CS2223: Algorithms Assignment 2


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Q1: Sorting with Priority Queues, Min edition (40
In this question, you are to implement a version of HeapSort based on your book’s
implementation, with new features.
1) Implement the MaxPQ on p. 318 of Sedgewick.
2) Based on MaxPQ, make a new class, MinPQ
a) MinPQ should implement the MaxPQ API (p. 309)
b) **Except!** delMax should become delMin. That is, delMin will remove the
minimum, while maintaining heap order.
c) ^^ Your book discusses this at length, follow the clues!
3) Create your own “Data” class
a) Create a class of your choosing modeled after the Transaction class described in
your book.
b) The essential property we’re looking for is that you implement Comparable and
can sort this more complex object according to some property it holds.
i) Examples: a Transaction class that sorts on transaction amount (e.g.
exercise 2.1.21). A Document class that sorts on creation date. A Patient
class that sorts on some severity score. A Pokemon class that holds
quantitative information such as HP.
4) In your main program, call functions from your MinPQ class to demonstrate the following
a) Show that your implementation can be used to sort an array of randomly
generated Integers (class code provides ways of making these)
b) Manually or automatically create an array of objects based on the class you
defined in Step 3, and demonstrate that you can sort these, as well
A note on sorting: In class code, we showed you how to use Priority Queues with Stacks for
sorting. Basically, you insert all items, retrieve them repeatedly and put them on a Stack, then
print the Stack.
The output of this should include Java code TAs can inspect and run.
cs2223-21b Assignment 2
Q2: HeapSort Class and Evaluation (40 pts)
In this question, your task is to take the HeapSort code discussed in class and in your book, and
to construct a class from it that matches our previous sort classes: MergeSort, QuickSort, etc.
1) Begin with a working implementation of HeapSort (like what we provided in class, or
from your book)
2) Refer to the implementations of MergeSort, QuickSort, etc. Note that these are in
classes and invoked with the function sort().
3) Construct a HeapSort class which enables this same functionality.
a) Note: you will likely have to change method signatures, define new variables,
etc., to make this happen.
4) In your Main class, demonstrate the HeapSort functionality by defining a random Integer
array and sorting it with HeapSort.sort().
5) Using your Stopwatch class, conduct an empirical comparison between HeapSort,
InsertionSort, and QuickSort.
The learning goal of this question is to familiarize yourself with adapting algorithms presented in
concise forms, and converting them to implementations that can be used in general
The output of this should include Java code TAs can inspect and run.
cs2223-21b Assignment 2
Q3: Heap by Hand (20 pts)
Demonstrate your Heap abilities by constructing a heap by hand:
(a) Show the step by step construction of the MaxHeap tree for the following sequence of
inserted values:
22 38 5 40 20 38 25 47 5 19
Show the final heap tree after each insertion (you do not need to show the swaps).
(b) Build the Heap array (the indices) corresponding to the tree that you built in the
previous step.
The output of this should be a PDF, either typed out or handwritten / drawn.