ECE 5725 Homework 3 Part 2 solved


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1. What are the two requirements for successful completion of an application running in a
Real-Time environment?
2. Describe two processor innovations which, although they create a more efficient generalpurpose computing platform, would impact the correct evolution of applications in a realtime environment. Describe how these innovations operate and what aspects of the
innovations interfere with real-time applications. For each of the innovations, how might
they be adapted for use with a real-time system?
3. During investigation into embedded versus real-time systems, we have been discussing
typical timing examples for processes using the parameters ta, arrival time, ts, start time,
tf, finish time, and td, deadline time. Given this process timeline, what tools can we
deploy to measure process execution time and process latency? Please include a timing
diagram for a typical process, include the timing parameters discussed above, indicate
process execution time and startup latency time on the diagram and discuss the tools used
to measure each section.
4. Describe two of the four Linux kernel functions outlined in class. Figures could be
helpful when describing these functions.
5. Describe the boot sequence of the Raspberry Pi in detail. What hardware modules are
activated at each boot step? What software is used to boot the RPi? Where does each
software process run? Identify the name and location of files used to boot the RPi. One
of these files, start.elf, is an example of the ELF file format; What is the ELF format?