COP 4530 The SafeArray Project


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Recall that there is no check on an array index out of bounds. However, during program
execution, an array index out of bounds can cause serious problems. Also, in C++, the array
indexes starts at 0.
Design and implement the templated class SafeArray that solves the array index out of
bounds problem and also allows the user to begin the array indexes to start at an arbitrary
index a and end at an arbitrary index b-1, provided a < b. These integers may be negative
Every object of this class represents an array of values of the template type. The templated
class should be contained in a file named SafeArray.h. That MUST be the name with no
The private section of the class declaration is as follows:
int firstValid;
int firstInvalid;
T *A;
You will use a dynamic array A to implement the SafeArray objects. Moreover, the user will be
able to use indexes i with
firstValidIndex <= i < firstInvalidIndex.
This means that your code for the [ ] operator will have to translate these indices to ones that
start at 0.
Consider the following statements:
SafeArray myArray(5); //Line 1 firstValidIndex 0
// firstInvalidIndex 5
SafeArray myMyArray(2, 13); //Line 2 firstValidIndex 2
// firstInvalidIndex 13
SafeArray yourArray(-5, 9); //Line 3 firstValidIndex -5
// firstInvalidIndex 9
The statement in Line 1 declares list to be an array of 5 components, the component type is
int, and the valid index references are:
myArray[0], myArray[1], …, myArray[4].
The statement in Line 2 declares myArray to be an array of 11 components, the component
type is int, and the valid index references are:
myMyArray[2], myMyArray[3], …, myMyArray[12].
The statement in Line 3 declares yourArray to be an array of 14 components, the
component type is int, and the valid index references are:
yourArray[-5], yourArray[-4], …, yourArray[0], …, yourArray[8].
During execution, when accessing an array component, if the index is out of bounds, the
program must terminate with an appropriate error message.
A reference to yourArray[10] should result in the following message
SafeArray index 10 out of bounds: too small
A reference to yourArray[-6] should result in the following message
SafeArray index -6 out of bounds: too small
In both of the above cases, the program should be terminated. Note: to use the exit function,
you must include the header .
You should also write a program to test the SafeArray class. Your program should have the
name SafeArrayTest.cpp. You will submit the files SafeArray.h and SafeArrayTest.cpp. Do
not submit a zip or rar file; submit two files.
An incomplete declaration of the class is shown on the next page. Since you are designing a
templated class, the method implementations must be included in the file SafeArray.h. You are
to supply the missing declarations and code in that file.
//—————— file SafeArray.h ———————
// Declaration
template class
class SafeArray
SafeArray myArray(int firstInvalidIndex);
SafeArray myArray(int firstValidIndex, int firstInvalidIndex);
T& operator[](int ndx);
void print();
int length();
// fill in the declarations as indicated below
// the copy constructor below:
// the overloaded assignment operator:
// the destructor:

int firstValid;
int firstInvalid;
T *A;
// Write below the implementations of the three constructors, the
// destructor, the overloaded assignment and [ ] operators, the print
// method and the length method