CS546 “Parallel and Distributed Computing” Term Project


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This project entails implementing two-dimensional convolution on parallel computers using
different parallelization techniques and models. The objectives are to design and implement
parallel programs using different models for parallelization and communication.
2-D convolution: assume Im1 and Im2 are two N*N images, where each element is a complex
number (in reality an input image will have its real part as non-zero, while complex part will be
zero). 2-D convolution can be implemented by first taking 2-D Fast Fourier Transform of each
input image, then perform point-wise multiplication of the intermediate results from the 2D FFTs,
followed by an inverse 2-D FFT. That is,
A=2D-FFT(Im1) (task1)
B=2D-FFT(Im2) (task2)
C=MM_Point(A,B) (task3)
D=Inverse-2DFFT(C ) (task4)
Where A, B, C, and D are N*N arrays of complex. D is the final output. We are only interested in
the real part of D.
2D-FFT: a 2D-FFT can be performed using 1D-FFT routines (which will be provided to you).
2D-FFT is obtained by first performing N, N-point 1D-FFTs along rows followed by N, N-point
1D-FFT along columns of the intermediate result of the row-fft step.
On a P-processor system, 2D FFT can be implemented by decomposing the data along rows, each
processor performing local row FFTs on its part of data, then transposing the data, followed by
another round of row FFTs (which are columns of the intermediate data because of the transpose).
This project requires you to do the following:
(a) Implement the 2D convolution using SPMD model and use MPI send and receive
operations to perform communication. You need to run your program on 1, 2, 4, and 8
processors and provide speedups as well as computation and communication timings.
(b) Implement 2D convolution using SPMD model but use MPI collective communication
functions wherever possible. You need to run your program on 1, 2, 4 and 8 processors and
provide speedups as well as computation and communication timings.
(c) Implement 2D convolution model using SPMD model using hybrid programming (MPIopenMP or MPI-Pthreads, Lecture 18). You need to run your program on 1, 2, 4 and 8
processors, with 8 threads per processors. You need to provide speedups as well as
computation and communication timings.
(d) Implement 2D convolution model using a Task and Data Parallel Model. You also need to
show the use of communicators in MPI. Let’s say we divide the P processors into four groups:
P1, P2, P3, and P4. You will run Task 1 on P1 processors, Task 2 on P2 processors, Task 3
on P3 processors, and Task 4 on P4 processors. The Following figure illustrates this case.
Report computation and communication results for P1=P2=P3=P4=2.
(e) Compare the results obtained in (a) – (d) for the case of 8 processors. Do not compute time for
loading/writing data files.
All data files are 512*512 sizes. The data files contain 512*512 floating point values stored in
ascii form with newline separating a row from the next(row 0 is written followed by \n then row 1
etc…). Your program must read these data files and generate an output file in the same format.
The 1D-FFT source code “fft.c” and two sets of sample input and output files (set #1:
“1_im1”,”1_im2”, and “out_1”; set #2: “2_im1”, “2_im2”, and “out_2”) are provided on the
Row FFT Column FFT
The following is a simple C loop to read the input:
FILE *f; /*open file descriptor */
for (i=0;i<512;i++)
for (j=0;j<512;j++)
This is a simple C loop to write the output:
for (i=0;i<512;i++) {
for (j=0;j<512;j++)
Task 1
on P1
Task 2
on P2
Task 3
on P3
Task 4
on P4