CS471 Project 1


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1.1 Aims
The aims of this project are as follows:
• To get you to transform a grammar into one which is better suited to
implementing a parser.
• To encourage you to use regular expressions to implement a trivial scanner.
• To make you implement a recursive-descent parser for a tiny language.
• To use JSON to represent abstract syntax trees.
1.2 A Tiny Language
A Tiny Language TL is specied by the following EBNF grammar
The grammar uses the following notation:
• Terminal symbols are shown in all uppercase or within single quotes. All
other symbols are non-terminals.
• The basic grammar notation uses : to separate the LHS non-terminal
from the rst rule, | to separate additional rules and ; to terminate the
rules for a LHS non-terminal.
• EBNF extensions include an unquoted ? to indicate that the previous construct is optional and an unquoted * to indicate zero-or-more repetitions
of the previous construct. Unquoted parentheses are used for grouping,
• Grammar comments are delimited by the # character and end-of-line.
program # [ (def|expr)* ]
: def program
| expr program
| #empty
: ‘def’ id ‘(‘ formals ‘)’ expr # ast: DEF(id, formals, expr)
: id ( ‘,’ id )* # ast: FORMALS(id*)
| #empty # ast: FORMALS()
: expr ‘?’ expr ‘:’ expr # ast: ?:(expr, expr, expr)
| expr ‘<‘ expr # ast: <(expr, expr)
| expr ‘<=’ expr # ast: <=(expr, expr)
| expr ‘>’ expr # ast: >(expr, expr)
| expr ‘>=’ expr # ast: >=(expr, expr)
| expr ‘==’ expr # ast: ==(expr, expr)
| expr ‘!=’ expr # ast: !=(expr, expr)
| expr ‘+’ expr # ast: +(expr, expr)
| expr ‘-‘ expr # ast: -(expr, expr)
| expr ‘*’ expr # ast: *(expr, expr)
| expr ‘/’ expr # ast: /(expr, expr)
| ‘-‘ expr # ast: -(expr)
| integer # ast: integer
| id # ast: id
| ‘(‘ expr ‘)’ # ast: expr
| id ‘(‘ actuals ‘)’ # ast: APP(id, actuals)
: expr ( ‘,’ expr )* # ast: ACTUALS(expr*)
| #empty # ast: ACTUALS()
: INT # ast: INT() @value: integer value
: ID # ast: ID() @id: lexeme for ID
1.2.1 Lexical Constraints
TL programs need to meet the following lexical constraints:
• Comments start with a # character and extend till end-of-line. Comments
and whitespace are not signicant to TL programs.
• The terminal INT must be a sequence of one-or-more digits.
• The terminal ID must be a sequence of alphanumerics or _ but cannot
start with a digit.
• All tokens output by the scanner must have kind and lexeme elds.
 The lexeme eld must always contain the substring of the source
program corresponding to the token.
 All tokens except those with kind ID and INT must have their kind
eld set to the all-uppercase version of the lexeme eld.
1.2.2 Syntactic Constraints
• The precedence of the operators is listed below from lowest to highest with
operators on the same line having the same precedence:
Conditional operator: ?:
Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=
Additive operators: +, – (binary)
Multiplicative operators: *, /
Unary minus: –
The conditional operator ?: is right-associative, the relational operators
are non-associative, all other operators are left-associative.
• An AST must have at least 2 elds: tag and kids; the value of the former
must be a string and the value of the latter a list (possibly empty) of
• In tbe above grammar, an AST with tag T and kids K1, K2, . . ., Kn is
shown as T(K1, K2…,Kn).
Extra elds F added to an AST node are shown as @F. This applies to
AST’s corresponding to primitive tokens.
 The AST for the integer 7 should have the following elds:
tag: INT
kids: []
value: 7; note this should be of type integer.
 The AST for the id xyz should be
tag: ID
kids: []
id: “xyz”
• The AST for an overall program is a list of expr and DEF AST’s in the
same order as the corresponding source code.
• The AST with tag FORMALS must have a ID kid for each formal parameter.
• The AST with tag ACTUALS must have a expr kid for each argument.
• The order of an AST’s kids must be the same as that of the corresponding
symbols in the rule.
1.3 Requirements
Use your favorite programming language to implement a recognizer for TL.
