Assignment Purpose
To compile, build, and execute an interactive program with using characters, integers, doubles, simple calculations and conditions for decisions in program flow and interaction.
### Libraries
This assignment will require the standard input-output C library.
#include <stdio.h> //printf, scanf
### Skills
– Conditional Formatting
– Type-casting
– Simple math
– Input/Output
### Instructions
– Print “Hello, welcome to the number letter converter” onto the screen.
– Ask the user if they would like to create a letter from a number (Enter 1)
– Or a number from a letter (Enter 2)
– Get the choice from the user (1 or 2)
– You may assume the user will enter an integer for the choice
– If the user enters a 1 ask and get another number from the user
– Create a letter from that number
//EXAMPLE: char letter = (char)inputNumber;
– Add 10 to the number that was entered
– Change the new number to a letter
– Print all 4 onto the screen (2 numbers and 2 letters)
– If the user enters a 2 ask and get a letter (character) from the user
– Create a number from that letter
//EXAMPLE: int number = (int)inputLetter;
– Add 15 to the number that was just created
– Change the new number to a letter
– Print all 4 onto the screen (2 numbers and 2 letters)
– If the user enters any number other than 1 or 2 print the message “please enter a 1 or 2” onto the screen
– Test your program before submitting
Go break some eggs