CS 340 HW 3 Relational Algebra


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In this assignment you will be writing relational algebra (not SQL) queries to select various sets
of data. Attached is a schema of a fish database.
Fish- General fish categories. The TankType FK references the type of tank this fish should be
kept in.
TankTypes- The types of tanks fish can be in (salt water, reef, brackish, freshwater etc)
FoodTypes- Types of food that exist in the fish universe (alge, bloodworms, flakes etc).
FishDiet- This is a many to many table describing the types of food different types of fish can
eat. The pair indicates that a fish is able to eat that kind of food.
TankInstance- This is a specific tank that exists in the world. The TankType FK reference the
type of tank this tank is.
FishInstance- This is a specific fish that exists in the real world.
Questions (Each question has 20 points)
1. Select the CommonName and FoodType Name of all pairs of Fish and FoodTypes that are
compatible. This means a single Fish may appear several times (once for each kind of food it
can eat).
2. Select the CommonName and ScientificName of all Fish in TankInstances of TankSize 60.
3. Select all of the FoodType Names that can be used to feed at least one FishInstance in the
TankInstance with TankInstanceId of 44.
4. Select all FishInstance FishInstanceId which are in a tank that is not compatible for them. In
other words, if the Fish TankType is not the same as the TankType of the TankInstance a
FishInstance is in, it is in an incompatible tank.
5. Convert the following into relational algebra:
SELECT Player.id, Team.name, City.name FROM Player
INNER JOIN Team ON Player.team_id = Team.id
INNER JOIN City ON Team.city_id = City.id
WHERE Player.score = 200;