Turn in a .txt, .pdf or image file showing the state of the queues after each step or fill
in this, scan it and turn it in.
This homework very much based on the example at
It contains a detailed explanation of what happens — look at it and the solution after
doing this yourself
• In this homework you will show the status
of the program as wait, notify and notifyAll
calls are made. Positions in the wait and
blocked queue do not matter.
• This homework will demonstrate how
threads wait on locks, how wait, notify and
notifyAll work, and why you need a while
loop to recheck a condition.
wait, notify and notifyAll
Let L be the lock
If one or more threads are in the wait queue, wake one up and place it into the blocked queue.
The thread to be woken up is picked arbitrarily. The thread woken up must acquire L before
continuing. This is done automatically when in a synchronized method. The thread executing notify
must hold the lock L and continues to hold it until it reaches the end of the synchronized block.
If one or more threads are in the wait queue, wake all of them up. All woken up threads will be
placed into the blocked queue and attempt to acquire L when it is released by the thread executing
the notifyAll. At most one will get the lock, all others will continue to be in the blocked queue (not
the wait queue!) The thread executing notifyAll must hold the lock L and continues to hold it until it
reaches the end of the synchronized block.
Put the thread executing wait into L’s wait queue. The thread executing wait must hold L and
releases it when it executes wait.
public synchronized void put(Object o) {
while (buf.size()==MAX_SIZE) {
wait(); // called if the buffer is full (try/catch removed
// for brevity)
notify(); // called in case there are any getters or putters waiting
public synchronized Object get() {
// Y: this is where C2 tries to acquire the lock (i.e. at the
// beginning of the method)
while (buf.size()==0) {
wait(); // called if the buffer is empty (try/catch removed
// for brevity)
// X: this is where C1 tries to re-acquire the lock (see below)
Object o = buf.remove(0);
notify(); // called if there are any getters or putters waiting
return o;
First scenario — this code is part of a class that
implements a blocking queue
There are two kinds of threads — consumer threads C1,
C2, …, that remove characters from buf, and producer
threads P1, P2, …, that add characters to buf. For our
purposes, buf.size( ) returns the number of characters in
the buffer.
The buffer buf is initially empty.
1. Consumer C1 enters the synchronized block for the
get method
2. buf.size( ) == 0 is true
3. wait( ) is executed, placing C1 on the lock’s wait
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
1. Consumer 2 (C2) is just about to enter the
synchronized block for the get method, but has not
acquired the lock.
2. Producer P1 enters the synchronized method put,
acquires the lock, places the character “c” into buf,
and calls notify( ).
3. C1 is woken up by the notify and must reacquire the
lock before proceeding. Thus both C1 and C2 are
competing for the lock.
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
1. One of C1 and C2 is non-deterministically chosen to
get the lock. Let’s say C2 gets the lock. It gets to
enter the method since C1 is awake it is put on the
blocked queue, not back on the wait queue.
2. C2 gets the character and releases the lock which is
then acquired by C1.
Is there a character in buf for C1 to get?
What will happen in the program as written?
What would have happened if the while loop was not
in the get( ) method?
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
To make this easy, assume a buffer size of 1. Producer
and consumer threads are named as before. buf is
initially empty.
1. P1 puts a “c” into the buffer.
2. P2 attempts a put, checks the while loop and
performs a wait( )
3. P3 attempts a put, checks the while loop and
performs a wait( )
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
Let’s look at a scenario that shows the
need for notifyAll instead of notify in the
4. The following happen at time step 4:
a. C1 attempt to get 1 character and enters the get
b. C2 attempts to get 1 character but blocks on
entry to the get method;
c. C3 attempts to get 1 character but blocks on
entry to the get method;
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
5. The following happen at time step 5.
a. C1 is executing the get method, gets the
character, calls notify and exits the method
(releasing the lock and giving C2 and C3 a
chance to acquire it);
b. The notify wakes up P2
c. BUT, C2 enters the method before P2 can (P2
must reacquire the lock), so P2 blocks on entry
to the put method;
d. C2 checks the wait loop, sees there are no more
characters in the buffer and so it waits
(releasing the lock in the process)
e. C3 enters the method after C2, but before P2,
checks the wait loop, sees there are no more
characters in the buffer, and so it waits
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
6. The following happen at time step 6.
a. Now P3, C2 and C3 are all waiting!
b. P2 acquires the lock, puts a “d” in the buffer,
calls notify and exits the method
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and lock’s
blocked queue.
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
7. The following happens at time step 7.
a. P2’s notification wakes up P3 (any thread
can be woken up)
b. P3 checks the wait loop condition. There is
already a character (“d”) in the buffer and so
it waits.
Show the status of buf, lock’s wait queue and
lock’s blocked queue.
Is it possible for any thread to be woken up by
another notify?
What would have happened if in 6b a notifyAll( )
was called?
Queue object
lock’s wait
lock’s blocked
The correct code. Always use notifyAll unless there is a good
reason not to.
public synchronized void put(Object o) {
while (buf.size()==MAX_SIZE) {
wait(); // called if the buffer is full (try/catch removed
// for brevity)
notifyAll(); // called in case any getters or putters waiting
public synchronized Object get() {
// Y: this is where C2 tries to acquire the lock (i.e. at the
// beginning of the method)
while (buf.size()==0) {
wait(); // called if the buffer is empty (try/catch removed
// for brevity)
// X: this is where C1 tries to re-acquire the lock (see below)
Object o = buf.remove(0);
notifyAll(); // called in case any getters or putters waiting
return o;