COSC6000 Homework 04


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Download a file from here (­
current/LANEWORL.txt) .
That is daily averaged temperature data at New Orleans from 1995~present.
There are four columns: month, day, year, and temperature in Fahrenheit (F).
The temperature data is ­99 if no data was available on that day.
Develop a C++ program that imports the temperature data and exports the data of temperature less than
32F. (month, day, year, and temperature)
The program asks users to choose two options: exporting results to either ‘screen’ or ‘file’.
Develop a function that takes a input stream object and a output stream object.
The input stream object is to read the original data file.
The object has to be connected to the file before sending it to the function.
The output stream object is to write the results.
The screen stream object will be ‘cout’.
The file stream object has to be connected to a new file before sending it to the function.
The file stream objects must be closed before the end of program.
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