2 Learning Outcomes
In this assignment you will learn to
1. write an application that is (mostly) separated into into control, view, entity, and collection object classes.
2. use a UML diagram to implement classes and the interaction between between classes.
3. implement a “deep copy” of nested objects.
3 Overview
You will be writing C++ code that mimics a podcast network. Podcasts have a title and a host and a data structure
for storing 0 or more Episodes. Each episode will have some metadata and some content (in our examples the
content consists of lorem ipsum gibberish). Episodes may then be “played” (i.e., have their content printed to the
The Network itself will consist of 0 or more Podcasts as well as 0 or more Subscribers. A Client class will
be able connect to the Network as long as the Client name matches a Subscriber name. Once they connect they
can “stream” episodes from any podcast. In addition, a Client will be able to “download” podcasts. This copies
the podcast to “local storage”, which, in this exercise, is a data structure in the Client class. Subscribers can then
play the podcast locally, and this should work even if the network deletes the original podcast (that is, you will be
doing a deep copy of the Podcast).
Instead of connecting remotely, there is a TestControl object to test the functionality of the Network and
Client classes by simulating a remote connection. This class and the test functions are written for you. You will
then be able to run various tests using the TestControl and TestView objects.
You will write these classes using a UML diagram for guidance.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
4 UML Diagram
1 TestControl
+ launch()
– initNetwork(in/out network: Network*)
– podArrayTest()
– playEpisodesTest()
– networkTest()
– downloadTest()
– clientTest()
+ showMenu(out choice:int&)
– name: string
– numSubs: int
// getters
+ getPodcast(in podcast: string&, out podcast:Podcast**): bool
+ getSubscriber(in name: string&, out sub: Subscriber**): bool
// add and remove
+ addPodcast(in podcast: string&, in host: string&): bool
+ removePodcast(in podcast: string&): bool
+ addEpisode(in podcast: string&, in title: string&, in content: string&): bool
+ addSubscrber(in name: string&, in creditcard: string&): bool
// Client services
+ download(in subscriber: string&, in podcast: string&, out podcast: Podcast**)
+ stream(in subscriber: string&, in podcast: string&, in episode: int, out ep: Episode**)
– name: string
– creditcard: string
+ matches(in name:string&): bool
– title: string
– host: string
– numEps: int
+ addEpisode(in title: string&, in content: string&): bool
+ getEpisode(in num: int, out episode: Episode**): bool
+ lessThan(in podcast: Podcast&): bool
– number: int
– name: string
– content: string
+ play()
0..* 0..*
– name: string
+ download(in network: Network*, in podcast: string&)
+ stream (in network: Network*, in podcast: string&, in episode:int)
+ playLocal(in podcast: string&, in episode: int)
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
5 Classes Overview
This application will consist of 7 classes. In addition to the classes shown in the diagram above, there is a PodArray
class. The classes are listed below along with their respective categories. You should use the instructions and the
UML diagram to construct your app.
1. The Subscriber class (Entity object):
(a) Contains information about the Subscriber
2. The Episode class (Entity object):
(a) Contains information about the Episode
(b) Plays content through a View object, i.e., std::cout
3. The Podcast class (Entity object):
(a) Contains information about the Podcast
(b) Maintains a collection of Episodes
4. The PodArray class (Collection object):
(a) Data structure for Podcasts.
5. The Network class (Control object):
(a) Manages collections of Podcasts and Subscribers
(b) Provides services to the Client (such as download and stream).
(c) Prints error information to std::cout
6. The Client class (Control object):
(a) Interacts with the Network to stream episodes or download podcasts
(b) Manages a collection of downloaded Podcasts
7. The TestControl class (Control object):
(a) Controls the running of tests on your application
(b) Interacts with TestView
8. The TestView class (View object):
(a) Takes input from the user performing the tests
In addition, we will be using std::cout as the main View output object for error reporting.
6 Instructions
All member variables are private unless otherwise noted. All member functions are public unless otherwise noted.
Some return values are not explicitly given. You should use your best judgment (they will often be void, but not
always). ALL CLASSES MUST HAVE A PRINT FUNCTION. This print function should display the metadata of
the class using appropriate formatting.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
6.1 The Subscriber Class
Implement the Subscriber class.
1. Member variables:
(a) name and creditcard members, both strings.
2. Make a two argument constructor – string name, string creditcard that initializes the member variables.
3. Make a bool matches(const string& name) function that returns true if the name parameter matches the
Subscriber name, and false otherwise.
6.2 The Episode Class
Implement the Episode class.
1. Member variables:
(a) name, content, and podcast members, all strings.
(b) an integer, number, which is the number of the episode.
2. Make a constructor that takes the arguments: const string& podcast, int number, const string& name,
const string& content. Initialize the member variables appropriately.
3. Make a play method. This is similar to a print function except that you will first print the podcast information,
then the episode name and number, and then the episode content to std::cout.
6.3 The Podcast Class
Implement a Podcast class.
1. Member variables:
(a) title and host members, both strings.
(b) a dynamically allocated primitive array of Episodes. Use the NUM EPS definition from “defs.h” to initialize
the size.
(c) an integer, numEps, to track the number of episodes in the Episode array.
2. Make a constructor that takes two strings as arguments: title and host. Initialize all member variables
3. Make a copy constructor. This should do a deep copy of all data. Pay specific attention to the Episodes.
4. Make getters for title and host. Make a getNumEpisodes() function that returns the number of episodes
5. Make a function addEpisode that takes two strings, title and content as arguments. If the Episode array
is full, return false. Otherwise make a new Episode and add it to the back of the Episode array. The episode
number should be the location of the Episode in the array plus 1.
