Statistical Natural Language Processing Exercise Sheet VI solved


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1) Correlation Function (2 points)
Words in natural languages exhibit both short-range local dependencies as well as
long-range global dependencies to various degrees. To analyse these dependencies,
the temporal correlation function can be used. The correlation between two words
w1 and w2 is defined as
CorrD(w1, w2) = PD(w1, w2)
where PD(w1, w2) is the probability of observing w2 after w1 separated by a distance
D, estimated from a (continuous) text corpus, and P(w1) and P(w2) are the unigram
probabilities of w1 and w2, respectively, estimated from the same text corpus. The
term PD(w1, w2) can be defined as
PD(w1, w2) = ND(w1, w2)
where ND(w1, w2) is the total number of times w2 was observed after w1 at distance
D and N is the total number of word tokens in the text corpus.
(a) Pre-process the corpus English_train.txt by applying white-space tokenization
and removing punctuation. You should ignore sentence boundaries. You can
use the tokenize function provided in the script.
(b) Implement a function correlation that takes two words, w1 and w2, and distance D as inputs and returns as an output the correlation value.
(c) Use the correlation function and compute it for the word pairs (“he”,”his”),
(“he”,”her”), (“she”,”her”), (“she”,”his”) with different distances of D ∈ {1, 2, .., 50}.
Plot the correlation vs. distance with the values obtained. Explain your findings.
Your solution should contain the plot for (c), a sufficient explanation of the findings
in this exercise, as well as the source code to reproduce the results.
Language Models
1) Linear Interpolation (2 points)
In this exercise, you will explore simple linear interpolation in language models as
an extension of the Lidstone smoothing you already implemented in assignment 3.
In the case of a higher-order ngram language model, there is always the problem
of data sparseness. One way to solve this problem is by mixing the higher-order
ngram estimates with lower-order probability estimates. This interaction is called
interpolation. A simple way to do this is as follows:
PI (w2|w1) = λ1P(w2) + λ2P(w2|w1) (3)
PI (w3|w1, w2) = λ1P(w3) + λ2P(w3|w2) + λ3P(w3|w1, w2) (4)
where 0 ≤ λi ≤ 1 and P
λi = 1
(a) First, implement a function to estimate interpolated bigram probabilities. Your
implementation of this exercise can be an extension of your code in assignment
3 according to formula (3). Use the Lidstone smoothing technique that you
implemented in Assignment 3 to obtain P(w2) and P(w2|w1) where
P(w) = N(w) + α
N + αV
P(w|w−1) = N(w−1, w) + α
N(w−1) + αV
(b) Create a bigram language model using interpolation with λ1,2 = 1/2, 1/2 and
α = 0.3 on the English_train.txt corpus.
(c) Compute the perplexity of the model on the English_test.txt corpus and compare it with the perplexity of the original model with Lidstone smoothing
(α = 0.3) and without interpolation. How do you explain the differences?
Your solution should contain the perplexity values for part (c), a sufficient explanation of the findings in this exercise, as well as the source code to reproduce the results.
2) Absolute Discounting Smoothing (4 points)
In this exercise, you will implement absolute discounting smoothing for a bigram
language model with a back-off strategy. In contrast to interpolation, we only “back
off” to a lower-order n-gram if we have zero evidence for a higher-order n-gram. When
the higher-order n-gram model is a bigram LM, absolute discounting is defined as
|wi−1) = max{N(wi−1, wi) − d, 0}
w0∈V N(wi−1w0
+ λ(wi−1)Pabs(wi) (7)
Pabs(wi) = max{N(wi) − d, 0}
w0∈V N(w0
+ λ(.)Punif (wi) (8)
where 0 < d < 1 is the discounting parameter, Punif is a uniform distribution over
the vocabulary V, λ(wi−1) and λ(.) are the backing-off factors defined as
λ(wi−1) = d
w0∈V N(wi−1w0
N1+(wi−1•) (9)
N1+(wi−1•) = |{w : N(wi−1w) > 0}| (10)
λ(.) = d
w0∈V N(w0
N1+ (11)
N1+ = |{w : N(w) > 0}| (12)
(a) Given the equations above, implement absolute discounting smoothing and
build a bigram LM using the English_train.txt corpus. Your implementation
of this exercise can be an extension of the ngram_LM class or your could design
your own code from scratch if that is more convenient for you. The main adaptation should be on the estimate_smoothed_prob function. For a unigram LM,
consider the empty string as the n-gram history. You can use the test function
to make sure that your probabilities sum up to 1.
