1. Consider the wine dataset from Mini Project 2. As there, we will take Quality as the quantitative
response, the remaining 6 variables as predictors, and all the data as training data. For all the models
below, use leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to compute the estimated test MSE.
(a) Fit a linear regression model using all predictors and compute its test MSE.
(b) Use best-subset selection based on adjusted R2
to find the best linear regression model. Compute
the test MSE of the best model.
(c) Use forward stepwise selection based on adjusted R2
to find the best linear regression model.
Compute the test MSE of the best model.
(d) Use backward stepwise selection based on adjusted R2
to find the best linear regression model.
Compute the test MSE of the best model.
(e) Use ridge regression with penalty parameter chosen optimally via LOOCV to fit a linear regression model. Compute the test MSE of the model.
(f) Use lasso with penalty parameter chosen optimally via LOOCV to fit a linear regression model.
Compute the test MSE of the model.
(g) Make a tabular summary of the parameter estimates and test MSEs from (a) – (f). Compare
the results. Which model(s) would you recommend?
2. Consider the diabetes dataset from Mini Project 3. As there, we will take Outcome as the binary
response, the remaining 8 variables as predictors, and all the data as training data. For all the
models below, use 10-fold cross-validation to compute the estimated test error rates. You may use the
bestglm package for parts (b)-(d) of this problem. See, e.g.,
packages/bestglm/vignettes/bestglm.pdf and https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.
com/2897_9220b21cfc0c43a396ff9abf122bb351.html. Note that regsubsets function from leaps
package for variable selection will not work for these data as it only works with linear models.
(a) Fit a logistic regression model using all predictors and compute its test error rate.
(b) Use best-subset selection based on AIC to find the best logistic regression model. Compute the
test error rate of the best model.
(c) Use forward stepwise selection based on AIC to find the best logistic regression model. Compute
the test error rate of the best model.
(d) Use backward stepwise selection based on AIC to find the best logistic regression model. Compute the test error rate of the best model.
(e) Use ridge regression with penalty parameter chosen optimally via 10-fold cross-validation to fit
a logistic regression model. Compute the test error rate of the model.
(f) Use lasso with penalty parameter chosen optimally via 10-fold cross-validation to fit a logistic
regression model. Compute the test error rate of the model.
(g) Make a tabular summary of the parameter estimates and test error rates from (a) – (f). Compare
the results. Which model(s) would you recommend? How does this recommendation compare
with what you recommended in Mini Project 3?