6. Make a function bool getEpisode(int index, Episode** ep). If index is a valid index, retrieve the episode
at that location in the Episode array and assign it to ep. Return true. If index is not valid, return false.
7. Make a bool lessThan(Podcast& pod) function. This function returns true if this->name comes before in alphabetical order, and false otherwise.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
6.4 The PodArray Class
Most of this class is provided for you. Finish the removePodcast and getPodcast implementations. Although the
podcasts are stored in alphabetical order, you may use a linear search to find them (that is, simply check every
6.5 The Network Class
Make a Network class. Refer to the UML diagram for details and complete function signatures.
1. Member variables:
(a) a string for the name of the Network
(b) a PodArray pointer.
(c) a statically allocated primitive array of Subscriber pointers. Use MAX SUBS from defs.h for the size.
(d) an integer numSubs that keeps track of the current number of Subscribers in the Subscriber* array.
2. The constructor should initialize all member variables appropriately.
3. The destructor should deallocate all the necessary member variables.
4. bool addPodcast: This function should create a new Podcast object and add it to the PodArray if there is
room. If successful, return true. If the podcast cannot be added because the PodArray is full return false.
5. bool removePodcast: Remove the podcast with title podcast from the PodArray. Make sure to properly
manage the memory (i.e., delete the Podcast).
6. bool addEpisode: If the podcast exists attempt to add a new episode to it. Return true if successful, false
7. bool addSubscriber: If the Subscriber array is full, return false. Otherwise make a new Subscriber object
and add it to the back of the array.
8. bool download: If the subscriber and the podcast exist, then assign the podcast to the output parameter
and return true. We are not copying the Podcast here, only returning it. Otherwise output an error message
to std::cout with details of what went wrong (for example, “no such subscriber”) and return false.
9. bool stream: If the subscriber, podcast, and episode number (epNum) exist, then assign that Episode to
the output parameter and return true. Otherwise output an error message to std::cout with details of what
went wrong (for example, “no such subscriber”) and return false.
10. bool hasSubscriber: If the subscriber with name matching the input parameter exists, return true, otherwise
return false.
6.6 The Client Class
Make a Client class. Refer to the UML diagram for detail and complete function signatures.
1. In addition to the member variable listed in the UML diagram, this class should have a PodArray pointer.
2. Make a constructor which initializes member variables appropriately.
3. Make a destructor which deletes member variables appropriately.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
4. download: Attempt to download the podcast with the name podcast from the Network. If successful, and
there is room in the PodArray, make a copy of the Podcast and add it to the PodArray. If unsuccessful, output
an error message to std::cout.
5. stream: Attempt to stream the given podcast episode from the Network. If successful, play the Episode. You
do not need an error message here since the Network should produce one if something goes wrong.
6. playLocal: Attempt to retrieve the podcast episode from the PodArray. If successful, play the Episode. If
unsuccessful, output an error message to std::cout.
6.7 The TestControl and TestView Classes
These classes have been done for you. They work as follows. The launch function in the TestControl class
instantiates and displays a TestView object to gather user input. Based on the input, it calls one of 5 private test
functions from the TestControl class. This repeats until the user selects 0, at which point the program exits.
6.8 The main Function
This has also been provided for you. It instantiates a TestControl object and calls launch.
7 Constraints
Your program must comply with all of the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the
lectures, including but not restricted to:
1. The code must compile and execute in the default course VM provided. It must NOT require any additional
libraries, packages, or software besides what is available in the standard VM.
2. Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the standard template library (STL)
unless expressly permitted.
3. Your program must be written in Object-Oriented C++. To wit:
(a) Do not use any global functions or variables other than main.
(b) Do not use structs, use classes.
(c) Do not pass objects by value. Pass by reference or by pointer.
(d) Except for simple getters or error signalling, data must be returned from functions using output parameters.
(e) Reuse existing functions wherever possible. If you have large sections of duplicate code, consider consolidating it.
(f) Basic error checking must be performed.
(g) All dynamically allocated memory must be deallocated. Every time you use the new keyword to allocate
memory, you should know exactly when and where this memory gets deleted. It is recommended you
verify proper memory management using valgrind.
4. All classes should be reasonably documented (remember the best documentation is expressive variable and
function names, and clear purposes for each class).
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 2 of 4 – Due Sunday October 31th, 11:59 pm
8 Grading
8.1 Marking Components
1. 5 marks: The Subscriber class
2. 10 marks: The Episode class
3. 14 marks: The Podcast class
4. 6 marks: The PodArray class
5. 20 marks: The Network class
6. 10 marks: The Client class
Total Marks: 65 marks
8.2 Execution and Testing Requirements
1. All marking components must be called and execute successfully to earn marks.
2. All data handled must be printed to the screen to earn marks (make sure print prints useful information, such
as the object member variables, where appropriate).
8.3 Deductions
8.3.1 Packaging errors:
1. 10 marks: Missing Makefile
2. 5 marks: Missing README
3. up to 10 marks: Failure to separate code into header and source files.
4. up tp 10 marks: Readability – bad style, missing documentation.
8.3.2 Major design and programming errors:
1. 50%: marking component that uses global variables or structs.
2. 50%: marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles.
3. 50%: marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions.
4. up to 10 marks: memory leaks reported by valgrind.
8.3.3 Execution errors:
1. 100% of any marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn’t compile or execute in the course
VM, or the feature is not used in the code, or data cannot be printed to the screen. In short: your program
must convince, without modifcation, myself or the TA that it works and works properly. TAs are not required
to debug or fix non-working code.