STATW5702 EDAV Probem Set 5


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Use SVG/JavaScript/D3 to create a visual that will help a user learn about boxplots. It should include a
textual description of what it is showing and have the following functionality: When the user adds points to
the canvas, summary statistics are shown on the screen and a boxplot is drawn. As points are added and
removed, the summary statistics and boxplot are updated. The boxplot transitions smoothly from one state
to the next. (See video links below.)
Use d3.quantile() to determine Q1 and Q3. Outliers are equal to or below Q1 minus 1.5 times the
interquartile range, or equal to or above Q3 plus 1.5 times the interquartile range. (This method should
produce the same boxplots as ggplot2, not base R, which uses Tukey’s five number summary instead of
Use the following method: each time a point is added, bind the data value (not pixel value) to the circle. To
get the data values for all existing circles, use“svg”).selectAll(“circle”).data();. Note
that when you remove a circle, the data value goes with it, so you don’t have to keep track of the data
values separately from the circles. (To put it more strongly: don’t do it. Resist the temptation to keep an
independent array of data values. For this particular visual, such an approach is less elegant, more prone to
error, and more difficult in general.) Note as well that you don’t need to use the general update pattern. In
fact, you do not need to use enter() or append() at all since we don’t have a data source external to the
SVG elements.
Video links:
YouTube slo-mo
CourseWorks slo-mo
Suggested workplan
Follow the minimal viable product model: at each stage of development you should have something that
works. At each of those stages save your work. Note that you only need to turn in the last stage, as it will
contain the functionality of all the previous stages.
Your plan might look something like this:
1. PSet5B-1points.html: Create a rectangle on which points appear if you click.
2. PSet5B-2buttons.html: Add buttons to allow for points to be removed.
3. PSet5B-3scales.html: Add scales.
4. PSet5B-4axis.html: Add a y-axis.
5. PSet5B-5stats.html: Calculate summary statistics as indicated and display them on the right side of
the screen.
6. PSet5B-6boxplot.html: Use the summary statistics to create a boxplot, which updates each time a
point is added or removed. Do not include transitions.
7. PSet5B-7transitions.html: Add transitions.
Functionality Points
points can be added or removed 5 points
y-axis 2 points
summary stats are correct, rounded and ordered 6 points
informative textual description 2 points
boxplot drawn properly 5 points
transitions 5 points
You do not need to follow the model in the video for: specific color choices (be sure though that outliers are
a different color), boxplot width, html layout, cosmetic features in general
Initial SVG elements may be drawn with SVG or D3.
You may borrow code that you find online, just cite your source in code comments.
Make sure your statistics and boxplot are correct. There is a lot of variability in how boxplots are drawn.