
COMP1406 – Assignment 9

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In this assignment, you will get practice using ArrayList and HashMap data types.

(1) The Basic Classes

Assume that a private cell phone company wanted you to write a program to keep
track of various calls made between its customers.

Here is a basic Customer
class that maintains information for a single customer:
public class Customer {
private String name;
private String number;
private PhonePlan plan;
public Customer(String n, String num, PhonePlan p) {
name = n;
number = num;
plan = p;
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getNumber() { return number; }
public PhonePlan getPlan() { return plan; }
public void setPlan(PhonePlan p) { plan = p; }
public String toString() {
return name + ” [” + number + “] on a ” + plan.toString();

The above class makes use of a PhonePlan class as follows:
public class PhonePlan {
private int minutesAllowed;
private int minutesUsed;
public PhonePlan(int mins) {
minutesAllowed = mins;
minutesUsed = 0;
public int getMinutesAllowed() { return minutesAllowed; }
public int getMinutesUsed() { return minutesUsed; }
public void setMinutesAllowed(int x) { minutesAllowed = x; }
public void setMinutesUsed(int x) { minutesUsed = x; }
public int getMinutesRemaining() {
return minutesAllowed – minutesUsed;
public String toString() {
return (“(” + minutesAllowed + ” minute) Monthly Plan with ” +
getMinutesRemaining() + ” minutes remaining”);

You will need this Call class as well, which represents information corresponding to a phone call:
import java.util.Date;
public class Call {
private Customer madeFrom;
private Customer madeTo;
private Date time;
private int length; // in seconds
public Call(Customer f, Customer t, Date d, int len) {
madeFrom = f;
madeTo = t;
time = d;
length = len;
public Customer getMadeFrom() { return madeFrom; }
public Customer getMadeTo() { return madeTo; }
public Date getTime() { return time; }
public int getLength() { return length; }
public String toString() {
return (String.format(“%d:%02d”,length/60,length%60) +
” call from ” + madeFrom.getNumber() +
” to ” + madeTo.getNumber());

(2) The PhoneNetwork class

Create a class called PhoneNetwork that keeps an ArrayList called customers of Customer objects to
represent the customers that will be making and receiving phone calls. The class must also keep two
HashMaps called outgoingCalls and incomingCalls.

The keys for the outgoing call map are the unique
phone numbers of customers who have made calls during the month. The value for each key of the
map should be an ArrayList of Call objects that represents all calls that were made from that phone
number that month (i.e., could be empty).

Similarly the keys for the incoming call map are the unique
phone numbers of customers who have received calls during the month. The value for each key of the
map should also be an ArrayList of Call objects that represents all calls that were received to that phone
number that month (i.e., could be empty).

1. Create an appropriate constructor and get methods.
2. Create a register() method that takes a customer’s name (String), phone number (String) and an
integer indicating how many minutes that customer’s monthly plan will allow before being charged
extra. The code must maintain that information accordingly in the PhoneNetwork object.

3. Create a makeCall() method that takes a fromPhoneNumber, a toPhoneNumber and an integer
indicating how many seconds that the call lasted. The code must update the PhoneNetwork
object’s HashMaps accordingly. Note that new Date() returns the current date and time. Note
that for a 300 second call, this uses up 5 minutes of BOTH the customer calling as well as the
customer being called. a 301 second call will use up 6 minutes (rounded up to nearest minute).

4. Write a displayStats() method that displays (to the System.out console) some statistics for each
customer pertaining to the phone call activity during the month. It should show the customer’s
phone number, name, number of outgoing calls made (possibly 0), number of incoming calls
received (possibly 0), the number of minutes per month allowed on their plan, the number of
minutes used during the month,

the number of minutes gone over the plan limit, the base cost for
the plan (which is $20 for the first 100 minutes plus $5 for every additional 100 minutes), the extra
cost (which is 15 cents per minute over the plan’s allowed minutes amount … round seconds up to
the nearest minute), the HST on the base amount plus extra cost, and finally the total cost. You
should lay everything out neatly using String.format().

