1. Density estimation: Psychological experiments. (50 points)
The data set n90pol.csv contains information on 90 university students who participated in a psychological experiment designed to look for relationships between the size of different regions of the brain
and political views. The variables amygdala and acc indicate the volume of two particular brain regions
known to be involved in emotions and decision-making, the amygdala and the anterior cingulate cortex;
more exactly, these are residuals from the predicted volume, after adjusting for height, sex, and similar
body-type variables. The variable orientation gives the students’ locations on a five-point scale from 1
(very conservative) to 5 (very liberal).
(a) Form 2-dimensional histogram for the pairs of variables (amygdala, acc). Decide on a suitable
number of bins so you can see the shape of the distribution clearly.
(b) Now implement kernel-density-estimation (KDE) to estimate the 2-dimensional with a two-dimensional
density function of (amygdala, acc). Use a simple multi-dimensional Gaussian kernel, for x =
∈ R
, where x1 and x2 are the two dimensions respectively
K(x) = 1
2 .
Recall in this case, the kernel density estimator (KDE) for a density is given by
p(x) = 1
i − x
where x
i are two-dimensional vectors, h > 0 is the kernel bandwidth. Set an appropriate h so
you can see the shape of the distribution clearly. Plot of contour plot (like the ones in slides) for
your estimated density.
(c) Plot the condition distribution of the volume of the amygdala as a function of political orientation: p(amygdala|orientation = a), a = 1, . . . , 5. Do the same for the volume of the acc. Plot
p(acc|orientation = a), a = 1, . . . , 5. You may either use histogram or KDE to achieve the goal.
2. Implementing EM algorithm for MNIST dataset. (50 points)
Implement the EM algorithm for fitting a Gaussian mixture model for the MNIST dataset. We reduce
the dataset to be only two cases, of digits “2” and “6” only. Thus, you will fit GMM with C = 2. Use
the data file data.mat or data.dat on Canvas. True label of the data are also provided in label.mat and
The matrix images is of size 784-by-1990, i.e., there are totally 1990 images, and each column of the
matrix corresponds to one image of size 28-by-28 pixels (the image is vectorized; the original image
can be recovered, e.g., using MATLAB code, reshape(images(:,1),28, 28).
(a) Select from data one raw image of “2” and “6” and visualize them, respectively.
(b) Use random Gaussian vector with zero mean as initial means, and identity matrix as initial
covariance matrix for the clusters. Please plot the log-likelihood function versus the number of
iterations to show your algorithm is converging.
(c) Report the finally fitting GMM model when EM terminates: the weights for each component, the
mean vectors (please reformat the vectors into 28-by-28 images and show these images in your
submission). Ideally, you should be able to see these means corresponds to “average” images. No
need to report the covariance matrices.
(d) (Optional). Use the pic to infer the labels of the images, and compare with the true labels. Report
the miss classification rate for digits “2” and “6” respectively. Perform K-means clustering with
K = 2. Find out the miss classification rate for digits “2” and “6” respectively, and compare with
GMM. Which one achieves the better performance?