(b) Compute and report the perplexity of the backing-off LM for the test corpus
with d = 0.7.
(c) Compare the perplexity values of the model with the best-performing model you
implemented with Lidstone smoothing. Explain the difference in performance
by comparing the two methods.
(d) Investigate the effect of the discounting parameter d on the perplexity of the
test corpus. For each d ∈ {0.1, 0.2, …, 0.9} compute the perplexity and plot a
line chart where the x-axis corresponds to the discounting parameter and the
y-axis corresponds to the perplexity value.
Your solution should contain the plot for (d), a sufficient explanation of the findings
in this exercise, as well as the source code to reproduce the results.
3) Kneser-Ney Smoothing (2 points)
In this exercise, you will explore Kneser-Ney smoothing. Consider the following
• V – LM Vocabulary
• N(x) – Count of the n-gram x in the training corpus
• N1+(•w) where |{u : N(u, w) > 0}| – number of bigrams ending in w
• N1+(w•) where |{u : N(w, u) > 0}| – number of bigrams starting with w
• N1+(•w•) where |{(u, v) : N(w, w, v) > 0}| – number of trigram types with w
in the middle
For a trigram Kneser-Ney LM, the probability of a word w3 is estimated as
PKN (w3|w1w2) = max{N(w1w2w3) − d, 0}
v∈V N(w1w2v)
+ λ(w1w2)PKN (w3|w2) (13)
max{N(w1w2w3) − d, 0}
+ λ(w1w2)PKN (w3|w2) (14)
As shown above, the definition of the highest order probability in Kneser-Ney LM
is identical to that in absolute discounting. However, the main difference is in
estimating the lower-order back-off probabilities
PKN (w3|w2) = max{N1+(•w2w3) − d, 0}
v∈V N1+(•w2)
+ λ(w2)PKN (w3) (15)
max{N1+(•w2w3) − d, 0}
+ λ(w2)PKN (w3) (16)
The base case of this recursive definition is the unigram probability which is estimated as
PKN (w3) = N1+(•w3)
v∈V N1+(•v)
where N1+(••) is the number of bigram types. Contrary to absolute discounting, a
Kneser-Ney LM does not interpolate with the zerogram probability. In case w3 was
not in the vocabulary of the LM (i.e., OOV), then PKN (w3|w1w2) = PKN (w3) = 1
|V |
(a) From the English_train.txt corpus, collect the necessary statistics and fill the
table below
w = “longbourn” w = “pleasure”
−log2PKN (w)
Discuss the differences.
(b) Describe the idea behind the Kneser Ney smoothing technique. How does it
differ from other backing-off language models?
Your solution should include the table and the source code of part (a), and a sufficient
explanation of part (b).
Submission Instructions
The following instructions are mandatory. Please read them carefully. If you do not follow
these instructions, the tutors can decide not to correct your exercise solutions.
• You have to submit the solutions of this exercise sheet as a team of 2 students.
• If you submit source code along with your assignment, please use Python unless otherwise
agreed upon with your tutor.
• NLTK modules are not allowed, and not necessary, for the assignments unless otherwise
• Make a single ZIP archive file of your solution with the following structure
– A source_code directory that contains your well-documented source code and a
README file with instructions to run the code and reproduce the results.
– A PDF report with your solutions, figures, and discussions on the questions that you
would like to include. You may also upload scans or photos of high quality.
– A README file with group member names, matriculation numbers and emails.
• Rename your ZIP submission file in the format
where id#n is the matriculation number of every member in the team.
• Your exercise solution must be uploaded by only one of your team members under Assignments in the General channel on Microsoft Teams.
• If you have any problems with the submission, contact your tutor before the deadline.