COMP 1210 Project: Air Ticket – Part 3 solved


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Your project files should be submitted to Web-CAT by the due date and time specified. Note that
there is also an optional Skeleton Code assignment which will indicate level of coverage your tests
have achieved (there is no late penalty since the skeleton code assignment is ungraded for this
project). The files you submit to skeleton code assignment may be incomplete in the sense that
method bodies have at least a return statement if applicable or they may be essentially completed
files. In order to avoid a late penalty for the project, you must submit your completed code files to
Web-CAT no later than 11:59 PM on the due date for the completed code assignment. If you are
unable to submit via Web-CAT, you should e-mail your project Java files in a zip file to your TA
before the deadline. Test files are not required for this project. If submitted, you will be able to see
your code coverage, but this will not be counted as part of your grade.
Files to submit to Web-CAT (test files are optional):
Classes from Project 9,,,,,
Classes from Project 10
ItineraryComparator, ItineraryComparatorTest
AirTicketProcessor, AirTicketProcessorTest
AirTicketApp, AirTicketAppTest
New Classes in Project 11
You should create new folder for Part 3 and copy your relevant Part 2 source and optional test files to
it. You should create a jGRASP project with these files in it, and then add the new source and
optional test files as they are created.
Specifications – Use arrays in this project; ArrayLists are not allowed!
Overview: This project is the third of three projects that will involve the pricing and reporting of air
tickets. The completed class hierarchy is shown in the UML class diagram above. Part 3 of the
project focuses on handling exceptions that are thrown because of erroneous input from the command
line or the data file. In the AirTicketApp class, the main method, which reads in the file name as a
command line argument, will need to handle a FileNotFoundException that may result from
attempting to open the file (e.g., if the file does not exist). Also, the readFile method in
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AirTicketProcessor will need to handle exceptions that occur while processing the data file, including
a new exception called InvalidCategoryException. You will need to do the following: (1) create a
new class named InvalidCategoryException which extends the Exception class, (2) add try-catch
statements to catch FileNotFoundException, InvalidCategoryException, and
NumberFormatException, and (3) add three methods to the AirTicketProcessor class. As you develop
and debug your program, you may find it helpful to use the “viewer canvas” feature in conjunction
with the debugger or interactions.
• Itinerary, AirTicket, NonRefundable, Economy, Business, Elite, ItineraryCompare,
Requirements and Design: No changes from the specifications in Project 10
Requirements and Design: InvalidCategoryException is a user defined exception created by
extending the Exception class. This exception is to be thrown and caught in the
readAirTicketFile method in the AirTicketProcessor class when a line of input data contains an
invalid category. The constructor for InvalidCategoryException takes a single String parameter
representing category and invokes the super constructor with the following String:
“For category: ” + “\”” + category + “\””
This string will be the toString() value of an InvalidCategoryException when it occurs. For a
similar constructor, see in 11_Exceptions\Examples\Polygons from
this week’s lecture notes.
Requirements and Design: In addition to the specifications in Project 10, three new methods,
getTickets(), getInvalidInput(), and generateReportForInvalidInput(), should be implemented in
the AirTicketProcessor class, and the existing readAirTicketFile method must be modified to
recognize invalid input data and catch InvalidCategoryException and NumberFormatException.
o getTickets: Accepts no parameters and returns the value of the field for the array of
type AirTicket (i.e., the return type is AirTicket[]). Note that this method is
primarily to facilitate testing.
o getInvalidInput: Accepts no parameters and returns the value of the field for the
array of type String containing the invalid input read from the file (i.e., the return type is
String[]). Note that this method is primarily to facilitate testing.
o generateReportForInvalidInput: Accepts no parameters and returns a String
representing the Air Ticket Report for Invalid Input. The report is assembled by
processing the invalid input array which contains the records in the order they were
encountered. The printed Air Ticket Report for Invalid Input is shown below near the
end in the Example Output.
o readAirTicketFile: Has no return value and accepts the data file name as a String
and throws FileNotFoundException. This method creates a Scanner object to read in the
file and then reads it in line by line. I recommend that you set up a second scanner on the
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line to scan it. For each correct line scanned, you will create the “appropriate” AirTicket
object and add it to the array of AirTicket field. Each line in the file begins with a
category for the ticket (N, E, B, and F are valid categories for ticket class indicating
NonRefundable, Economy, Business, and First (or Elite) respectively; note that F (First)
will indicate our Elite class. For each incorrect line scanned (i.e., a line of data contains
an invalid category or invalid numeric data), your method will need to handle the invalid
items properly. If the line of data begins with an invalid category, your program should
throw an InvalidCategoryException (see description above). If a line of data has a valid
category, but includes invalid numeric data (e.g., the value for miles contains an
alphabetic character), a NumberFormatException will be thrown automatically by the
Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Your readAirTicketFile method should catch and
handle InvalidCategoryException and NumberFormatException as follows. In each catch
clause, a String object should be created consisting of
e + ” in: ” + line
where e is the exception and line is the line with the invalid data. The String object
should be added to the array of invalid input.
