CSc 4222/6222 Programming Assignment 3


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Section 1: nslookup
In this lab, we’ll make extensive use of the nslookup tool, which is available in most Linux/Unix
and Microsoft platforms today. To run nslookup in Linux/Unix, you just type the nslookup
command on the command line. To run it in Windows, open the Command Prompt and run
nslookup on the command line.
In its most basic operation, nslookup tool allows the host running the tool to query any specified
DNS server for a DNS record. The queried DNS server can be a root DNS server, a top-leveldomain DNS server, an authoritative DNS server, or an intermediate DNS server (see the
textbook for definitions of these terms). To accomplish this task, nslookup sends a DNS query to
the specified DNS server, receives a DNS reply from that same DNS server, and displays the
The above screenshot shows the results of three independent nslookup commands (displayed
in the Windows Command Prompt). In this example, the client host is located on the campus of
Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, where the default local DNS server is
When running nslookup, if no DNS server is specified, then nslookup sends the query to the
default DNS server, which in this case is Consider the first command:
In words, this command is saying “please send me the IP address for the host”.
As shown in the screenshot, the response from this command provides two pieces of
information: (1) the name and IP address of the DNS server that provides the answer; and (2)
the answer itself, which is the host name and IP address of Although the
response came from the local DNS server at Polytechnic University, it is quite possible that this
local DNS server iteratively contacted several other DNS servers to get the answer.
Now consider the second command:
nslookup –type=NS
In this example, we have provided the option “-type=NS” and the domain “”. This
causes nslookup to send a query for a type-NS record to the default local DNS server. In words,
the query is saying, “please send me the host names of the authoritative DNS for”.
(When the –type option is not used, nslookup uses the default, which is to query for type A
records.) The answer, displayed in the above screenshot, first indicates the DNS server that is
providing the answer (which is the default local DNS server) along with three MIT name servers.
Each of these servers is indeed an authoritative DNS server for the hosts on the MIT campus.
However, nslookup also indicates that the answer is “non-authoritative,” meaning that this
answer came from the cache of some server rather than from an authoritative MIT DNS server.
Finally, the answer also includes the IP addresses of the authoritative DNS servers at MIT.
(Even though the type-NS query generated by nslookup did not explicitly ask for the IP
addresses, the local DNS server returned these “for free” and nslookup displays the result.)
Now finally consider the third command:
In this example, we indicate that we want to the query sent to the DNS server
rather than to the default DNS server ( Thus, the query and reply
transaction takes place directly between our querying host and In this example,
the DNS server provides the IP address of the host, which is a web
server at the Advanced Institute of Information Technology (in Korea).
Now that we have gone through a few illustrative examples, you are perhaps wondering about
the general syntax of nslookup commands. The syntax is:
nslookup –option1 –option2 host-to-find dns-server
In general, nslookup can be run with zero, one, two or more options. And as we have seen in the
above examples, the dns-server is optional as well; if it is not supplied, the query is sent to the
default local DNS server.
Now that we have provided an overview of nslookup, it is time for you to test drive it yourself.
Do the following (and write down the results):
1. Run nslookup to obtain the IP address of a Web server in Asia (e.g.
What is the IP address of that server?
2. Run nslookup to determine the authoritative DNS servers for a university in Europe.
3. Run nslookup so that one of the DNS servers obtained in Question 2 is queried for the mail
servers for Yahoo! mail. What is its IP address?
Section 2: Tracing DNS with Wireshark
• Start packet capture by using Wireshark.
• Do an nslookup on
• Stop packet capture.
You should get a trace that looks something like the following:
We see from the above screenshot that nslookup actually sent three DNS queries and received
three DNS responses. For the purpose of this assignment, in answering the following
questions, ignore the first two sets of queries/responses, as they are specific to nslookup and
are not normally generated by standard Internet applications. You should instead focus on the
last query and response messages.
4. To what IP address is the DNS query message sent? Is this the IP address of your default
local DNS server?
5. Provide a screenshot.
Section 3: Capturing packets from an execution of
In order to generate a trace of IP datagrams for this lab, we’ll use the traceroute program to
send datagrams of different sizes towards some destination, X. Recall that traceroute operates
by first sending one or more datagrams with the time-to-live (TTL) field in the IP header set to
1; it then sends a series of one or more datagrams towards the same destination with a TTL
value of 2; it then sends a series of datagrams towards the same destination with a TTL value
of 3; and so on. Recall that a router must decrement the TTL in each received datagram by 1
(actually, RFC 791 says that the router must decrement the TTL by at least one). If the TTL
reaches 0, the router returns an ICMP message (type 11 – TTL-exceeded) to the sending host.
