CSE 102 Programming Assignment 1 


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Overview: You will continue the program this semester to maintain the inventory for a store.
Do not forget your headers with @author and @since information.
Requirements: Write a set of classes according to the following specifications:
1. Product
a. Attributes
i. Name: String
ii. Price: double
iii. Count: int
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name, price, and count as parameters
ii. getName(): String and setName(name: String)
iii. getPrice(): double and setPrice(price: double)
iv. getCount(): int
v. addToInventory(amount: int): None – increase count by amount
1. if amount is negative, do nothing
vi. purchase(amount: int): double
1. decrease count by amount and return the total price
(amount X price)
2. if amount is negative or greater than count, do not change
count and return 0
vii. toString(): String – “Product {name} has {count} remaining”
2. FoodProduct – a child of Product
a. Attributes
i. Calories: int
ii. Gluten: boolean
iii. Dairy: boolean
iv. Meat: boolean
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name, price, count, calories, gluten,
dairy, and meat as parameters
ii. getCalories(): int and setCalories(calories: int)
iii. containsGluten(): boolean, containsDairy(): boolean, and
containsMeat(): boolean
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3. ClothingProduct – a child of Product
a. Attributes
i. Size: String
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name, price, count, and size as
ii. getSize() and setSize(size: String)
4. Customer
a. Attributes
i. Name: String
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name as parameter
ii. getName(): String and setName(name: String)
5. ClubCustomer – a child of Customer
a. Attributes
i. Phone: String
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name and Phone as parameters
ii. getPhone(): String and setPhone(phone: String)
6. Store
a. Attributes
i. Name: String
ii. Website: String
iii. Count: int
b. Methods
i. Constructor that takes the name, website, and number of products
as parameters
1. Creates an empty array of products of size number of
ii. getName(): String and setName(name: String)
iii. getWebsite(): String and setWebsite(website: String)
iv. getInventorySize(): int – returns the size of the array of products
v. getCount(): int – returns the number of products saved
vi. addProduct(product: Product)
1. Adds the passed product to the last open position in the
2. If the array is already full, do nothing
3. Returns none
vii. getProduct(index: int): Product
1. returns the Product at the position passed
2. if the index passed is negative or greater than the index of
the last entered product, return null
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Design: Your program does not require a main method. You are only responsible for
creating the six (6) classes described above. An example of how your program should
operate is given below:
Code: The file you submit will be named Assignment01_{StudentNumber}. You should
put all java classes for this assignment inside of this file as discussed in class.
Test: You are responsible for testing your program. It is important to not rely solely on
the examples presented in this Assignment description.
Google Classroom Submission: If anything is ambiguous, it is your responsibility to ask
questions. It is also your responsibility to complete this assignment in a timely manner.
Questions regarding this assignment will likely not be answered if received after 17:00 on
the due date of the assignment.
Quiz in Lab: There will be a quiz based on this assignment given on 13-March. The result of
this quiz will be used to determine your grade on this assignment. Note: if you do not attend
the lab and take the quiz, your score on this assignment will be 0.