text files (cats.zip), which we’ll call “Documents”
3) Study the simple, concise metric called TF-IDF:
a) TF * IDF where
b) TF = log ( 1 + frequency-of-term-in-specific-doc)
c) IDF = log ( total-count-of-docs / count-of-docs-containing-term)
d) OR
e) IDF = log ( total-count-of-docs / count-of-term-in-all-docs)
f) ^ the method below assumes you’re doing step e and not step c — LH
4) Build a “Term” class that will store: the word, the document it came from, the word’s
frequency in the document, and (eventually) it’s tf-idf score.
5) Cycle through each document, and each document’s words.
a) Build a hash table that stores <String, Term>, note that String is the key
b) Increment the Term’s frequency if it’s already present
6) You should now have a hash table for every document.
7) Build another hash table of **all** words in **all** documents to get a measure of
Document Frequency for all words.
8) Using the DocFreq hash table, cycle through and update the tf-idf measures for the
individual doc hash tables.
9) You now have the elements for a rudimentary search engine!
Task Set 2 (Using):
cs2223-21b Assignment 3
10) Implement functions that demonstrate the following functionality:
a) search(Key) For a given word, return the documents which contain the word,
including the word’s frequencies and tf-idf scores in that document.
b) top10(Doc) Return the top 10 terms by tf-idf scores for a given document.
11) Demonstrate these functions in your Main class with terms of your choosing.
a) (Hint: most of these require iterating through the built tables.)
Task Set 3 (Analyzing)
12) Conduct an empirical evaluation targeting search and construction
a) Obtain a sample of search items, by randomly choosing keys from the
DocumentFrequency table. About 1/10 of the size will do.
b) Using Stopwatch, test your search performance on these test sets, at least 10
times. Report these measurements.
c) Repeat the Stopwatch operation for construction. No test set required.
13) Replace LinearProbingHashST with a Binary Search Tree for Symbol Tables (BST)
a) Repeat the above measurements.
14) Produce a PDF that compares the two algorithms, and a brief explanation as to which is
best for your company, and why.
For a Challenge (optional):
– Enable sentence query search, e.g. “I like black and white cats”, using Cumulative Term
Frequency, to return the most relevant documents to a sentence query.
– Obtain a larger text corpora (multiple text documents in a folder), to really test
The output of this should include Java code TAs can inspect and run, as well as a PDF report
that shows your analysis and tables or charts.