
CSE224 Module 1 project milestone

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In this first project milestone, you are going to deploy a web server, written in Go, to the cloud, and
fetch documents from that web server using a web client, also written in Go. You’ll gain experience
with provisioning cloud resources such as virtual machines, and will also measure the network
performance experienced between your client and the cloud. Finally, you will get experience with
graphing quantitative network measurement data.
In particular, using code from the book as a starting point, you’re going to create a web client which can
fetch documents from the web server. You’ll modify the web server part so that it can dynamically
generate a document (full of “junk” placeholder text) of a particular length. Your client will request
documents of varying lengths, and you’ll measure the latency and bandwidth between your client and
the server. Using these two tools, you’ll answer some questions about the performance you see
between your client and the cloud and present that data visually.
Read Chapter 1 of the Donovan and Kernighan *The Go Programming Language* book.
After completing Chapter 1 of the book, you’re going to begin by setting up your environment to work on
this milestone. You can provision an AWS virtual machine and use that to develop your code by
following our guide to developing Go on AWS. Alternatively, if you have your own laptop/desktop and
want to develop there, you certainly can, however to complete the milestone you will eventually need to
deploy your code to AWS.
Following the instructions on page xvi of the preface, make sure you can get a copy of the helloworld
program located at ** and run it from your local **$HOME/gobook** directory.
Read our guide on setting up the Go language tools on your new VM to carry out this task.
Starter code
You’re going to base your web client on the fetchall program described in Section 1.6
( Download and build this code, and try it out on some well-known websites
(e.g.,, etc).
You’re going to base your web server on the server3 program described in Section 1.7
( When you deploy your code to your VM in the cloud, you will need to
change the line
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServer(“localhost:8000”, nil))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServer(“”, nil))
so that it will accept your requests (we will explain why this change is necessary during the first part of
the course). Now test out your web server with a regular web browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari,
Edge, etc). Make sure you can see the output of the server, including the request headers. Now, from
your VM or local machine, use a text-based web client (such as wget or curl) and make sure that
you’re able to interact with your server from the command line.
Experiment with adding parameters to the request URL (e.g. /mypath?q=5000). Note the fields that
become visible. Make sure you can add fields in both the graphical web clients as well as the
command-line web clients.
You are going to modify your web server so that it supports a new sub-path called gendata that takes
a parameter numBytes. When this path is called your server will return to the client a string of length
numBytes consisting either of all a single character (e.g. a period) or a pattern of text (e.g.
“abcdef…xyzABCDEF…XYZabc…”) or random text. For the gendata path, do not return the headers
or other form parameters, instead just return the string.
Once you’re implemented the gendata path, test it with graphical and command-line browsers as well
as your fetchall program to make sure the sizes returned by fetchall are correct and that you’re
able to time each request.
After you’ve tested your client and server, you’re going to carry out a series of experiments (described
below) and collect data from those experiments. Finally, you’ll turn in your code and a report of what
you found in those experiments.
Investigate the log.Printf() function to log incoming requests–this can help with debugging your
To create a string that is numBytes characters long, check out the strings.Repeat() function.
You are going to choose two different AWS regions to run the following sets of experiments. You’ll
deploy your client to one region and your server to another region (don’t choose the same region for
both your client and server).
The regions are:
● Ireland
● South Korea
● Brazil
● India
The four experiments you will run are:
1. Serial: Run your fetchall client and request strings of length 1 byte, 1000 bytes, 1,000,000
bytes, and 100,000,000 bytes. For each size, run fetchall three times to collect three data
points, and run each test separately (so you’ll only be running fetchall with a single URL each
time). For the ‘serial’ experiment you will run fetchall 12 times in total (4 runs of fetchall 3 times
each = 12).
2. Concurrent: Run your fetchall client and request strings of length 1 byte, 1000 bytes, 1,000,000
bytes, and 100,000,000 bytes. This time request all four sizes in a single call to fetchall (so you’ll
be running fetchall with four command-line arguments each time). Collect three data points for
each experiment. For the ‘Concurrent’ experiment, you will run fetchall 3 times in total (a single
run of fetchall 3 times = 3).
3. Latency: Using the ping command-line tool built into Windows, Mac, and Linux, estimate the
round-trip time (RTT) and thus one-way latency between your AWS virtual machines (VMs).
You are going to create a bar graph of the data from your serial and concurrent experiments. For this
milestone, simply average together the three runs of each data point (later we will discuss expressing
uncertainty of data using error bars). The x-axis should have four groupings of two bars each (the four
groupings correspond to the different values of numBytes and within each grouping one bar represents
the serial experiment and the other bar represents the concurrent experiment). The y-axis should
represent the effective bandwidth (numBytes divided by the request time).
You can use whatever tool you feel most comfortable with to generate the graph (e.g. Excel, Google
Docs, python, Matlab, etc).
Create a single page PDF using whatever tools you prefer (LaTeX, Google drive, Word, etc) that
includes your name(s), PID(s), and github username(s) as well as the region you used for your client
and the region you used for your server. Include the graph in your report and short (a sentence or two)
answers to these questions:
Q1. For the data from the serial experiment, how was the effective bandwidth affected by the size of
Q2. Using the data from only the Serial experiment, estimate the bandwidth between your client and
your server. Now incorporate the data from your Latency experiment to increase the accuracy of your
bandwidth estimate. Describe how data from the Latency experiment improves accuracy.
Q3. How did the data from the Serial experiment compare from the Concurrent experiment? Similar?
Dissimilar? Explain these results as best you can.
Q4. After carrying out these experiments, what is something that you learned about performance and
networked applications?
Q5. After carrying out these experiments, what is one (or more) unanswered question(s) you still have
about network performance?
(optional) Q6. Any other comments/observations?
├── readme.txt
├── report.pdf
└── src
├── fetchall.go
├── .gitkeep
└── server3.go
1 directory, 5 files
Update the readme with your names, PIDs, and github info for our records. Replace the report with
your report, and include your source code files in the src/ subdirectory.