1. Prove the Gauss-Markov Theorem, i.e. show that the least squares estimate in linear
regression is the BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimate), which means Var(a
T βb) ≤
T y) where c
T y is any unbiased estimator for a
T βb. (20 pts)
2. (Linear Regression with Orthogonal Design) Assume that the columns x1, . . . , xp
of X are orthogonal. Express βbj
in terms of x0, x1, . . . , xp and y. (10 pts)
3. (The Minimum Norm Solution) When XTX is not invertible, the normal equations
XTXβ = XT y do not have a unique solution. Assume that X ∈ R
r , where r
is the rank of X. Assume that the SVD of X is UΣVT
, where U ∈ R
UTU = Ir. Also V ∈ R
satisfies VTV = Ir and Σ = diag(σ1, . . . , σr) is the
diagonal matrix of positive singular values.
(a) Show that βmns = VΣ−1UT y is a solution to the normal equations. (5 pts)
(b) Show that for any other solution β to the normal equations, kβk ≥ kβmnsk. [Hint:
one way (and not the only way) of doing this is to show that β = βmns + b.] (15
(c) Is VΣ−1UT
the pseudo-inverse of X? (Hint: you can prove or disprove using the
so-called Penrose properties) (10 pts)
4. Programming Part: Combined Cycle Power Plant Data Set
The dataset contains data points collected from a Combined Cycle Power Plant over
6 years (2006-2011), when the power plant was set to work with full load. Features
consist of hourly average ambient variables Temperature (T), Ambient Pressure (AP),
Relative Humidity (RH) and Exhaust Vacuum (V) to predict the net hourly electrical
energy output (EP) of the plant.
(a) Download the Combined Cycle Power Plant data1
(b) Exploring the data: ( 5 pts)
i. How many rows are in this data set? How many columns? What do the rows
and columns represent?
ii. Make pairwise scatterplots (scatter matrix) of all the varianbles in the data set
including the predictors (independent variables) with the dependent variable.
Describe your findings.
iii. What are the mean, the median, range, first and third quartiles, and interquartile ranges of each of the variables in the dataset? Summarize them
in a table.
(c) For each predictor, fit a simple linear regression model to predict the response.
Describe your results. In which of the models is there a statistically significant
association between the predictor and the response? Create some plots to back
1There are five sheets in the data. All of them are shuffled versions of the same dataset. Work with Sheet
Homework 2 EE 559,
up your assertions. Are there any outliers that you would like to remove from
your data for each of these regression tasks? (10 pts)
(d) Fit a multiple regression model to predict the response using all of the predictors.
Describe your results. For which predictors can we reject the null hypothesis
H0 : βj = 0? (10 pts)
(e) How do your results from 4c compare to your results from 4d? Create a plot
displaying the univariate regression coefficients from 4c on the x-axis, and the
multiple regression coefficients from 4d on the y-axis. That is, each predictor is
displayed as a single point in the plot. Its coefficient in a simple linear regression
model is shown on the x-axis, and its coefficient estimate in the multiple linear
regression model is shown on the y-axis. (5 pts)
(f) Is there evidence of nonlinear association between any of the predictors and the
response? To answer this question, for each predictor X, fit a model of the form2
Y = β0 + β1X + β2X
2 + β3X
3 +
(g) Is there evidence of association of interactions of predictors with the response? To
answer this question, run a full linear regression model with all pairwise interaction
terms and state whether any interaction terms are statistically significant. (5 pts)
(h) Can you improve your model using possible interaction terms or nonlinear associations between the predictors and response? Train the regression model on a
randomly selected 70% subset of the data with all predictors. Also, run a regression model involving all possible interaction terms XiXj as well as quadratic
nonlinearities X2
, and remove insignificant variables using p-values (be careful
about interaction terms). Test both models on the remaining points and report
your train and test MSEs. (10 pts)
(i) KNN Regression:
i. Perform k-nearest neighbor regression for this dataset using both normalized
and raw features. Find the value of k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 100} that gives you the
best fit. Plot the train and test errors in terms of 1/k. (10 pts)
(j) Compare the results of KNN Regression with the linear regression model that has
the smallest test error and provide your analysis. (5 pts)