3 Overview
In this assignment you will be writing a (vastly simplied) inventory system for a store / warehouse (like Ikea or
Costco) using C++.
This store will sell a number of Products. Each product has a StoreLocation. These locations are in the main
store area where shoppers shop. Each product may have zero or more overstock locations in the warehouse. These
are stored on skids (Figure 1) of all the same Product wrapped in plastic. We will call these WHLocations (warehouse
locations). Because WHLocations can only accept skids, they will be treated dierently than StoreLocations, and
we will use inheritance to implement to two dierent styles of Locations.
To help us with our inventory system we will use a few dierent data structures. We will use the linked List
that we have seen in class, but with some modications. We will also implement a Queue, which is a linked list but
with dierent rules for adding and removing. We will also use primitive arrays.
4 Classes Overview
This application will consist of 8 classes. The classes are listed below along with their respective categories.
1. Location (Entity object):
(a) A virtual base class for StoreLocation and WHLocation classes.
2. StoreLocation (Entity object):
(a) Concrete implementation for in-store product locations.
3. WHLocation (Entity object):
(a) Concrete implementation for warehouse product locations.
4. Product (Entity object):
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
Figure 1: “Skid” by Lee Bennett is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 and “Warehouse” by toolstop is licensed under
CC BY 2.0
(a) Contains information about the product, including the StoreLocation and WHLocations it is stored in.
5. List (Container object):
(a) A list of Products that can grow arbitrarily large.
6. Queue (Container object):
(a) A rst-in-rst-out (FIFO) data structure for storing WHLocations. The FIFO nature of the data structure
ensures that we use older stock rst.
7. Store (Control object):
(a) Provides an interface for interacting with the inventory system.
8. Control (Control object):
(a) Controls the interaction between the inventory system (Store) and the user.
9. View (View object):
(a) Collects user input and provides system output.
5 Instructions
All member variables are private unless otherwise noted. All member functions are public unless otherwise noted.
Some return values are not explicitly given. You should use your best judgment (they will often be void, but not
always). ALL CLASSES MUST HAVE A PRINT FUNCTION. This print function should display the metadata of
the class using appropriate formatting.
Once you download and unzip the assignment les you will nd some full classes (Control and View) and some
classes with partial implementations (Product and Store). There is a Makefile provided (which you may adjust as
needed), and the les and defs.h. It will not compile, and there will be errors that should clear up as you
design and implement the rest of the classes.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
5.1 The Location Class
Implement the Location base class. For the virtual functions add and remove, you should carefully consider what
code goes in the base class and what code in the derived class, or whether these should be pure virtual.
1. Member variables:
(a) string id: The label of this location.
(b) string product: The name of the product stored at this location. Although this is slightly unrealistic,
since normally we would uniquely identify a product by its sku code, in this program we will also use the
product name as the unique identier (this is due to the circular reference problem mentioned in Section
(c) int quantity: The quantity of product stored at this location.
(d) A string constant NONE = “Empty”. This should be a class variable. When there is no product in the
location, we will set the product variable to NONE.
2. Make getters for the member variables (except for NONE).
3. Make a two argument constructor that takes a character code (such as ‘A’ or ‘B’) and a number. This
constructor should concatenate the character code with the number and store it in the id string. For instance,
if I pass in ‘A’ and 23 as arguments, then id = “A23”.
4. Member functions. In addition to the functions listed here, you may add other functions at your discretion.
Be sure to properly document them.
(a) bool isEmpty(). Returns true if quantity == 0 and false otherwise.
(b) bool isAvailable(). Returns true if product == NONE and false otherwise.
(c) void print()
5. Virtual member functions. These functions will behave dierently depending on the subclass that calls them.
(a) int getCapacity(): This will return the maximum number of products this location can hold.
(b) A bool add function that takes a string (product name) and an integer (quantity) as arguments. The
integer is an input/output variable which will be described in the subclass.
(c) A void remove function that takes an integer (quantity) as an argument. The integer is an input/output
variable which will be described in the subclass.
5.2 The StoreLocation Class
Implement the StoreLocation class.
1. Member variables – these are all class variables:
(a) const char code – this should be set to the character ‘A’.
(b) const int capacity – this should be set to the SLOC_CAPACITY macro from the le defs.h.
(c) const int nextId – this will produce the next id number that is passed into the Location constructor.
2. Make a no argument constructor that calls the Location constructor and passes in code and nextId as
arguments. nextId should be incremented before each use so that every location gets a unique number.
3. Member functions:
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
(a) A void setProduct function that takes a string as an argument and sets the product member variable
to that string.
(b) int getFreeSpace(). Return the dierence between capacity and quantity.
(c) Any other (well-documented) member function that you need to complete the tasks assigned.
4. Inherited virtual member functions.
(a) virtual int getCapacity: return the capacity.
(b) virtual bool add: Attempt to add the amount of the product specied. Return false if the location has
a dierent product, or if it cannot t all the product.