Specically, update your github repository with a directory submit/prj1-sol
such that:
1. Typing ./make.sh within that directory will build any artifacts needed to
run your program.
2. Typing ./scan.sh within that directory will read a TL program from
standard input and output on standard output a JSON list of the tokens
corresponding to the TL program followed by a newline. Each token is as
specied above. Note that characters which are not legal TL characters
should still be recognized as single-character tokens.
3. Typing ./parse.sh within that directory will read a TL program from
standard input and output on standard output a JSON list of the AST’s
corresponding to the TL program followed by a newline.
If there are errors in the TL program, the program should terminate after
detecting the rst syntax error. It should output a reasonably detailed
error message on standard error.
The JSON output should not contain any non-signicant whitespace except for
the terminating newline.
1.4 Provided Files
The prj1-sol directory contains starter shell scripts for the three scripts your
submission is required to contain as well as a template README.
The extras directory contains example TL programs, and some sample JSON
outputs. Note that the JSON outputs are quite unreadable because of the lack
of whitespace but that is easily remedied:
$ cd ∼/cs471/projects/prj1/extras
$ cat simple-asts.json | json_pp
It also contains a backend for translating your JSON AST’s into working C code
which can then be run:
$ cd ∼/cs471/projects/prj1/extras/backends
$ mkdir -p ∼/tmp
$ ./c-target.mjs < ../example-asts.json > ∼/tmp/example.c
$ cd ∼/tmp
$ gcc -g -Wall example.c -o example
$ ./example
1.5 Git
• Always ensure that your local copy of the cs471 course repository is upto-date (this manual step is particularly necessary if you are connecting
to an existing x2go session):
$ cd ∼/cs471
$ git pull
• You will likely be submitting multiple labs while working on this project.
To avoid having updates to the labs and project stepping over each other,
it is imperative that you create a separate branch for this project and for
each lab.
Create a branch for this project in your working copy of your github
$ cd ∼/i471? #go to clone of github repo
$ git checkout main #ensure in main branch
$ git pull #ensure main up-to-date
$ git checkout -b prj1 #create a new branch for this project
Whenever you restart work on this project, it is imperative to ensure that
you are in the correct branch. You can use commands like the following
to ensure that you are in your prj1 branch:
$ cd ∼/i471?
$ git branch -l #list all branches;
#current branch marked by a *.
$ git checkout prj1 #checkout project branch
$ cd submit/prj1-sol #go to project dir
1.6 Hints
This section is not prescriptive in that you may choose to ignore them as long
as you meet all the project requirements.
You may proceed as follows:
1. Review the material covered in class on regex’s, scanners, grammars and
recursive-descent parsing. Review the online parser to make sure you
understand the gist of how arith.mjs works without getting bogged down
in the details of JavaScript.
2. Read the project requirements thoroughly.
3. Choose the implementation language for your project. Ideally it should
support the following:
• Does not require any explicit memory management. This would rule
out lower-level languages like C, C++, Rust.
• Support regex’s either in the language or via standard libraries.
• Easy support for JSON, ideally via standard libraries.
Scripting languages like Python, Ruby, Perl or JavaScript will probably
make the development easiest.
4. Start your project in a manner similar to how you start a lab.
(a) Copy over the provided les and commit them to github:
$ cd ∼/i471?/submit
$ cp -pr ∼/cs471/projects/prj1/prj1-sol .
$ cd prj1-sol
$ git add .
$ git commit -m ‘started prj1’
$ git push -u origin prj1 #push prj1 branch to github
5. Fill in your details in the README template. Commit and push your
6. The requirements forbid extraneous whitespace in the JSON output which
makes the output quite hard to read. To get around this, pipe the output
through a JSON pretty-printer like json_pp which is available on remote¬
.cs. Unfortunately, it seems to output the keys of an object in sorted order
by name, which means that kids print before tag. This is irritating but
not a show-stopper.
7. Start work on your lexer. The tokens it needs to recognize are particularly
• The reserved word def which is recognized as a token with kind set
to DEF.
• Multiple character operators like <=, >=, ==, !=.
• Integer literals with kind set to INT.
• Identiers with kind set to ID.
• All other single character operators.
Additionally, the lexer needs to be set up to ignore whitespace and # to
end-of-line comments.