As a result of this behavior, a datagram with a TTL of 1 (sent by the host executing traceroute)
will cause the router one hop away from the sender to send an ICMP TTL-exceeded message
back to the sender; the datagram sent with a TTL of 2 will cause the router two hops away to
send an ICMP message back to the sender; the datagram sent with a TTL of 3 will cause the
router three hops away to send an ICMP message back to the sender; and so on. In this
manner, the host executing traceroute can learn the identities of the routers between itself and
destination X by looking at the source IP addresses in the datagrams containing the ICMP TTLexceeded messages.
We’ll want to run traceroute and have it send datagrams of various lengths.
• Windows. The tracert program (used for our ICMP Wireshark lab) provided with Windows
does not allow one to change the size of the ICMP echo request (ping) message sent by the
tracert program. A nicer Windows traceroute program is pingplotter, available both in free
version and shareware versions at Download and install
pingplotter, and test it out by performing a few traceroutes to your favorite sites. The size of
the ICMP echo request message can be explicitly set in pingplotter by selecting the menu
item Edit-> Options->Packet Options and then filling in the Packet Size field. The default
packet size is 56 bytes. Once pingplotter has sent a series of packets with the increasing TTL
values, it restarts the sending process again with a TTL of 1, after waiting Trace Interval
amount of time. The value of Trace Interval and the number of intervals can be explicitly set
in pingplotter.
• Linux/Unix/MacOS. With the Unix/MacOS traceroute command, the size of the UDP
datagram sent towards the destination can be explicitly set by indicating the number of
bytes in the datagram; this value is entered in the traceroute command line immediately after
the name or address of the destination. For example, to send traceroute datagrams of 2000
bytes towards, the command would be:
%traceroute 2000
Do the following:
• Start up Wireshark and begin packet capture (Capture->Start) and then press OK on the
Wireshark Packet Capture Options screen (we’ll not need to select any options here).
• If you are using a Windows platform, start up pingplotter and enter the name of a target
destination in the “Address to Trace Window.” Enter 3 in the “# of times to Trace” field, so
you don’t gather too much data. Select the menu item Edit- >Advanced Options->Packet
Options and enter a value of 56 in the Packet Size field and then press OK. Then press the
Trace button. You should see a pingplotter window that looks something like this:
Next, send a set of datagrams with a longer length, by selecting Edit->Advanced Options-
>Packet Options and enter a value of 2000 in the Packet Size field and then press OK. Then
press the Resume button.
Finally, send a set of datagrams with a longer length, by selecting Edit->Advanced Options-
>Packet Options and enter a value of 3500 in the Packet Size field and then press OK. Then
press the Resume button.
Stop Wireshark tracing.
• If you are using a Unix or Mac platform, enter three traceroute commands, one with a length
of 56 bytes, one with a length of 2000 bytes, and one with a length of 3500 bytes.
Stop Wireshark tracing.
In your trace, you should be able to see the series of ICMP Echo Request (in the case of
Windows machine) or the UDP segment (in the case of Unix) sent by your computer and the
ICMP TTL-exceeded messages returned to your computer by the intermediate routers. In the
questions below, we’ll assume you are using a Windows machine; the corresponding questions
for the case of a Unix machine should be clear. Whenever possible, when answering a question
below you should hand in a printout of the packet(s) within the trace that you used to answer
the question asked. When you hand in your assignment, annotate the output so that it’s clear
where in the output you’re getting the information for your answer (e.g., for our classes, we ask
that students markup paper copies with a pen, or annotate electronic copies with text in a
colored font).To print a packet, use File->Print, choose Selected packet only, choose Packet
summary line, and select the minimum amount of packet detail that you need to answer the
6. Select the first ICMP Echo Request message sent by your computer, and expand the
Internet Protocol part of the packet in the packet details window.
What is the IP address of your computer?
7. Within the IP packet header, what is the value in the upper layer protocol field?
8. How many bytes are in the IP header? How many bytes are in the payload of the IP
datagram? Explain how you determined the number of payload bytes.
9. Has this IP datagram been fragmented? Explain how you determined whether or not the
datagram has been fragmented.