Problem 11.1 Boxes (1 point)
Design and write an object oriented program for the computation of the volume of boxes (having
a height, a width and a depth as double values). Your solution should have methods for setting
and getting the height, the width and the depth of a box as well as constructors (a default constructor and one which sets the data members), a copy constructor and a destructor.
Name your files testbox.cpp, Box.cpp and Box.h.
The program testing your code (testbox.cpp) should do the following:
a) Enter from the keyboard the a value for n, the number of boxes that will be entered.
b) Dynamically create an array of 2
∗n boxes.
c) Enter from the keyboard the height, width and depth of each box one after the other for the
first n boxes and the add their copies on the remainder n positions (in the same order). Use
the copy constructor for doing this.
d) Loop across all boxes, calculate and print on the screen the volume of each box.
You can assume that the input will be valid.
Problem 11.2 Inheritance with creatures (1 point)
Due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00 Graded manually
Language: C++
Download the file:
Extend the example program creature.cpp by adding two other type of creatures (i.e., two
new classes derived from Creature) with some example properties and methods (use your
imagination for doing this). Use/implement at least one property and at least one method for
each derived class.
Each constructor, destructor and method should be implemented in such a way that each call is
being documented via messages printed on the screen.
Create one instance of Wizard, two instances of the two other classes, and call for each object
methods of the particular instances (as in the original example).
You can assume that the setting values are always valid.
Problem 11.3 Inheritance split code (1 point)
Due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00 Graded manually
Language: C++
Reorganize your previous file’s (creature.cpp) content into three parts: declaration, implementation of the classes and your test program. Name the files Creature.h, Creature.cpp
and testcreature.cpp.
Problem 11.4 Inheritance and pointers (1 point)
Due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00 Graded manually
Language: C++
Change your previous testing program (testcreature.cpp) such that it runs in an endless
loop and waits for input from the keyboard. If the word ”wizard”, ”object1”, or ”object2”
is entered, a wizard, your other object1 or your other object2 should be dynamically created (via new), the corresponding method is being called and the object is then destroyed (via
delete). Entering “quit” should stop the execution of the program.
Name the files Creature.h (same as above), Creature.cpp (same as above) and
You can assume that the input will be valid.
Problem 11.5 Shapes (1 point)
Due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00 Graded manually
Language: C++
Download the files:
Extend the Shapes example by adding two new classes Rectangle and Square according to
the following inheritance diagram.
Implement the following:
a) default constructors for all classes by initializing the properties to default values,
b) setters and getters for all classes,
c) the constructors Rectangle(const string& n, double nx, double ny, double nwidth,
double nheight) and Square(const string& n, double nx, double ny, double nside),
d) copy constructors for all classes,
e) the methods double perimeter() and double area() for the classes Circle, Rectangle
and Square for returning the perimeter and area of corresponding instances,
f) in your testing program create instances of Circle, Rectangle and Square, and then
compute and print on the screen their perimeter and area.
Name your files Shapes.h, Shapes.cpp and testshapes.cpp.
You can assume that the setting values are always valid.
Problem 11.6 A Vector class for doubles (2 points)
Due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00 Graded manually
Language: C++
Create a class named Vector for storing and managing vectors of doubles. The properties of
a vector are the size of the vector and a double pointer pointing to a memory location where
the components of the vector are stored. The class has to provide a default constructor, another
constructor for setting the properties, a copy constructor and a destructor. The non-default constructors should dynamically allocate memory for a vector and the destructor should release it.
Provide suitable setter and getter methods for each property and a method for printing the components of a vector on the screen separated by spaces. Also provide methods for computing the
norm of a vector, the sum, the difference and the scalar product of two vectors. The class declaration has to be placed into Vector.h, the class definition has to be placed into Vector.cpp and
the test program where the instances are created has to be in testvector.cpp. The test program should create four instances of the Vector class using the different constructors (the constructor without parameters, parametric constructor and copy constructor). The third instance
should be the copy of the second one). The fourth instance should be created with parameters
as well. Then the norm of the second vector should be computed and printed on the screen, the
scalar product, the sum and the difference of the second and fourth vectors should be also computed and printed on the screen.
Use the const modifier properly for parameters and methods.
You can assume that the input or the setting values are valid.
The prototypes should have the following form:
double norm();
Vector add(const Vector) const;
The usage should be:
Vector v1, v2;
Note: If v1 = (a1, a2, . . . , an) and v2 = (b1, b2, . . . , bn) with n ∈ N
. Then:
kv1k =
(the norm of a vector),
v1 · v2 =
· bi (the scalar product of two vectors),
v1 + v2 = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2, . . . , an + bn), and
v1 − v2 = (a1 − b1, a2 − b2, . . . , an − bn).
How to submit your solutions
• Your source code should be properly indented and compile with gcc or g++ depending on the problem without any errors or warnings (You can use gcc -Wall -o program program.c or g++
-Wall -o program program.cpp). Insert suitable comments (not on every line . . . ) to explain
what your program does.
• Please name the programs according to the suggested filenames (they should match the description
of the problem) in Grader. Otherwise you might have problems with the inclusion of header files.
Each program must include a comment on the top like the following:
a11 p1.[c or cpp or h]
Firstname Lastname
• You have to submit your solutions via Grader at
If there are problems (but only then) you can submit the programs by sending mail to with a subject line that begins with CH-230-A.
It is important that you do begin your subject with the coursenumber, otherwise I might have
problems to identify your submission.
• Please note, that after the deadline it will not be possible to submit any solutions. It is useless to send
late solutions by mail, because they will not be accepted.
This assignment is due by Monday, November 22nd, 23:00.