CS471 Lab 4 Prolog


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1.1 Aims
The aim of this lab is to introduce you to Prolog. After completing this lab,
you should have some familiarity with the following topics:
• Using Prolog’s bidirectional pattern matching to access and construct data
• Writing simple Prolog programs which do arithmetic.
• Writing simple list processing functions in Prolog.
1.2 Exercises
1.2.1 Starting up
Follow the provided directions for starting up this lab in a new git lab4 branch
and a new submit/lab4 directory.
For this lab, all code should be written in a single le lab4-sol.pro residing in
your submit/lab4 directory. Submit that le along with a log of your terminal
Note that you can repeately load that le into your Prolog interpreter using:
?- [‘lab4-sol.pro’].
1.2.2 Exercise 1: Prolog Pattern Matching
Recall from class that Prolog terms are either atomic (symbols or numbers),
structures which are applications of constructor functions, or variables. Syntactically, numbers have the usual syntax while Prolog symbols are identiers
starting with lower-case letters or quoted within single-quotes or a sequence
of certain non-word characters. Prolog variables are identiers starting with
upper-case characters or _.
Prolog does (almost) all computation using a general form of pattern matching
called unication. The matching works by nding the most general substitution for Prolog variables which makes two terms identical.
Try the following attempts at pattern matching in the swipl interpreter and
observe the results:
f(X, a) = f(a, Y).
f(X, a) = f(a, X).
f(X, a) = f(b, X).
f(X, Y) = f(a, a), g(X, Y) = g(a, b).
The rst two matches will succeed, but the third one will fail because there is
no consistent substitution for X which makes both terms identical.
The fourth example will also fail. The rst match succeeds with X = a and Y =
a, but the subsequent match for the g/2 terms will attempt to set Y to b which
fails because it already has the value a.
Now type matches into the Prolog interpreter to extract the rst z from the
following terms into a Prolog variable X: (note that you can use the special
anonymous _ variable to match terms you are not interested in):
1. f(1, 2, z).
2. head(a, tail(z, B), Y).
3. cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, z))).
1.2.3 Exercise 2: Matching Lists
Recall that a Prolog term is a proper list if:
• It is the empty list represented using the atom [].
• It is a pair [X|Y] such that Y is a proper list. (Note that [X|Y] is syntactic
sugar for ‘[|]'(X, Y)).
Which of the following Prolog terms are proper lists?
[a, b].
[You can test your predictions by feeding them into the builtin procedure length¬
/2 which matches its second argument with the length of the proper list given
by its rst argument, signalling an error if there is no substitution which makes
the rst argument into a proper list].
Write match expressions to extract the following (using Scheme terms):
1. The cddr of the list [1, 2, 3, 4].
2. The caddr of the list [1, 2, 3, 4].
3. The cdar of the list [[1, 2], 3, 4].
Use racket to ensure that you have the right interpretation of the Scheme terms.
1.2.4 Arithmetic in Prolog
The built-in Prolog operator is/2 provides access to hardware arithmetic. Specifically, is/2 will succeed if the result of evaluating its RHS can be matched
with its LHS:
Type the following into your Prolog interpreter and observe the results:
N = 1 + 2.
N is 1 + 2.
N is 1 + 2*3.
5 is 7 mod 2.
X is 7 mod 2.
X is -7 mod 3.
N is sqrt(4).
N = pi.
N is pi.
1. Write a Prolog procedure quadratic_roots(A, B, C, Z) which matches
Z with a root of the equation Ax2 +Bx+C = 0. Hint: use dierent rules
for each root.
?- quadratic_roots(2, 5, 2, Z).
Z = -0.5 ;
Z = -2.0.
2. Restructure your solution to the previous problem to write a procedure
quadratic_roots2(A, B, C, Z) which obtains the same result as the
previous exercise, but evaluates the discriminant only once. Hint: Evaluate the discriminant only once when quadratic_roots2() is rst entered.
Then solve the roots by passing the calculated discriminant as an argument to an auxiliary procedure having two rules.
1.2.5 List Processing
The recipe for processing lists remains the same as in Scheme. Usually:
• The empty list corresponds to the base case.
• A non-empty list is processed by recursively processing the tail and then
combining the head of the list with the result of the recursive processing.
1. Write a procedure sum_lengths(Ls, Z) which matches Z with the sum
of the lengths of the top-level sublists constituting elements Ls.
?- sum_lengths([[1, 2], [3, [4, 5], 6], [7, 8], [9]], Z).
Z = 8.
This is the results of adding the sublist lengths 2 + 3 + 2 + 1.
2. Write a Prolog procedure sum_areas(Shapes, Sum) which matches Sum
with the sum of the shapes in list Shapes. The following shapes should
be supported:
rectangle(Width, Height)
?- sum_areas([rectangle(3, 4), circle(1), square(3)], Sum).
Sum = 24.141592653589793.
?- sum_areas([triangle(3, 4, 5), circle(1), square(3)],