Problem 1: Kernels [35 points]
(a) [10 points] Consider the unbiased perceptron algorithm. Suppose we are given
a kernel function K(xi
, xj = φ(xi)
T φ(xj ) (for some unknown φ(·)). Modify the
perceptron learning algorithm to directly use the kernel K. In particular provide
both 1) the training updates and 2) the decision rule during prediction. You do not
need to implement the modified algorithm in code; just work out the algorithm on
(b) [5 points] What is the mistake bound for this kernel perceptron? Assume that
∀x :
T x ≤ R1 and p
K(x, x) ≤ R2. You can also assume that the optimal
hyperplane in this kernel space has margin δ. Clearly indicate what changes, if any,
from the mistake bound of the regular perceptron are necessary.
(c) [10 points] A TA claimed during office hours that kernels allow us to fit non-linear
classifiers in the instance space; lets examine if there is any benefit to be achieved in
practice. The task we shall attempt is automatic recognition of handwritten digits.
The dataset available at UCI Machine Learning Repository has been preprocessed
to adhere to SVM-light format and made available on CMS as The input
is image bitmap of gray-scale values.
The zipped folder contains 10 training sets and 10 validation sets (one pair for each
digit) and one overall train, validation and test set. To start the experiment, we
intend to learn 10 models (one for each digit) which predicts whether that digit was
drawn or not. We will use the 10 pairs of training and validation sets and the overall
test set for this experiment.
Use SV Mlight to train 10 different biased classifiers with a linear kernel for each of
the training sets. Use the validation set for each digit to arrive at good values for C
(you may consider the range of C = {0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1}).
Note, the best value of C for a classifier for a digit can be different from the best C
for another digit. Tabulate the accuracies you get on the validation set for each digit
as you vary C. Keep aside the best performing model for each digit for the next step
(provide a brief explanation for why you picked a model to be the best performing
For each of your models (0-9), run svm classify on the overall test set. After you
have run all the classifications, find the highest of the 10 predictions for each test
instance, and assign it the corresponding class. What is the accuracy on the overall
test set?
Include representative commands (i.e., the command-line arguments) you use for
training for one of the digits.
(d) [10 points] We will now see the effect of non-linear kernels on performance. Train
10 different biased SVMs with polynomial kernel for each of the training sets, use
the corresponding digit’s validation set to tune the value of C and the degree of
the polynomial, d (you may consider the range of d = {2, 3, 4, 5}). Note that, the
d value will be same across the 10 classifiers (so, fix a value for d, tune C as you
did in the first experiment; pick that value of d that produces least errors across all
digits). Keep aside the best performing model for each digit for overall prediction.
Run each model on the overall test set and use the highest of the 10 predictions to
label each test instance. What is the accuracy on the overall test set now? Include
representative commands (i.e., the command-line arguments) you use for training
for one of the digits.
Problem 2: Generative Models [35 points]
(a) [10 points] Linear Discriminant Analysis is named suggestively: perhaps it can be
rewritten as a linear rule. Remember, the decision function for LDA to classify an
input vector x ∈ R
N given class means ~µ+ and ~µ− is:
h(~x) = argmaxy∈{+1,−1} P r(Y = y) e
||(~x− ~µy)||2
Assuming we have estimates for all the appropriate probabilities (none of them zero)
and we have the class means, can we rewrite h(x) = sign(~v · ~x + b)? If so, provide ~v
and b.
(b) [15 points] We will attempt to write the multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier Decision rule as a linear rule. Remember, a document is viewed as a sequence d =
(w1, w2, …, wl) of l words and is classified as:
h(d) = argmaxy∈{+1,−1}P r(Y = y)
P r(W = wi
|Y = y)
Assuming we have estimates for all the appropriate probabilities and none of them
are zero, can we rewrite h(d) = sign(~v · ~x + b)? If so, provide ~v, ~x and b.
HINT: For ~x: You might find the construction of ~x such that each component corresponds to a word in the vocabulary particularly helpful.
(c) [10 points] We learned in class that the Naive Bayes Classifier makes an independence assumption which, given the suggestive name, is probably very naive. Consider
the multivariate Naive Bayes Classifier for a binary classification problem, where the
input features are all binary. Construct a learning task P r(X, Y ), the Naive Bayes
distributions P r(X = x|Y = y) = Q
P r(Xi = xi
|Y = y) and P r(Y = y) that you
would learn for P r(X, Y ), and a test point x such that the naive Bayes labeling and
the Bayes-optimal labeling of x differ.
Provide calculations to prove your construction answers the question.
HINT: You may wish to consider the case when two of the input attributes are dependent (say, equal).
Problem 3: Naive Bayes Implementation [30 points]
(a) [15 points] We will attempt automatic classification of documents as pertaining
to Astrophysics or not; a subset of the arXiv corpus of scientific papers has been
preprocessed to adhere to SVM-light format and made available on CMS as
The zipped folder contains four files: Each line in the arxiv.train/test file is one
instance, the first field indicating if the instance was in the Astrophysics category
(+1) or not (-1). The remaining fields in a line indicate:
You can use the maximum index you see in the training file as the size of the vocabulary.
You need to implement a Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier for this classification
problem. Remember, the conditional probability of a word w being in a document d
is estimated as:
P r(W = w|Y = y) = 1 + Number of occurrences of w in documents in class y
Size of vocabulary + Number of all words in documents in class y
P r(Y = y) = Number of documents in class y
Number of all documents
The decision rule is given in an earlier question. In case of ties, predict the class that
occurs more often in the training set.
To avoid underflow, you should not compare products of probabilities directly but
rather compare their logarithms instead (remember, the logarithm of a product is a
sum of logarithms).
What accuracy do you get on the test set? Explicitly list out the number of false
positives and false negatives. (A false positive is when our algorithm predicts the
class to be True but the actual label is False, and a false negative is when we predict
False when the actual value is True).
A linear SVM achieves accuracy of around 96.43% on the test set. How does that
compare with the NB classifier?
(b) [15 points] We will now examine cost sensitive classification; in several real-world
classification tasks, the cost of a false positive is not equal to the cost of a false
negative; let mislabeling a true instance as false have cost c10 , and mislabeling a
false instance as true have cost c01 . There are also real-life costs for attaining positive
examples (c11 ) and negative examples (c00 ). The setting discussed in class is the
case when c00 = c11 = 0; c01 = c10 = 1.
In our current setting, we note that a user looking for articles on astrophysics will
tend to have non-symmetric costs for false positives and false negatives: for instance,
missing one document talking about astrophysics could be just as bad as having to
look at a bunch of documents about things other than astrophysics. So, rather than
optimizing for accuracy on the test set, we must optimize for this user’s cost. For
this question, c00 = c11 = 0; c01 = 1; c10 = 10. The decision rule for the multinomial
Naive Bayes classifier now becomes
Label instance as +1 if: (c10−c11)P r(Y = +1|X = x) ≥ (c01−c00)P r(Y = −1|X = x)
Implement the cost sensitive classifier for the given c values and report your accuracy
on the test set. Explicitly list out the number of false positives and false negatives.
Can you provide an intuitive connect between the number of false positives, false
negatives and c01, c10?