CS1XC3 Development Basics Assignment 5 – typedef, struct and realloc()


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Primary Learning Objectives
• Write a C program that uses typedef and struct to create a ‘new type’.
• Write a C program that uses realloc() to reallocate memory.
Create a program that allows the user to enter a set of geographic positions, prints out the
positions, sorts them by northernmost position using selection sort, and prints out the sorted
Your program must use typedef and struct together to define a ‘new geographic position type’
for representing geographic coordinates with a latitude and longitude. Your program must
create a dynamically allocated array of this geographic position type that is initially able store
one (and only one) geographic position.
Your program must then begin to ask the user to enter latitude and longitude coordinates.
After each position is entered, your program must ask the user whether they wish to continue
entering geographic positions, accepting the characters ‘y’ or ‘n’ as a response. If the user
wishes to continue entering geographic positions, then space for one more geographic position
should be dynamically reallocated with realloc(), and the user should be asked again to enter
latitude and longitude coordinates. While latitude and longitude coordinates have specific
ranges, you do not need to implement input validation for this assignment. You can also
assume the user will enter in either ‘y’ or ‘n’ when prompted.
Once the user selects ‘n’ to stop entering geographic positions, the positions that were entered
should be printed in the order in which they were entered. A function should be created to
handle printing geographic positions, and this function should be used to print the geographic
positions. Don’t worry about decimal points of precision for the output of the coordinates.
The geographic positions should be sorted using the selection sort algorithm from
northernmost positions to southernmost positions. Research how the selection sort algorithm
works and implement it with a function in C to sort your geographic positions from
northernmost to southernmost. After sorting the geographic positions, use the print function
you’ve created to print out the now sorted geographic positions. Remember to free your
dynamically allocated array.
Your program should work identically or near-identically to this example:
Hint: If you use scanf to read in double values for the latitude and longitude position, you may
find that if you try to use scanf to then read in a char value (for ‘y’ or ‘n’) that the scanf is
“skipped”. If this is the case, what is likely happening is that after the user hits enter on the
previous scanf (say to read in longitude), a ‘\n’ character remains the input buffer, and your
scanf to read in the char value sees the ‘\n’ in the input buffer and returns. You may need to
clear the input buffer of any newline characters then before using your scanf to read a
character, which you could do with code like this: while (getchar() != ‘\n’);
Save your solution in a file named geopos.c and put it in a zip file named a5.zip and submit it to
the Assignment #5 dropbox on Avenue to Learn.
Marking scheme
Component Description Marks
allocation and
Is the array dynamically allocated? Is the array size
dynamically re-allocated as needed? Is the memory freed?
Selection sort Selection sort implementation, sorted by nothernmost 20
User input User input latitude, longitude, ‘y’ or ‘n’ character to decide
if more positions are to be entered
Print function Is a function used to print out the geographic positions? 10
Comments Are there sensible comments documenting the code? 10
Total: 100