CSE 4/574:Assignment 3 – Deep Reinforcement Learning solved


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1 Assignment Overview
The goal of the assignment is to learn the trends in stock price and perform a series of trades over a period
of time and end with a profit. In each trade you can either buy/sell/hold. You will start with an investment
capital of $100,000 and your performance is measured as a percentage of the return on investment.
You will use the Q-Learning algorithm for reinforcement learning to train an agent to learn the trends
in stock price and perform a series of trades. You will implement Q-learning algorithm from scratch. The
purpose of this assignment is to understand the benefits of using reinforcement learning to solve the real
world problem of stock trading.
1.1 Dataset
You have been given a dataset on the historical stock price for Nvidia for the last 5 years. The dataset has
1258 entries starting 10/27/2016 to 10/26/2021. The features include information such as the price at which
the stock opened, the intraday high and low, the price at which the stock closed, the adjusted closing price
and the volume of shares traded for the day.
1.2 Environment
The environment which calculates the trends in the stock price is provided to you along with the documentation. Your task is to use the Q-learning algorithm to figure out a trading strategy and increase your total
account value over time.
Environment Structure:
Init method: This method initializes the environment.
Input parameters:
1. file_path: Path of the CSV file containing the historical stock data.
2. train: – Boolean indicating whether the goal is to train or test the performance of the agent.
3. number_of_days_to_consider = Integer representing whether the number of days the for which the
agent considers the trend in stock price to make a decision
Reset method: This method resets the environment and returns the observation.
Returns: observation: – Integer in the range of 0 to 3 representing the four possible observations that
the agent can receive. The observation depends upon whether the price increased on average in the number
of days the agent considers, and whether the agent already has the stock or not.
Step method: This method implements what happens when the agent takes the action to Buy/Sell/Hold.
Input parameter: action: – Integer in the range 0 to 2 inclusive.
1. observation: – Integer in the range of 0 to 3 representing the four possible observations that the agent
can receive. The observation depends upon whether the price increased on average in the number of
days the agent considers, and whether the agent already has the stock or not.
2. reward: – Integer/Float value that’s used to measure the performance of the agent.
3. done: – Boolean describing whether or not the episode has ended.
4. info: – A dictionary that can be used to provide additional implementation information.
Render method: This method renders the agent’s total account value over time. Input parameter: mode:
’human’ renders to the current display or terminal and returns nothing.
Note: You can’t make changes to the environment.
Task: Implementing Q-learning
1.3 Implementing Q-learning
Implement the Q-learning algorithm from scratch. A general structure for implementing the Q-learning
algorithm is provided in the code file, however you are welcome to modify it/follow your own.
1.4 Producing a Trading Strategy
Apply the Q-learning algorithm to the stock trading environment to generate a trading strategy for maximizing
the agent’s total account value over time.
In your report:
1. Show and discuss the results after applying the Q-learning algorithm to solve the stock trading problem.
Plots should include epsilon decay and total reward per episode.
2. Briefly describe the stock trading environment that’s provided to you (e.g. possible actions, states,
agent, goal, rewards, etc).
3. Provide the evaluation results. Run your trained agent (you will have to set the train parameter to
false) and evaluate the agent’s performance, where the agent chooses only greedy actions from the
learnt policy. Plot should include the agent’s account value over time.
2 Deliverables
Submit your work using UBLearns.
2.1 Report
The report should be delivered as a separate pdf file. You may include comments in the Jupyter Notebook,
however you will need to duplicate the results in the separate pdf file.
2.2 Code
Python is the only code accepted for this project. You can submit the code in Jupyter Notebook or Python
script. You can submit multiple files, but they all need to have a clear name. After executing command
python main.py in the first level directory or Jupyter Notebook, it should generate all the results and plots
you used in your report and should be able to be printed out in a clear manner. Additionally you can submit
the trained parameters, so that the grader can fully replicate your results.
3 References
• NIPS Styles (docx, tex)
• Overleaf (LaTex based online document generator) – a free tool for creating professional reports
• Lecture slides
4 Final Submission [Due date: 5th December 2021]
Add your report pdf and ipynb/python script to a zip file
ubitname_assignment3.zip (e.g. soumyyak_assignment3.zip) and upload it to UBlearns. After the
assignment is graded, you may be asked to demonstrate it to the instructor if your results or reasoning in
your report are not clear enough.
5 Important Information
The standing policy of the Department is that all students involved in any academic integrity violation
(e.g. plagiarism in any way, shape, or form) will receive an F grade for the course. The catalog describes
plagiarism as “Copying or receiving material from any source and submitting that material as one’s own,
without acknowledging and citing the particular debts to the source, or in any other manner representing the
work of another as one’s own.”. Updating the hyperparameters or modifying the existing code is not part of
the assignment’s requirements and will result in a zero. Please refer to the UB Academic Integrity Policy.