1 Objectives
To learn to use Javascript and play with basics
• simple variables (local and global), conditions, loops, methods, and arrays.
• User input validations.
• Event Handling
• Canvas
Work with your group (or by yourself). Each group should only upload one submission.
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1. Warm Up: Try Some Examples
1. First, open blackboard, go to Course Contents, and then download file
into your workspace (U:\workspace or something like that!). Then, unzip.
2. Play with each of the given examples (in the examples directory). Open them using a
text editor of your choice and modify parts of the html or js files to learn how the different
instructions work. If you want to use eclipse instead of notepad or vim or emacs etc.,
create a new static web project and create new html file and open it with a browser.
3. Note: is a good site to learn about web technologies.
Note that the assignment assumes you have understood these examples.
2 Form Validation
2.1 Create a form in HTML and validate entries of the form using javascript.
1. Create two files validation1.html
2. Change the TITLE of the validation1.html page to “Validation Form”.
3. Create a HTML form in validation.html containing the fields as in the table below
and also a continue button. Make it look reasonably good. Validation rules will be
explained in next step.
Field Label Field Type Validation rule Result
First Name TextField *Required. Must contain
only alphabetical or
numeric characters.
Last Name TextField *Required. Must contain
only alphabetical or
numeric characters.
Gender Dropdown(male,female) *Required.
State Dropdown(California,Florida,
*Required, select from
given list and save the
selected one to local
*Required field = Cannot be Empty.
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4. See Create a file named
validation1.js. Remember to include validation1.js in the head element of
5. Write Javascript code in validation1.js so that when user clicks continue button
it does the following:
a) It validates the entries and displays image (for each entry) if the
validation was successful, else it displays image. These images are
included in the lab’s zip file as correct.png and wrong.png.
b) Once the validation is successful, it goes to the next page (i.e.
2.2 Write another html file to enter Contact information Form
1. Create two files validation2.html and validation2.js
2. Change the TITLE of the validation2.html page to “Contact information”.
3. Create a HTML form in validation2.html with the following Fields and a submit
button. Make it look reasonably good.
Field Type Validation rule Result
Email TextField *Required. Must be in
the form
x should be
alphanumeric (e.g. no
special symbols).
Phone TextField Must be in the form
x should be numeric
address TextField *Required. Must have
city, &state.
example: Ames, IA
*Required field = Cannot be Empty.
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4. See Make sure to look at
validation example in ExamplesJS folder. Write Javascript code in validation2.js to
validate the above form when user clicks Submit button. Your code should display
image if the validation was successful, or if there was an error, display image.
Remember to include validation2.js in the head section of validation2.html .
5. When user clicks on submit:
a) if all field are valid, use HTML local storage (click on link to find out
more) to store the address only. Make sure to use text/string arguments when
using localStorage.setItem.
b) go to a new page.
6. On the new page, retrieve local storage to show it on google charts by using geomap
package. The following link
(click on link to find out more) has information on how to use Google map API to display
a map with a location indicated by a circular marker. Go to markers section on the page.
It has complete html + js code to use the google API.
3 Event Handling
Write a Javascript and HTML code to implement the functionality shown in
‘Problem2Output.mp4’ included in the .zip file.
• The line you create can go over any previous paths.
• The line should stop if it touches any boundary
• Use HTML5 Canvas (see
• Make sure to use a timer (see example below) to update the canvas (so that the snake
keeps moving). Timer has two main functionality that can be used in the project
o The setInterval(function, delay) schedules the “code” after every “delay”
o The clearInterval removes the timer
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The following example will give you an alert every second until you press stop.
4 Submission:
Make sure your solutions work on Chrome (which is what TAs will use to grade the assignment).
Zip your html, js files, and participation file (i.e. who worked on which part or if you worked
together). Then, submit this zip file on black board. Remember there is only one submission per
group. Make sure to include all the files that are needed in order to run your program.
Participation file is a simple txt file, which clarifies the specific participation of two members