CSC265 Assignment 6 solved


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For any node x in a binary tree, let n(x) denote the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at x.
We say that the binary tree is unbalanced at x if either x’s left subtree or x’s right subtree contains
more than 2n(x)/3 nodes.
1. Prove that if x is a node at depth greater than blog3/2 nc in a binary tree with n nodes, then
the binary tree is unbalanced at some proper ancestor of x.
2. Given an arbitrary binary search tree with n nodes, explain how to construct, in O(n) time,
a binary search tree with the same nodes such that, for each node, the number of nodes in
its left and right subtrees differ by at most one. Briefly justify why your algorithm is correct
and runs in the required time.
Consider a binary search tree augmented with a single variable size which is the number of nodes
in the tree. (Note that each node x of the binary search tree only has three fields, x.key, x.left, and
x.right.) Suppose that each time an INSERT is successfully performed, size is incremented. If the
newly inserted node, x, has depth greater than blog3/2
sizec, then the ancestors of x are examined
in order, starting from the parent of x until an ancestor a of x is reached such that the binary tree
is unbalanced at a. Finally, the subtree rooted at a is replaced by a binary search tree with the
same nodes, as described in question 2, i.e., for each node in the subtree, the number of nodes in
its left and right subtrees differ by at most one.
3. Explain how the node a can be found in O(n(a)) time.
4. Suppose that a sequence of n INSERT operations are performed, beginning with an empty
tree. Prove that the height of the resulting tree is at most blog3/2 nc.
5. Use the accounting method to prove that the allocated cost of each INSERT in a sequence
of n INSERT operations, beginning with an empty tree, is O(log n). Maintain the credit
invariant that each node x in the tree contains at least 3(|n(x.left) − n(x.right)| − 1) credits.
Remember to explicitly state what a credit can pay for.