STAT 6340 (Statistical and Machine Learning) Mini Project 3


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1. Consider the diabetes dataset from Mini Project 2. We will take Outcome as the response, the other
variables as predictors, and all the data as training data. We would like to understand how the
predictors are related with the response.
(a) Perform an exploratory analysis of data.
(b) Build a “reasonably good” logistic regression model for these data. There is no need to explore
interactions. Carefully justify all the choices you make in building the model.
(c) Write the final model in equation form. Provide a summary of estimates of the regression
coefficients, the standard errors of the estimates, and 95% confidence intervals of the coefficients.
Interpret the estimated coefficients of at least two predictors. Provide training error rate for the
2. Consider the diabetes dataset from #1. Although in the class we have discussed cv.glm for computing
test error rates using cross-validation, you may use the caret package (https://topepo.github.
io/caret/) for doing so as it is not restricted to the GLMs. Use all predictors for all the models
considered for this problem.
(a) Fit a logistic regression model using all predictors in the data. Provide its error rate, sensitivity,
and specificity based on training data.
(b) Write your own code to estimate the test error rate of the model in (a) using LOOCV.
(c) Verify your results in (b) using a package. Make sure the two results match.
(d) For the logistic regression model you proposed in #1, estimate the test error rate using LOOCV.
(e) Repeat (d) using LDA from Mini Project #2.
(f) Repeat (d) using QDA from Mini Project #2.
(g) Fit a KNN with K chosen optimally using the LOOCV estimate of test error rate. Repeat (d)
for the optimal KNN. (You may explore tune.knn function for finding the optimal value of K
but this is not required.)
(h) Compare the results from the various classifiers. Which classifier would you recommend? Justify
your answer.
3. Consider the oxygen saturation data stored in oxygen_saturation.txt file available on eLearning.
The data consist of measurements of percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen in 72 adults,
obtained using an oxygen saturation monitor (OSM, method 1) and a pulse oximetry screener (POS,
method 2). You can read about oxygen saturation on Wikipedia,
Oxygen_saturation_(medicine). We are primarily interested in evaluating agreement between the
two methods for measuring oxygen saturation.
(a) Make a scatterplot of the data and superimpose the 45o
line. Next, make a boxplot of absolute
values of differences in the measurements from the two methods. Comment on the extent of
agreement between the methods. Note that the methods would have perfect agreement if all the
points in the scatterplot fell on the 45o
line, or equivalently, all the differences were zero.
(b) Let Y1 and Y2 denote the population of observations of methods 1 and 2, respectively, and
D = Y1 − Y2 denote their difference. Let θ be the total deviation index (TDI) between the two
methods. For a given large probability p, it is defined as the pth quantile of |D|. Here we will
take p = 0.90. Argue that smaller values for θ imply better agreement.
(c) Provide a point estimate ˆθ of θ. (Tip: If the population parameter is a quantile, what should
be its natural estimator?)
(d) Write your own code to compute (nonparametric) bootstrap estimates of bias and standard error
of ˆθ, and a 95% upper confidence bound for θ computed using the percentile method. Interpret
the results.
(e) Repeat the computation in (e) using boot package and compare your results.
(f) State your conclusion about the extent of agreement between the two methods. Would you say
that the methods agree well enough to be used interchangeably in practice? Justify.