Take Final EE4371 – Data Structures and Algorithms


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1. For this problem, please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem in wikipedia.
It discusses the knapsack problem and discusses both dynamic programming and greedy
algorithmic approaches.
Given a set of N objects of positive integer weights {wi}, find the subset of these
objects that maximizes

subject to


≤ 10000
xi =
0 ifwi
is not used
1 ifwi
is used
and k is the number of items selected.
Note that log100wi
is negative only for fractional wi which is ruled out by the fact that they
are positive integers. However zero values are not ruled out.
(a) Write the algorithm to solve this problem. Convert the same
to pseudocode.
(b) Implement the same in C and use it to solve the case in input1.txt
(c) Print out the {wi} set that maximizes ∑
log10wi and print
that value as well.
(d) How many conditions had to be checked? What is the time
complexity of the problem?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [15]
2. We want to study the way a fluid approaches thermal equilibrium. We have a 2D region of
size 2×2m
2 within which we have 108 fluid particles. When particles are more than 10−3
metres apart, they do not interact with each other. When they are closer, they experience
a force given by
~F =
2 +y
The force is repulsive and both particles are repelled. At the boundaries, the particles
bounce, i.e., the normal velocity at the walls changes sign and the particles move back into
the region with the same speed.
Initially, half the particles are randomly placed and stationary. The other half are also
randomly placed but have random velocity directions with unit velocity (in m/sec). We
run the simulation with time steps of 10−4
seconds, and is run for 1 second.
(a) If we consider every particle interacting with every other particle,
create an algorithm to solve this problem. Estimate the time required to complete the simulation on a CPU that will compute a
force calculation and add all the forces on a particle and then move
it, for each particle, for each time step, if the CPU can complete
a floating point calculation (of any type) in 10nsec. Integer operations are zero cost (since they are done in parallel with the floating
point calculations)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . [5]
(b) Construct a 4 way tree as follows. Every particle has an x and y
coordinate. Depending on their sign, they can be placed in one
of the subtrees. Eg. (-ve,-ve) would be one sub-branch, (-ve,+ve)
would be another etc. Given a particle at (x, y), express each of
x and y as signed fraction in binary. This is possible since x and
y go from −1 to +1but never reach the boundaries. Now in each
subtree, look at the particles there. Specifically, look at the first
binary digit (the msb bit) we again get (x1, y1), where each can be
0 or 1. Break the region into four as above and place the particle.
Continue for 10 bits. Repeat for every particle.
For each particle, to find other particles within 10−3metres of it,
locate it from (x,y), and go to its parent. Find all the children of
that parent. Those are the desired particles. There will be about
100 of them. Compute the force and move the particle. Repeat for
all particles.
For each time step, you have to create the tree, then find the neighbours of particles, apply the force and move them.
Write pseudocode for this procedure. What will be the time complexity of this code counting tree operations, bit operations and the
float calculations? Estimate the time to execute the code, again ignoring integer operations. Is the neglect of integer operations warranted?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . [5]
(c) Actually code this problem and run the same. You may change the
number of particles and the size of the region to get it to run. Vary
your numbers, and then extimate the speed for the given problem,
above. Does the execution time agree with what you estimated in
(b)? Is (b) a better algorithm than (a)? For what size problem do
you find speedup, if at all? Call dist(*v) to generate the distribution
of velocities at the beginning and at the end.
. . . . . . . . . . . . [10]
(d) Create a function dist(*v) to accept a pointer to the velocity array,
compute the magnitude of velocity (p
2 +y
) as a vector and bin
it. This will be a huge vector of 100 million floats (if you did the
full problem). Sort the values into 100 bins, equally spaced from
negative maximum to positive maximum. Note that a full sort is
not required. Which sort algorithm is most suitable (mention the
L2 cache size of your CPU in your answer)? Write out the bin
populations, and plot them in python or octave.