[These requirements are simple enough that it is quite simple to implement
the lexer without using regex’s, but it is even simpler using regex’s.]
Decide whether your lexer will deliver tokens one at a time or all at once
in a list (the latter is a simpler choice).
Your lexer should read the entire standard input into a string. (this
makes the subsequent recognition of tokens easier). The lexer should be
set up as a loop which loops while you do not have a token.
(a) At the start of the loop check whether the unprocessed portion of the
input starts with whitespace. If so, continue with the loop with the
whitespace discarded from the input.
(b) Check whether the unprocessed portion of the input starts with a #
comment. If so, continue with the loop with the comment discarded
from the input.
(c) Check whether the unprocessed portion of the input starts with any
of the multiple character tokens like ID, INT or any of the multi7
ple character operators. If so, produce the corresponding token and
discard the matching lexeme from the input.
(d) If none of the above cases apply, produce a single character token with
both kind and lexeme set to the character. Discard the character
from the input.
It is key that you set up your regex’s to match only at the start of the unprocessed portion of the input. In most regex engines this can be achieved
by using the ^ anchor.
8. Transform the provided grammar into an EBNF grammar suitable for
recursive-descent parsing. These transformations will be needed for the
operator part of the grammar.
• Use separate non-terminals for each precedence level (repeated here,
in order of increasing precedence):
Conditional operator: ?: (right-assoc)
Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, != (non-assoc)
Additive operators: +, – (binary) (left-assoc)
Multiplicative operators: *, / (left-assoc)
Unary minus: –
• The non-terminal for a precedence level will be dened using the
non-terminal for the next higher precedence level.
• If the operators for a level are right-associative, then use right-recursive
• If the operators for a level are left-associative, then use the Kleeneclosure operator ( … )*.
• If the operators for a level are non-associative, then the rules for that
level will not be recursive.
• The highest precedence level should contain a right-recursive rule for
unary minus plus rules for parenthesized expressions, function calls
and primitive expressions like identiers and integers.
9. Set up your parser to maintain a lookahead token as some sort of “global”
or instance variable. Make sure that when your parser is initialized, it
primes the lookahead with the rst token read from the lexer.
10. Write a check() function which returns true i the kind of the lookahead
token matches the kind provided as its argument.
11. Write a match() function which sets lookahead to the next token from the
lexer if the lookahead token matches the kind provided as its argument.
If that is not the case, it should set things up to output a detailed error
message to standard error and terminate the program.
12. Write some kind of Ast class which supports standard tag and kids
elds as well as an optional value eld when tag is INT’s and an optional
id eld when tag is ID.
13. Develop your parser in the following order so that you can test at each
(a) Primitive integer and identier expressions.
(b) Unary minus expressions.
(c) Multiplicative expressions.
(d) Additive expressions.
(e) Relational expressions.
(f) Conditional expressions.
(g) Parenthesized expressions.
(h) Function call expressions. This will require you to dene a parsing
function for the actuals non-terminal in the grammar specication.
(i) Function denitions.
Adjust your top-level parsing function at each stage to call the current
function which is under development. Output the results of your top-level
parsing function as JSON (pipe the result through json_pp to pretty-print
the result).
It is important to keep in mind that calling match() destroys the current
value of lookahead. Hence if you need part of the lookahead for subsequent building of the AST, then it is imperative that you squirrel away
that information into a local variable before calling match().
The provided devel.tl is set up with test cases which you can uncomment
in successive stages of development.
14. Iterate until you meet all requirements.
It is always a good idea to keep committing your project to github periodically
to ensure that you do not accidentally lose work.
1.7 Submission
Submit using a procedure similar to that used in your labs:
$ cd ∼/i471X
$ git branch -l #list all branches;
# current branch has *, should be prj1.
$ git checkout main #goto main branch
$ git pull # pull changes (if any)
$ git checkout prj1 #back to prj1 branch
$ git merge -m ‘merged main’ main # may not do anything
$ git status -s #should show any non-committed changes
$ git commit -a -m ‘completing prj1’
$ git push #push prj1 branch to github
$ git checkout main #switch to main branch
$ git merge prj1 -m ‘merged prj1’ #merge in prj1 branch
$ git push #submit project