(c) virtual bool remove(int amount): Attempt to remove the amount specied. Return false if the amount
is greater than the quantity. Do not change the product variable even if the quantity goes to 0.
5.3 The WHLocation Class
Implement the WHLocation class.
1. Member variables – these are all class variables.
(a) const char code – this should be set to the character ‘B’.
(b) const int capacity – this should be set to the WHLOC_CAPACITY macro from the le defs.h.
(c) const int nextId – this will produce the next id number that is passed into the Location constructor.
2. Make a no argument constructor that calls the Location constructor and passes in code and nextId as
arguments. nextId should be incremented before each use.
3. Inherited virtual member functions.
(a) virtual int getCapacity: return the capacity.
(b) virtual bool add: Since these are warehouse locations they only accept complete skids. So we can only
add product if the location isAvailable, and if it will t (i.e., the capacity is sucient). In which case
we set the product member variable to the product specied and the quantity to the quantity specied.
If the location is not empty, even if we are attempting to add the same product, do not change any values
and return false.
(c) virtual bool remove(int amount): the same behaviour as the StoreLocation class except that if the
quantity goes to 0 we set product = NONE. Once we nish a skid that warehouse location is ready for any
type of product. This reects that StoreLocations are reserved for a certain product but WHLocations
will accept a skid of any products.
5.4 The Queue Class
This has a similar structure to the List class we saw in class. It would make sense to make Queue a List subclass.
However, we have not learned about templates yet, and in this application Queue and List use dierent classes as
data. So we must keep them separate classes, which means that you will be copying a lot of code from the List class
to put into Queue.
1. Nested class – make a private nested class Node. You may use the Node class from the List class, however,
change the data to type WHLocation*.
2. Member variables:
(a) Node* head – same function as the head variable in the List class.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
(b) Node* tail – similar to head except tail should always point to the last element in the Queue. This will
make it easy to add elements to the back of the Queue.
3. Constructor – initialize both head and tail to NULL.
4. Destructor – Delete all Nodes in the Queue. DO NOT destroy the data.
5. Member functions:
(a) isEmpty() – return true if the Queue is empty.
(b) void peekFirst(WHLocation** loc) – return the WHLocation* data from the rst location if it exists,
or assign NULL to *loc otherwise. DO NOT delete the Node.
(c) void popFirst(WHLocation** loc) – return the WHLocation* data from the rst location if it exists, or
assign NULL to *loc otherwise. Delete the Node if it exists.
(d) addLast(WHLocation* loc) – Add loc to the end of the Queue.
5.5 The Product Class
1. Member variables. These have been added for you. If you change the names be sure to change them everywhere:
(a) string name: The product name. Each product name must be unique.
(b) StoreLocation*: The shelf in the store where this product is available for purchase.
(c) Queue*: A FIFO data structure of WHLocation to store the warehouse locations that contain the Product.
2. Make a constructor that takes a const string& name and StoreLocation* as arguments. Use them to
initialize the proper member variables. Make a new Queue class.
3. Make a destructor. The Product class is only responsible for destroying the Queue class. You should NOT
destroy any other data in this destructor.
4. Member functions:
(a) Make getters for string name and StoreLocation*. Make a setter for StoreLocation*.
(b) void addWHLocation(WHLocation*): add a WHLocation* to the Queue.
5. The following Product member functions have been done for you. Consider the following as documentation.
(a) void getFromStoreLocation(int& amount): Subtract the amount from the StoreLocation member
variable. If amount > quantity return the dierence. If amount <= quantity subtract amount from
quantity and return 0.
(b) void getFromWHLocations(int& amount): Subtract amount from the WHLocations in the Queue starting
with the rst, the proceeding to the second, etc. If a WHLocation becomes empty delete it from the Queue
and move to the next. If all WHLocations become empty, return the amount you were unable to subtract.
(c) void fillOrder(int& amount): remove amount of product from the store, starting with the StoreLocation
and then, if there is still more amount left, move to the WHLocations. If no stock is left, return the amount
of the order left to ll.
(d) void stockStoreLocation(): Sometimes when lling an order the StoreLocation becomes empty. Add
product to the StoreLocation until it is full (or you run out of product) by removing the same amount
of product from the WHLocations. If the WHLocations become empty return from the function.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
5.6 The List Class
You will use the List example seen in class with a few modications.
1. Change the data member in Node to be of type Product*. When adding a Product, add it in alphabetical
order by Product name.
2. New member functions:
(a) bool isEmpty(): returns true if the List is empty and false otherwise.
(b) void findProduct(const string& name, Product** prod): nd the Product with name in the List
and point the pointer referenced by prod to it. If there is no such product, point the pointer referenced
by prod at NULL.
5.7 The Store Class
1. Member variables:
(a) string name: the name of the store.
(b) A statically allocated array of StoreLocation objects. Use the SLOCS macro from defs.h to initialize the
(c) A statically allocated array of WHLocation objects. Use the WHLOCS macro from defs.h to initialize the
(d) A List* of products.
