A Problematic Spam Filter ISTA 331 Hw2


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Introduction. The first AI application that impacted everyone’s daily life was the
spam filter. In this assignment, you will use Naïve Bayes to implement a simple
spam filter, a technique still in use in many filters,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naive_Bayes_spam_filtering. Ours is overly simple,
resulting in some serious drawbacks, but the basics are there.
Instructions. Download get_data.py, put it in your hw2 folder, and run it. Create
a module named hw2.py. Below is the spec for two classes containing 10 methods
and a main function. Implement them and upload your module to the appropriate
D2L Assignments folder.
Testing. Download hw2_test.py and the auxiliary files and put them in the same
folder as your hw2.py module. Run it from the command line to see your current
correctness score. Each of the 11 methods/functions is worth 9% of your
correctness score. You can examine the test module in a text editor to understand
better what your code should do. The test module is part of the spec. The test file
we will use to grade your program will be different and may uncover failings in your
work not evident upon testing with the provided file. Add any necessary tests to
make sure your code works in all cases.
Documentation. Your module must contain a header docstring containing your
name, your section leader’s name, the date, ISTA 331 Hw2, and a brief summary of
the module. Each function must contain a docstring. Each function docstring
should include a description of the function’s purpose, the name, type, and purpose
of each parameter, and the type and meaning of the function’s return value.
Grading. Your module will be graded on correctness, documentation, and coding
style. Code should be clear and concise. You will only lose style points if your code
is a real mess. Include inline comments to explain tricky lines and summarize
sections of code.
Collaboration. Collaboration is allowed. You are responsible for your learning.
Depending too much on others will hurt you on the tests. “Helping” others too
much harms them in reality. Cite any sources/collaborators in your header
docstring. Leaving this out is dishonest.
Necessary import statements:
from sklearn.feature_extraction import stop_words
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
Also import math, string, random, and os.
Class, method, and function specifications.
class LabeledData:
Look at the test file in an editor. Implement the functions in the order
• parse_line
• parse_message
• __init__
The point of LabeledData objects is to hold an N x 1 data matrix X of emails (as a
list of strings) and a labels vector (also a list) y, also of length N, containing 0’s
where the corresponding emails are ham and 1’s where they are spam.
__init__: This instance method takes two strings with default arguments of ‘data/
2002/easy_ham’ and ‘data/2002/spam’, respectively. The first one is a relative
path to a corpus of ham emails; the second is a relative path to a corpus of spam
emails. The default corpuses will be our training data. It also takes a data matrix
and a labels vector with default arguments of None. Name their parameters X and y,
respectively. The instance variables in the objects created by this method will also
be named X and y.
• If the parameter X is None, set the instance variable X to a list of parsed
emails from the ham directory followed by the spams. In other words, you will
have to traverse the filenames in those directories, pass each filename to
parse_message (below), and append the parsed email to the list you are
building. y should be a list of the same length as X containing 0’s in the same
positions as the ham emails in X and 1’s corresponding to the spams. If the
parameter X is not None, then instead assign the instance variables to the
corresponding parameters.
parse_message: This instance method takes the name of a file containing an email
with the following format:
 A line starting with From that has no colon.
 A bunch of header lines that start with a word followed by a colon, then more
 The subject line, which we want to grab, that starts with Subject:
 More header lines.
 A blank line.
 The rest of the email, from which we want to extract the text, except for
header lines from previous emails, which have the format: whitespace, a
word ending in a colon, more text.
From exmh-workers-admin@redhat.com Thu Aug 22 12:36:23 2002
Return-Path: <exmh-workers-admin@example.com>
Delivered-To: zzzz@localhost.netnoteinc.com
Cc: exmh-workers@example.com
Subject: Re: New Sequences Window
In-Reply-To: 1029945287.4797.TMDA@deepeddy.vircio.com
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 18:26:25 +0700
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:54:46 -0500
Message-ID: 1029945287.4797.TMDA@deepeddy.vircio.com
You can see as many examples as you like in your data folders. You will return a
string containing a cleaned version of the email. Use the following steps:
• Open the email file with the following keyword arguments: errors =
‘ignore’, encoding = ‘ascii’. This will strip all non-ASCII characters (for
test repeatability, because special character handling can vary by OS and
Python version).
• Ignore all of the header except for the subject line. (Hint: you can look for
the first blank line to locate the end of the header.)
