The administrators of Dino Fun World, a local amusement park, have asked you, one of their data
analysts, to perform three data analysis tasks for their park. These tasks will involve understanding,
analyzing, and graphing attendance data for three days of the park’s operations that the park has
provided for you to use. They have provided the data in the form of a database, described below.
Provided Database
The database provided by the park administration is formatted to be readable by any SQL database
library. The course staff recommends the sqlite3 library. The database contains three tables, named
‘checkins’, ‘attractions’, and ‘sequences’. The information contained in each of these tables is listed
checkin :
Description: checkin data for all visitors for the day in the park. The data includes two types of
checkins, inferred and actual checkins.
Fields: visitorID, timestamp, attraction, duration, type
attraction :
The attractions in the park by their corresponding AttractionID, Name, Region, Category, and type.
Regions are from the VAST Challenge map such as Coaster Alley, Tundra Land, etc. Categories
include Thrill rides, Kiddie Rides, etc. Type is broken into Outdoor Coaster, Other Ride, Carussel,
Fields: AttractionID, Name, Region, Category, type
sequences :
The checkin sequences of visitors. These sequences list the position of each visitor to the park
every five minutes. If the visitor has not entered the part yet, the sequence has a value of 0 for that
time interval. If the visitor is in the park, the sequence lists the attraction they have most recently
checked in to until they check in to a new one or leave the park.
Fields: visitorID, sequence
The database is named ‘dinofunworld.db’ and is in the ‘read only’ folder of the Jupyter Notebook
1: The park’s administrators would like you to help them understand the different paths visitors take
through the park and different rides they visit. In this mission, they have selected 5 visitors at random
whose checkin sequences they would like you to analyze. For now, they would like you to construct
a distance matrix for these 5 visitors. The five visitors have the ids: 165316, 1835254, 296394,
404385, and 448990.
2: The park’s administrators would like to understand the attendance dynamics at each ride (note
that not all attractions are rides). They would like to see the minimum (nonzero) attendance at each
ride, the average attendance over the whole day, and the maximum attendance for each ride on a
Parallel Coordinate Plot.
3: In addition to a PCP, the administrators would like to see a Scatterplot Matrix depicting the min,
average, and max attendance for each ride as above.
Administrative Notes
This assignment will be graded by Coursera’s grading system. In order for your answers to be
correctly registered in the system, you must place the code for your answers in the cell indicated for
each question. In addition, you should submit the assignment with the output of the code in the cell’s
display area. The display area should contain only your answer to the question with no extraneous
information or else the answer may not be picked up correctly. Each cell that is going to be graded
has a set of comment lines at the beginning of the cell. These lines are extremely important and
must not be modified or removed.
A correct submission would result in feedback as:”Correct!”
An incorrect submission would look like: “ Incorrect Response! ”