2. Make a constructor that takes one argument const string& name. Initialize all necessary member variables.
3. Make a destructor. The Store class is responsible for deallocating or causing to be deallocated all dynamically
allocated memory it has access to.
4. Member functions:
(a) void findAvailableSLoc(StoreLocation** sloc): This should nd the rst available StoreLocation
from the array (using isAvailable) and assign it to sloc.
(b) void findAvailableWHLoc(WHLocation** wloc): This should nd the rst available WHLocation from
the array (using isAvailable) and assign it to wloc.
(c) void findProduct(const string& name, Product** prod): return a Product with the given name or
NULL if such a product is not found.
5. Member functions for printing:
(a) void printStoreStock(): print all StoreLocations that have a product assigned to them (even if the
quantity is 0).
(b) void printBackStock(): print all the WHLocations that are not empty.
(c) void printProducts(): print all the products in the product List, whether or not there is currently any
6. The following Store member functions have been done for you. Consider the following as documentation.
(a) void receiveProduct(const string& product, int quantity): First search for the product. If there
is no such product, make a new Product object and add it to the List of products. Then nd available
WHLocations to store all of the product (it may require many such locations). Then call stockStoreLocation
to ll up the in-store location.
(b) void fillOrder(const string&, int& amount): Remove amount of the product from all locations
starting with the StoreLocation. Return the amount of the order that you could not ll. For example, if amount = 20 but there is only 15 of the product available in all locations, then return 5.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
– PRODUCTS: string[10]
– QUANTITIES: int[10]
+ launch( )
– initStore(in store: Store*)
– locationTest()
– queueTest()
+ showMenu(out choice: int&)
+ getProduct(out name: string&)
+ getQuantity(out quantity: int&)
– name: string
Figure 2: Partial UML diagram
5.8 The Control Class
This class has a launch function that instantiates and displays a View object to gather user input. Based on the
user input, it calls the necessary Store functions, or groups of functions in order to test your application.
5.9 The View Class
Displays the menu and takes user input.
5.10 The main Function
Instantiates and launchs a Control object.
5.11 UML Diagram
Draw a UML class diagram of the nished application using any UML drawing program you like (though is
excellent). You must represent inheritance and composition but do not need to represent uses. Be sure to represent
all member variables required and all member functions with the exceptions of getters, setters, and print. Be careful
– just because a function gets something or has get in the name does not necessarily mean it is a getter. A getter
returns a member variable as a return value. A partial diagram, Figure 2 has been provided.
6 Constraints
Your program must comply with all of the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the
lectures, including but not restricted to:
1. The code must be written in C++98 and it must compile and execute in the default course VM provided. It
must NOT require any additional libraries, packages, or software besides what is available in the standard VM.
2. Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the standard template library (STL)
unless expressly permitted.
3. Your program must be written in Object-Oriented C++. To wit:
(a) Do not use any global functions or variables other than main.
(b) Do not use structs, use classes.
(c) Do not pass objects by value. Pass by reference or by pointer.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
(d) Except for simple getters or error signalling, data must be returned from functions using output parameters.
(e) Reuse existing functions wherever possible. If you have large sections of duplicate code, consider consolidating it.
(f) Basic error checking must be performed.
(g) All dynamically allocated memory must be deallocated. Every time you use the new keyword to allocate
memory, you should know exactly when and where this memory gets deleted. Use valgrind.
4. All classes should be reasonably documented (remember the best documentation is expressive variable and
function names, and clear purposes for each class).
7 Grading
7.1 Marking Components
1. 10 marks: UML class diagram.
2. 10 marks: Correct implementation of Location.
3. 14 marks: Correct implementation of StoreLocation and WHLocation classes.
4. 10 marks: Correct implementation of Queue class.
5. 6 marks: Correct implementation of Product class.
6. 4 marks: Correct modication of the List class.
7. 16 marks: Correct implementation of Store class.
Total marks: 70
7.2 Execution and Testing Requirements
1. All marking components must be called and execute successfully to earn marks.
2. All data handled must be printed to the screen to earn marks (make sure print prints useful information, such
as the object member variables, where appropriate).
7.3 Deductions
7.3.1 Packaging errors:
1. 10 marks: Missing Makele
2. 5 marks: Missing README
3. up to 10 marks: Failure to separate code into header and source les.
4. up tp 10 marks: Readability – bad style, missing documentation.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 3 of 4 – Due Sunday Nov. 14th, 11:59 pm
7.3.2 Major design and programming errors:
1. 50%: marking component that uses global variables or structs.
2. 50%: marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles.
3. 50%: marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions.
4. up to 10 marks: memory leaks reported by valgrind.
7.3.3 Execution errors:
1. 100% of any marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn’t compile or execute in the course
VM, or the feature is not used in the code, or data cannot be printed to the screen. In short: your program
must convince, without modifcation, myself or the TA that it works and works properly. TAs are not required
to debug or x non-working code.