Requirements and Design: The AirTicketApp class contains the main method for running the
program. In addition to the specifications in Project 10, the main method should be modified in
Two ways.
(1) The main method should not include the throws FileNotFoundException in the declaration.
Instead, the main method should include a try-catch statement to catch
FileNotFoundException when/if it is thrown in the readAirTicketFile method in the
AirTicketProcessor class. This exception will occur when an incorrect file name is passed to
the readAirTicketFile method. This exception will be propagated from readAirTicketFile and
caught in the main method, which will print the messages below and end.
*** File not found.
Program ending.
(2) In addition to the three reports in Part 2, AirTicketApp should also print the Air Ticket Report
for Invalid Input as shown in the Example Output beginning on the next page. Note that the
lines in the Invalid Input Report are shown “wrapped”. However, in your output for Air
Ticket Report for Invalid Input, these lines should not be wrapped. An example data file
(air_ticket_data2.csv) can be downloaded from the Lab web page.
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Example Output
Output when no file name is passed to main in as a command line argument.
—-jGRASP exec: java AirTicketApp
*** File name not provided by command line argument.
Program ending.
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
Output when a bad file name is passed to main in as a command line argument.
—-jGRASP exec: java AirTicketApp bad_file_name.cvs
*** File not found.
Program ending.
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
Output when air_ticket_data2.csv is passed to main in as a command line argument.
—-jGRASP exec: java AirTicketApp air_ticket_data2.csv
Air Ticket Report
Flight: DL 1865
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1867
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Flight: DL 1863
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1861
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Flight: DL 1866
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1868
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Project: Air Ticket – Part 3 Page 5 of 7
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Flight: DL 1864
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1862
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Air Ticket Report (by Flight Number)
Flight: DL 1861
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Flight: DL 1862
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Flight: DL 1863
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1864
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1865
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1866
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1867
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Flight: DL 1868
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Project: Air Ticket – Part 3 Page 6 of 7
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Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Air Ticket Report (by Itinerary)
Flight: DL 1861
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Flight: DL 1863
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1865
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1867
ATL-LGA (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Flight: DL 1862
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0800 – 2021/11/21 1040) 800 miles (800 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 0.45
Total Fare: $182.25 (class NonRefundable)
Includes DiscountFactor: 0.9
Flight: DL 1864
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 0900 – 2021/11/21 1140) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Fare: $1,325.00 (class Elite)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Includes: Comm Services: $100.00
Flight: DL 1866
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1400 – 2021/11/21 1640) 800 miles (1600 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Fare: $1,000.00 (class Business)
Includes Food/Beverage: $50.00 Entertainment: $50.00
Flight: DL 1868
LGA-ATL (2021/11/21 1500 – 2021/11/21 1740) 800 miles (1200 award miles)
Base Fare: $450.00 Fare Adjustment Factor: 1.0
Total Fare: $450.00 (class Economy)
Includes Award Miles Factor: 1.5
Air Ticket Report for Invalid Input
InvalidCategoryException: For category: “A” in: A,DL 1865,ATL,LGA,2021/11/21
1400,2021/11/21 1640,800,450,2.0,50.0,50.00
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “800.0” in: E,DL
1867,ATL,LGA,2021/11/21 1500,2021/11/21 1740,800.0,450,1.0
Project: Air Ticket – Part 3 Page 7 of 7
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java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “$450” in: F,DL
1863,ATL,LGA,2021/11/21 0900,2021/11/21 1140,800,$450,2.5,50.0,50.00,100.00
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “0.90%” in: N,DL
1861,ATL,LGA,2021/11/21 0800,2021/11/21 1040,800,450,0.45,0.90%
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “50.x” in: B,DL
1866,LGA,ATL,2021/11/21 1400,2021/11/21 1640,800,450,2.0,50.x,50.00
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “1/0” in: E,DL
1868,LGA,ATL,2021/11/21 1500,2021/11/21 1740,800,450,1/0
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “100.oo” in: F,DL
1864,LGA,ATL,2021/11/21 0900,2021/11/21 1140,800,450,2.5,50.0,50.00,100.oo
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
Due to space constraints, the lines in the Invalid Input Report are shown “wrapped” in the example
above. However, in your output, these lines should not be wrapped. That is, each record in the
invalid record array should be on a single line rather than broken/wrapped over two lines.