Introduction to Programming with Python Homework4


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1. (100 points) More Strings, Lists, Sets,Dicts, and Modules

In this part of the homework, we will extend the processing of the expenses.txtfile that we worked on in Homework 3.

a. In IDLE or the Python development environment of your choice, edit the This script contains the part of the code from Homework 3 that:

1) Displays the expenses sorted by ascending dollar amount;
2) Displays the expense categories; and,
3) Displays the mappings from 2-digit month number strings to 3-character month names.

Examine the code in the script to confirm that you understand what it’s doing, then run to confirm that it works.

b. Display the expenses sorted by ascending dollar amount, as in a.1 above, but neatly formatted rather than as just a sequence of lists. That is, display neatly aligned columns, with expense amounts in 8-character wide fields with 2 digits after the decimal point (so that the decimal points line up vertically), and no [] characters or ‘ characters. Your output should look like this:

Amount Category Date Description
5.25 supply20170222 box of staples
6.53 meal 20170302 Dunkin Donuts, drive to…

383.75 travel 20170223 flight to Boston, to …
1247.49 supply 20170306 Dell 7000 laptop/workstation

c. Display the same report again, but this time with the Date column first, Category column next, then Amount and Description, like this:

Date Category Amount Description
20170222 supply 5.25 box of staples
20170302 meal 6.53 Dunkin Donuts, drive to…

20170223 travel 383.75 flight to Boston, to …
20170306 supply 1247.49 Dell 7000 laptop/workstation

d. Those dates are pretty ugly: programmer-friendly perhaps, but not user friendly. Display the same report again, but this time using 3-character month names rather than 2-character month numbers. You can slice the date string into pieces, then use your n2s dictionary to look up the 3-character month name for the 2-digit month number, and display output that looks like this:

Date Category Amount Description
22-Feb-2017 supply 5.25 box of staples
02-Mar-2017 meal 6.53 Dunkin Donuts, drive to…

23-Feb-2017 travel 383.75 flight to Boston, to …
06-Mar-2017 supply 1247.49 Dell 7000 laptop/…

e. Display the report again, but this time in ascending order by date. For expenses occurring on the same date, the records should be sub-sorted by category. (Hint: create a copy of the data list of lists with Date moved to the first column and Category moved to the second column, then sort.) The output should look like this:

Date Category Amount Description
22-Feb-2017 meal 79.81 lunch with ABC Corp. …
22-Feb-2017 supply 5.25 box of staples
22-Feb-2017 travel 43.00 cab back to office

23-Mar-2017 util 284.23 Peoples Gas
25-Mar-2017 supply 9.98 Flair pens

f. Display the ascending date order report again, with totals displayed at the end. Display a total for all expenses, and also a total for each category. Notice that the money amounts for the totals should line up vertically with the individual expense amounts. Make sure that you use the categories found in the input data file to compute the per-category totals, rather than “hard-coding” the four categories that exist in the current expenses.txtinput file. Without “giving away” the correct totals, your output should look like this:

Date Category Amount Description
22-Feb-2017 meal 79.81 lunch with ABC Corp. …
22-Feb-2017 supply 5.25 box of staples
22-Feb-2017 travel 43.00 cab back to office

23-Mar-2017 util 284.23 Peoples Gas
25-Mar-2017 supply 9.98 Flair pens

Total: XXXX.XX
meal Total: XXXX.XX
supply Total: XXXX.XX
travel Total: XXXX.XX
util Total: XXXX.XX

g. Save a copy of your code file as Edit to create a function named exp_report() that takes a file name (a str) as an argument, and that processes its input file so as to produce a report as described in part 1.f, above. The exp_report() function has to do a lot, so it will be very long! The exp_report() function should only display the 1.f-style report, and should not display all the other output that displays for parts 1.a through 1.e above.

Below the definition of your exp_report() function, test it by calling it with your expenses.txt file as its argument:


The output should be the same as for part 1.f, above.

h. Modify your code file so that the function call


only occurs if is the main module, that is, if __name__ == ‘__main__’. Run to test that your modified module works correctly and displays the output report for expenses.txt as in 1.f.

i. Create a new code file,, to test your module using a different input file. The provided expenses2.txt file is in the same format as expenses.txt, but has different records and different expense categories. Edit your file to import the exp_report module with the abbreviation er, and then call the er.exp_report() function with your expenses2.txt file as its argument. You should see output like this:

Date Category Amount Description
22-Jul-2018Entr 79.81 DEF client dinner
22-Jul-2018Supp11.25 tape dispenser
22-Jul-2018Trav63.00 cab back to office

23-Aug-2018Util 221.83 Peoples Gas
25-Aug-2018Supp12.25Sharpie pens

Total: XXXX.XX
Educ Total: XXXX.XX
Entr Total: XXXX.XX
Meal Total: XXXX.XX
Supp Total: XXXX.XX
Trav Total: XXXX.XX
Util Total: XXXX.XX

When finished, put your,, and source code files into a .zip file, and upload your .zip file to Canvas.