ECE 4310/6310 Introduction to Computer Vision Lab #4 – region interaction


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In this project each student must implement interactive region growing. Your program
will build upon two pieces of code given at the web site. The plus program allows the
user to load and display an image, and demonstrates several GUI and event handling
techniques. The region growing code demonstrates growing a region based upon several
predicates. These pieces must be integrated into a new program that allows the user to
click any location in an image and visualize the results of growing a region there.
The plus program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0. The project file must
be converted to use later versions of the software. You can obtain any version of the
software from CCIT, and a free version is available at Microsoft’s web site.
The program should visualize the region growing by coloring pixels as they join the
growing region. The program should have a GUI option that allows the user to select the
color for pixels that join the region. The program should also have an option that clears
the result of a previous region grow, displaying the original image.
The program should have a menu option to grow the region in “play” mode or in “step”
mode. In play mode, a pixel should join the region each 1 ms. In step mode, a pixel
should join the region each time the user presses the key “j”. The program should allow
the user to change between modes while a region is growing.
The program should use a dialog box to allow the user to select values for two predicates
for joining the region. The first predicate is the absolute difference of the pixel intensity
to the average intensity of pixels already in the region. (To join, a pixel must be within
this range.) The second predicate is the distance of the pixel to the centroid of pixels
already in the region. (To join, a pixel must be within this range.) Both predicates
should be applied at the same time while growing a region.
Grading will be determined via demonstration. The TA will schedule demos. Submit
your C-code (as an attachment) and report (as an attachment) to Use as subject header ECE4310-1,#4 or ECE6310-1,#4. This
email is due by midnight of the due date.