Here is what it should look like:
613-111-1111 Rob Banks 7 2 200 74 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
819-222-2222 April Rain 6 5 200 75 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
613-333-3333 Rita Book 6 5 100 76 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-444-4444 Sue Permann 8 7 100 116 16 20.00 2.40 2.91 $25.31
819-555-5555 Tim Bur 1 7 100 66 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-666-6666 Paddy O’Lantern 3 5 100 74 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-777-7777 Sam Pull 7 7 200 127 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
613-888-8888 Sandy Beach 5 3 300 88 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90
819-999-9999 Adam Bomm 3 2 300 46 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90
613-555-1234 Hugo First 5 5 300 75 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90
613-555-5678 Lee Nover 5 0 200 48 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
613-666-1234 Mabel Syrup 3 5 200 51 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
613-666-5678 Mike Rohsopht 6 5 300 114 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90
613-777-1234 Adam Sapple 2 1 100 26 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-777-5678 Moe Skeeto 3 8 100 62 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
819-888-1234 Anita Bath 4 5 100 78 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-888-5678 Rusty Chain 6 3 100 96 0 20.00 0.00 2.60 $22.60
613-999-1234 Stu Pitt 6 8 200 97 0 25.00 0.00 3.25 $28.25
613-999-5678 Val Crow 7 5 300 100 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90
613-444-1234 Neil Down 2 7 300 85 0 30.00 0.00 3.90 $33.90

5. Create a method called customerMakingMostCalls() which returns a Customer object
representing the customer who made the most calls during the month.
6. Create a method called customerReceivingMostCalls() which returns a Customer object
representing the customer who received the most calls during the month.

7. Create a method called wasCallMade(String n1, String n2) which returns a boolean indicating
whether or not a call was made during the month from phone number n1 to phone number n2.

Here is the program that you must run to test your code. Since it generates up to 100 random calls,
make sure to run it a few times. Check to make sure that it works for all these situations:

• at least one Customer did not make any calls
• at least one Customer did not receive any calls
• a situation where “Stu Pitt” called “Mabel Syrup”
• a situation where “Stu Pitt” did not call “Mabel Syrup”.
public class CallSimulationTestProgram {
public static void main(String args[]) {

PhoneNetwork phoneNetwork = new PhoneNetwork();
// Register some customers
phoneNetwork.register(“Rob Banks”, “613-111-1111”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“April Rain”, “819-222-2222”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“Rita Book”, “613-333-3333”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Sue Permann”, “613-444-4444”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Tim Bur”, “819-555-5555”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Paddy O’Lantern”, “613-666-6666”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Sam Pull”, “613-777-7777”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“Sandy Beach”, “613-888-8888”, 300);

phoneNetwork.register(“Adam Bomm”, “819-999-9999”, 300);
phoneNetwork.register(“Hugo First”, “613-555-1234”, 300);
phoneNetwork.register(“Lee Nover”, “613-555-5678”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“Mabel Syrup”, “613-666-1234”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“Mike Rohsopht”, “613-666-5678”, 300);
phoneNetwork.register(“Adam Sapple”, “613-777-1234”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Moe Skeeto”, “613-777-5678”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Anita Bath”, “819-888-1234”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Rusty Chain”, “613-888-5678”, 100);
phoneNetwork.register(“Stu Pitt”, “613-999-1234”, 200);
phoneNetwork.register(“Val Crow”, “613-999-5678”, 300);
phoneNetwork.register(“Neil Down”, “613-444-1234”, 300);
// Simulate up to 100 calls randomly
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
int ind = (int)(Math.random()*phoneNetwork.getCustomers().size());
Customer fromPerson = phoneNetwork.getCustomers().get(ind);
ind = (int)(Math.random()*phoneNetwork.getCustomers().size());
Customer toPerson = phoneNetwork.getCustomers().get(ind);
int callLength = (int)(Math.random()*1000 + 5);
if (fromPerson != toPerson)
toPerson.getNumber(), callLength);
// Add a 5 minute call from Rusty Chain to April Rain
phoneNetwork.makeCall(“613-888-5678”, “819-222-2222”, 300);
// Display the stats
// Compute some interesting details
System.out.println(“\nCustomer who made the most calls: ” +
System.out.println(“Customer who received the most calls: ” +
System.out.println(“Did Rusty Chain call April Rain: ” +
phoneNetwork.wasCallMade(“613-888-5678”, “819-222-2222”));
System.out.println(“Did Rusty Chain call himself: ” +
phoneNetwork.wasCallMade(“613-888-5678”, “613-888-5678”));
System.out.println(“Did Stu Pitt call Mabel Syrup: ” +
phoneNetwork.wasCallMade(“613-999-1234”, “613-666-1234”));

Make sure that your test code compiles, runs and produces the correct output. Hand this test code in
with your assignment.

NOTE: Submit all .java files needed to run (including the test program). You MUST NOT use packages in your code, nor

Submit ALL of your files in one folder such that they can be opened and compiled individually in JCreator. Some
IDEs may create packages and/or projects automatically. You MUST export the .java files and remove the package code at
the top if it is there.

Do NOT submit JCreator projects either. JUST SUBMIT the JAVA FILES. Note that if your internet
connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for handing in an assignment late … so
make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !

Please NOTE that you WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. You
will also lose marks if your code is not written neatly with proper indentation. See examples in
the notes for proper style.