• Concatenate the tokens from the subject line to the string you’re building
separated by spaces except for the Re:’s (make sure you skip re: no matter
what case it is).
• For each of the rest of the lines, pass the line to static method parse_line
and concatenate a space and the returned value onto the string your
building, unless the string is empty. If the string is empty and the returned
value is not, set the string to the returned value. Call the static method
thusly: LabeledData.parse_line(line).
parse_line: This is a static method takes a line from an email and returns stripped
line, unless it’s a header line, in which case, return the empty string. To make a
static method, put @staticmethod on the line before the method signature and do
not include the self parameter. This is a way of including a function definition
within a class that is not tied directly to specific instances.
class NaiveBayesClassifier:
__init__: This instance method takes a LabeledData object, a pseudocount with a
default value of 0.5, and a hyperparameter called max_words that limits the number
of tokens used in classifying an email with default value 50. To initialize your
• Assign the LabeledData object to an instance variable called labeled_data
and the token limit to an instance variable called max_words.
• Assign a SnowballStemmer(‘english’) object to an instance variable called
• Count and store the number of spams and hams.
• Store a word count dictionary, obtained by calling the count_words instance
method, in an instance variable called word_probs.
• Finally, process the word counts into estimated probabilities. Loop over the
dictionary, replacing all of the frequencies with estimated probabilities
according to the following formula (k is the pseudocount):
N+2 k
tokenize: This instance method takes a string representing an email and returns a
set representing a vector of lowercased, stemmed tokens, excluding any stop
words. Make the token vectors case-insensitive by lowercasing the email message.
Replace all occurrences of “n’t” with the empty string (the stemmer doesn’t handle
these well). Replace every character in string.punctuation with the empty string.
Replace all digits with the empty string. Finally, split the resulting string, pass the
individual words to the instance’s stemmer, and add the returned value to a set.
Create and return a set containing all of the stemmed tokens except those that are
in stop_words.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS.
count_words: This instance method returns a word count dictionary that maps
tokens to 2-element lists. The first element is the frequency of spam emails that
contain the token, the second the frequency of ham emails. Go through every email
in the LabeledData object, tokenize it, and then loop through the resulting set of
tokens incrementing your dictionary appropriately for every token in the message.
Return the dictionary.
get_tokens: When classifying a message, we won’t use every token in the
message, but rather just a randomly chosen subset. This instance method takes a
token vector representing an email and returns a random sample of the tokens in it.
You can use random.sample to select a subset. The sample should be of size
minimum of max_words and the length of the message. Select your sample from a
sorted list of the keys (sorting isn’t important for performance, it’s just for test
repeatability here).
spam_probability: This instance method takes a string representing an unlabeled,
unclassified email and returns an estimate probability that it is spam. Tokenize the
message. Return 1 if none of the tokens are keys in word_probs (What does this
mean we are assuming about a message when it contains no tokens we’ve
seen before?). Initialize variables to hold the logs of our estimated spam and ham
probabilities. Get a random sample of the tokens. For each of the tokens in the
sample, if the token is in the word_probs dictionary, update the log probability
variables (this is where we’re doing the joint conditional probability part of our
Naïve Bayes algorithm). Turn the log probabilities into probabilities. Return:
spam probability∗0.5
spam probability∗0.5+ham probability∗0.5
What are we assuming about the odds that a new email is spam/ham?
What is strange about this formula the way it is written (code it up this
way anyway so that your result matches mine)? Why do we have
max_words? What happens as the number of tokens we use to calculate the
probability gets bigger and bigger?
classify: This instance method takes a string representing an email and returns
True if our classifier estimates that probability (using spam_probability) that it is
spam is at least 50%, False otherwise.
predict: This instance method takes an N x 1 data matrix (list) of email messages
and returns a list of Booleans representing our predictions as to the spamminess of
each message. (Just call classify on every member of the list).
main: Make a training dataset by calling LabeledData with no arguments. Make a
testing dataset by calling LabeledData with the arguments ‘data/2003/easy_ham’
and ‘data/2003/spam’. Make a classifier with the training data, setting max_words
to 25. Use the data matrix in the test data to get a predictions list. Create a
confusion matrix using the test data labels and the predictions. Print it. Your
confusion matrix should resemble the following:
Make sure you remove that line before you turn in your code. Print your test’s
accuracy score in the following format:
Include this code at the bottom of your module:
if __name__ == “__main__”:
Run your code with several different values of max_words. What happens
as max_words starts to get pretty big? Why?